Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop acting simple, listen and LEARN:

For simplification (once you get past the self promo schtick)

If you’re incapable of articulating your position there’s no point in posting here. You seem unable to do so.

translation: yet another BS right wing wonk displaying intellectual cowardice by NOT READING information from a valid source. That way, he can always just discuss "opinion" and tell everyone else they are wrong.

Once exposed as a troll, I just dump these stubborn simps into an IA bin.

Maybe next month you'll learn enough to discuss like an adult instead of just posting slogans & memes like some silly grade school kid. Adios.
You linked to a long scientific paper. In your own words, what do you conclude from reading it and how is it relevant to this discussion.

Why don't you admit you're just too dumb to understand the subject that you are constantly giving mental diarrhea on? Get lost, you clown....I'm done with you.
translation: yet another BS right wing wonk displaying intellectual cowardice by NOT READING information from a valid source. That way, he can always just discuss "opinion" and tell everyone else they are wrong.

Once exposed as a troll, I just dump these stubborn simps into an IA bin.

Lol you think I’m a right wing wink? Too funny. I read the abstract. It is simply a recounting of how the vaccine. If you think you found a grand prize in your Cracker Jack because gene therapy that’s completely irrelevant. So what. It is still a vaccine and it is highly effective. You can’t even articulate a simple point. Your debate skills appear to be posting links and flinging adhoms. Exactly like the Trumptards.
Your words by the chronology of the posts:

Actually, nurses are just as stupid as the rest of the population. I know several who are anti-vax morons like you

Who cares about your opinion? Nurses are no smarter than the rest of the general population.

I'd expect anyone with some post secondary education to be at the higher end of the 'average intelligence' spectrum. So what?

They aren't. They are in the average intelligence range.

Only insipidly stubborn and mentally deficient right wing trolls think they can lie in a printed medium. You can't even acknowledge how you contradict yourself. You just demonstrated that. Once I reduce trolls to the moronic spewings that you do here, I just dump their sorry asses into the IA bin for a month and watch them dog my threads and posts like a bitch in heat. See ya later.

You keep saying goodbye but you never leave. You’re THAT guy. Lol at you.
But they are in the minority (nurses). Unfortunately, you have a MSM that is whole hog on board with the corporate medical faction who will promote, bull horn and highlight these folks as representing ANYONE and EVERYONE who questions the status quo. Carefully research in posted self video testimonies and articles will show you numerous seasoned ER nurses support the OP.

As a whole, the media has been an utter failure throughout this and has been good for little more than spreading panic porn and lauding Fauci.

There are a lot of nurses and healthcare workers who disagree *vehemently* with the vax mandate. Not surprisingly, many of them are young women in their child bearing years and they simply do not trust our public health ‘experts’ and Big Pharma.

They are smart enough to know that it’s impossible [not hyperbole] for anyone to know if the vax will have any adverse effects of fetal development. That’s right, it’s impossible for anyone to know because ‘knowing’ entails years of study. It typically takes years for FDA approval of a vax for reasons exactly like this. What they call ‘knowing’ is lack of evidence. That insults the intelligence of the actually smart people.

The irony is their critics are the dumb idiots because of their *ignorance* about things like this.

It’s anecdotal, but my 31 year old daughter works at a hospital and she knows several of her friends who took the vax and started having irregular menstrual cycles after the jab. Kind of a Red Flag, don’t you agree? A significant number of them applied for an exemption from the mandate but NOT A SINGLE ONE was granted. Including, one person with leukemia and at least one other person with Factor V blood clot disorder.

Consequently, some of them are choosing to be fired instead of being forced to be Guinea pigs against their will. I’ve been warning lefties and the Vax fanatics about the political ramifications to this for months because I saw it coming months ago. This inflexible, heavy handed approach by the Biden administration, is even pissing people off who strongly support vaccination.

And they will be voting in a little over a year.
translation: yet another BS right wing wonk displaying intellectual cowardice by NOT READING information from a valid source. That way, he can always just discuss "opinion" and tell everyone else they are wrong.

Once exposed as a troll, I just dump these stubborn simps into an IA bin.

I read it. It doesn't say anything negative about Covid vaccines or gene therapy. Did you have a point? Now would be the time to make it. Just sayin'
Wow you got owned on this thread.

LOL, sure, sure. Let's recap, shall we? The premise of this thread is that nurses are smarter than others, and a nurse quit her job rather than get vaccinated, therefore vaccinations are bad. The premise fails on multiple points. The most basic is 'appeal to authority' fallacy. Nurses are neither smarter than the general population, nor more knowledgeable about the vaccines. The response of the OP is falsely claim that I called all nurses 'morons' (I didn't). Next, the OP claims that this is one of many stories, but posts no numbers. Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence. The OP then went on to post a couple of scientific articles that have nothing to do with the harmful effects of the vaccine, and when pressed to explain the relevance of the articles was completely unable to do so.

LOL, who got owned again? Solid contribution on your part though, troll.
As a whole, the media has been an utter failure throughout this and has been good for little more than spreading panic porn and lauding Fauci.

There are a lot of nurses and healthcare workers who disagree *vehemently* with the vax mandate. Not surprisingly, many of them are young women in their child bearing years and they simply do not trust our public health ‘experts’ and Big Pharma.

They are smart enough to know that it’s impossible [not hyperbole] for anyone to know if the vax will have any adverse effects of fetal development. That’s right, it’s impossible for anyone to know because ‘knowing’ entails years of study. It typically takes years for FDA approval of a vax for reasons exactly like this. What they call ‘knowing’ is lack of evidence. That insults the intelligence of the actually smart people.

The irony is their critics are the dumb idiots because of their *ignorance* about things like this.

It’s anecdotal, but my 31 year old daughter works at a hospital and she knows several of her friends who took the vax and started having irregular menstrual cycles after the jab. Kind of a Red Flag, don’t you agree? A significant number of them applied for an exemption from the mandate but NOT A SINGLE ONE was granted. Including, one person with leukemia and at least one other person with Factor V blood clot disorder.

Consequently, some of them are choosing to be fired instead of being forced to be Guinea pigs against their will. I’ve been warning lefties and the Vax fanatics about the political ramifications to this for months because I saw it coming months ago. This inflexible, heavy handed approach by the Biden administration, is even pissing people off who strongly support vaccination.

And they will be voting in a little over a year.
Forced guinea pigs.

What a perfect description.
LOL, sure, sure. Let's recap, shall we? The premise of this thread is that nurses are smarter than others, and a nurse quit her job rather than get vaccinated, therefore vaccinations are bad. The premise fails on multiple points. The most basic is 'appeal to authority' fallacy. Nurses are neither smarter than the general population, nor more knowledgeable about the vaccines. The response of the OP is falsely claim that I called all nurses 'morons' (I didn't). Next, the OP claims that this is one of many stories, but posts no numbers. Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence. The OP then went on to post a couple of scientific articles that have nothing to do with the harmful effects of the vaccine, and when pressed to explain the relevance of the articles was completely unable to do so.

LOL, who got owned again? Solid contribution on your part though, troll.
You are officially Taichiliberal's bitch.
