Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Is it brutal to stand by and cheer as "very fine person" after "very fine person" chokes to death on ventilators after refusing life saving vaccines? I don't believe so.

Hawkeye, along with his deviant sick fuck sexual proclivities and his obvious alcohol issues, also has anger management issues. It is what it is. He's weird, disturbing, and obviously extremely fucked up.
Yes, down the road, monkeys might fly out of my ass. I might grow two heads. But TODAY I am at least ten times less likely to die of Covid than you are. And I am five times less likely to accidently kill someone than you are. That makes YOU a dangerous person that cannot be allowed out in public. It's math.
Again, you do you. I'm good. :thumbsup:
Whatever gets your fundie ass to sleep at night -- and back to your Church of Covid.

You got vaccinated, but you're trying to stop "very fine people" from getting vaccinated.

Why? Do you want them to die before they can vote in next year's election?

What is your endgame with this? Because the only people you're hurting are your own.

Every day we read another story of a "very fine person" who choked to death on a ventilator.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.


You got vaccinated, but you're trying to stop "very fine people" from getting vaccinated.

Why? Do you want them to die before they can vote in next year's election?

What is your endgame with this? Because the only people you're hurting are your own.

Every day we read another story of a "very fine person" who choked to death on a ventilator.
Again, believe whatever gets your crazy fundie ass to sleep at night.

Fortunately, I'm not stupid and don't gamble.
Fauci will be on the hot seat when republicans take over the house in 2023.

How so? They can't fire him, he's a Title 42 employee, not a political appointee.

42-50 Tenure

  1. All appointments, including conversions from other pay systems, to positions under 42 U.S.C. § 209(f) are in the excepted service. Work schedules may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.
  2. Appointments may be indefinite. That is, they do not have a stated time limit so one may serve an entire Federal career under an indefinite appointment.
How so? They can't fire him, he's a Title 42 employee, not a political appointee.

42-50 Tenure

  1. All appointments, including conversions from other pay systems, to positions under 42 U.S.C. § 209(f) are in the excepted service. Work schedules may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.
  2. Appointments may be indefinite. That is, they do not have a stated time limit so one may serve an entire Federal career under an indefinite appointment.

Fauci can be demoted and removed from his position of ‘eminence’. Trump would have done it months ago.
Fauci can be demoted and removed from his position of ‘eminence’. Trump would have done it months ago.

It's odd how you guys are about Fauci. Anyone in the role would have made the kinds of recommendations he made. Things we have to do during a pandemic were never going to be popular.

Anyway, it's over. COVID won. Trump supporters won. You guys should all be celebrating.
Fauci can be demoted and removed from his position of ‘eminence’. Trump would have done it months ago.

trump had almost a year to do it but he didn't, because he can't. I guess you didn't know this either.

"The question that is being asked on cable news, in media publications, and perhaps around dinner tables across the country: Can the president have Dr. Fauci fired?

The answer, based only on the evidence available to the public, is probably not. The President himself doesn’t have the authority to fire Dr. Fauci, who is a Title 42 employee and not a political appointee. But were the President to hypothetically order an official at HHS to fire Dr. Fauci, in order for the removal to be legal there would have to be cause — Dr. Fauci would had to have engaged in removable misconduct or poor performance.

Disagreeing with a President most likely does not fall into poor performance or misconduct. In fact, it is a prohibited personnel practice to make an employment-related decision because of a career employee’s political activities. While it may be acceptable for political appointees to be removed for differing opinions than those of their president, the fact that Dr. Fauci does not agree with the President about COVID-19 is NOT a valid reason to fire him.

We don’t know the details of Dr. Fauci’s work at NIH, so we can’t speak specifically to his performance or conduct on the job. However, misconduct, loosely defined, is the violation of a valid workplace rule.
Is a statement made in contradiction with the President misconduct? Probably not. Dr. Fauci doesn’t appear to have violated a workplace rule, as he has authorization to speak to the press about NIAID matters."
It's odd how you guys are about Fauci. Anyone in the role would have made the kinds of recommendations he made. Things we have to do during a pandemic were never going to be popular.

Anyway, it's over. COVID won. Trump supporters won. You guys should all be celebrating.

It Covid is winning it’s because of the failure of the vax to halt transmission and a lack of emphasis on therapeutics.

Or put into two words, Anthony Fauci.
How so? They can't fire him, he's a Title 42 employee, not a political appointee.

42-50 Tenure

  1. All appointments, including conversions from other pay systems, to positions under 42 U.S.C. § 209(f) are in the excepted service. Work schedules may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.
  2. Appointments may be indefinite. That is, they do not have a stated time limit so one may serve an entire Federal career under an indefinite appointment.
18 U.S.C. § 1001
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device, a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
18 U.S.C. § 1001
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device, a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.

If you think Fauci did 1,2 and 3 it's pointless to continue. 18 US Code covers federal crimes and criminal procedures. There were no tricks, schemes or fraudulent statements by Fauci except in the minds of anti-vaxxers. The lies came from trump's WH. *That* should have been a crime.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]"President Trump and his advisers have taken a more hands-on role than previously known in shaping Covid-19 recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helping create a crisis of confidence in the nation’s top public-health agency.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]The changes the White House has sought—in many cases successfully—go beyond the agency’s public messaging. White House advisers have made line-by-line edits to official health guidance, altering language written by CDC scientists on church choirs, social distancing in bars and restaurants as well as internal summaries of public-health reports, according to interviews with current and former agency and administration officials and their emails."

If you think Fauci did 1,2 and 3 it's pointless to continue. 18 US Code covers federal crimes and criminal procedures. There were no tricks, schemes or fraudulent statements by Fauci except in the minds of anti-vaxxers. The lies came from trump's WH. *That* should have been a crime.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]"President Trump and his advisers have taken a more hands-on role than previously known in shaping Covid-19 recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helping create a crisis of confidence in the nation’s top public-health agency.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]The changes the White House has sought—in many cases successfully—go beyond the agency’s public messaging. White House advisers have made line-by-line edits to official health guidance, altering language written by CDC scientists on church choirs, social distancing in bars and restaurants as well as internal summaries of public-health reports, according to interviews with current and former agency and administration officials and their emails."


Sen. Rand Paul says that newly public documents about the extent of U.S. funding of coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, show that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied during his previous testimony to Congress.

Sen. Rand Paul says that newly public documents about the extent of U.S. funding of coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, show that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied during his previous testimony to Congress.

Where does it say that the money given by the NIH to EcoHealth Alliance was used for gain-of-function research? And where does it say Fauci had any ties to EcoHealthAlliance, or any authority over how they used their grants?

" In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. (
In 2014, the U.S. government put a pause on new funding of gain-of-function research, which it defined this way: “With an ultimate goal of better understanding disease pathways, gain-of-function studies aim to increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility.”)

In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH."


"...on May 13, Paul said he didn’t know whether SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. “Nobody knows,” he said. But he posited that if it did, Fauci, among others, “could be culpable for the entire pandemic,” adding, “I’m not saying that happened. I don’t know.”

Paul made the money-is-fungible argument, saying the NIH gave money to the lab, regardless of what that particular grant funded. But then asserted that NIH funding furthered risky gain-of-function research. The answer to the question of whether it did or didn’t depends on whom you ask and their definition of gain-of-function.

Hours after his May 11 exchange with Paul, Fauci at a fact-checking conference hosted by that it would “almost be irresponsible” to not collaborate with Chinese scientists given that the 2003 SARS outbreak originated in China. “So we really had to learn a lot more about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses.”

He called the EcoHealth collaboration “a very minor collaboration as part of a subcontract of a grant,” and said Paul conflated that with the claim that “therefore we were involved in creating the virus, which is the most ridiculous, majestic leap I’ve ever heard of.”

Fauci said he wasn’t convinced that the coronavirus developed naturally. “I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened.”
Where does it say that the money given by the NIH to EcoHealth Alliance was used for gain-of-function research? And where does it say Fauci had any ties to EcoHealthAlliance, or any authority over how they used their grants?

" In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. (
In 2014, the U.S. government put a pause on new funding of gain-of-function research, which it defined this way: “With an ultimate goal of better understanding disease pathways, gain-of-function studies aim to increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility.”)

In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH."


"...on May 13, Paul said he didn’t know whether SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. “Nobody knows,” he said. But he posited that if it did, Fauci, among others, “could be culpable for the entire pandemic,” adding, “I’m not saying that happened. I don’t know.”

Paul made the money-is-fungible argument, saying the NIH gave money to the lab, regardless of what that particular grant funded. But then asserted that NIH funding furthered risky gain-of-function research. The answer to the question of whether it did or didn’t depends on whom you ask and their definition of gain-of-function.

Hours after his May 11 exchange with Paul, Fauci at a fact-checking conference hosted by that it would “almost be irresponsible” to not collaborate with Chinese scientists given that the 2003 SARS outbreak originated in China. “So we really had to learn a lot more about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses.”

He called the EcoHealth collaboration “a very minor collaboration as part of a subcontract of a grant,” and said Paul conflated that with the claim that “therefore we were involved in creating the virus, which is the most ridiculous, majestic leap I’ve ever heard of.”

Fauci said he wasn’t convinced that the coronavirus developed naturally. “I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened.”
All I said is Fauci will be on the hot seat when republicans take control of the house in 2023. That's 16 months from now. I'm betting Fauci decides to retire.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
But they are in the minority (nurses). Unfortunately, you have a MSM that is whole hog on board with the corporate medical faction who will promote, bull horn and highlight these folks as representing ANYONE and EVERYONE who questions the status quo. Carefully research in posted self video testimonies and articles will show you numerous seasoned ER nurses support the OP.

As a whole, the media has been an utter failure throughout this and has been good for little more than spreading panic porn and lauding Fauci.

There are a lot of nurses and healthcare workers who disagree *vehemently* with the vax mandate. Not surprisingly, many of them are young women in their child bearing years and they simply do not trust our public health ‘experts’ and Big Pharma.

They are smart enough to know that it’s impossible [not hyperbole] for anyone to know if the vax will have any adverse effects of fetal development. That’s right, it’s impossible for anyone to know because ‘knowing’ entails years of study. It typically takes years for FDA approval of a vax for reasons exactly like this. What they call ‘knowing’ is lack of evidence. That insults the intelligence of the actually smart people.

The irony is their critics are the dumb idiots because of their *ignorance* about things like this.

It’s anecdotal, but my 31 year old daughter works at a hospital and she knows several of her friends who took the vax and started having irregular menstrual cycles after the jab. Kind of a Red Flag, don’t you agree? A significant number of them applied for an exemption from the mandate but NOT A SINGLE ONE was granted. Including, one person with leukemia and at least one other person with Factor V blood clot disorder.

Consequently, some of them are choosing to be fired instead of being forced to be Guinea pigs against their will. I’ve been warning lefties and the Vax fanatics about the political ramifications to this for months because I saw it coming months ago. This inflexible, heavy handed approach by the Biden administration, is even pissing people off who strongly support vaccination.

And they will be voting in a little over a year.

Dead on target.
You are officially Taichiliberal's bitch.


Sad, isn't it? The fool won't read the information that disproves his blathering, then babbles on because I won't waste time and space trying to explain things to him that he'll just deny. Typical of MAGA minions .... they consistently revise reality and then incessantly parrot it. Small wonder why I have him on IA for a month.