Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just goes to show what can happen when you take off the willfully ignorant right wing actually learn something.

Not really wearing any blinders ... I just choose to ignore or not comment to some people. People like TDAK and others I ignore using the ignore feature because of their racist bent that so often comes out in their posting, then there are some who I ignore because of the language they use. I mostly ignore Desh because she comes off as a screaming banshee with whom there is no reasoning. And then there are some like you who I know are so far from me on the political spectrum that nothing said would change anything about the way either of us think AND with whom I have very little in common elsewhere. I communicate regularly with a couple left wing posters and we're never going to change each other's minds politically but there is still some common interests ... cooking, gardening, baseball, golf, guns, etc. So I rarely carefully read what you post and if I do I rarely comment. I was just surprised because most anti-vaxers I've talked to are way right wing...further to the right than I am, if that's possible. So I was surprised to find thay you were. I'll tell you like I tell my right wing friends...more power to you. No one should be forced to take the vaccine, IMO.

:blah: A lot of time and effort to deal to tell everyone you're not interested in what I post, yet here you are commenting and stating you follow my post. Me, I just IA people that are fringe politicos or social commentators, along with trolls after some exchanges that become pointless or an exposing of their deplorable mindset. Saves' scroll time, less annoying. But whatever keeps you off the streets, son. Adios.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And yet, you don't have the wildfire of Covid all over this country that would be ten fold IF the "logic" of vaccination held true.

That's because vaccination and mitigation efforts are different throughout the country.

Here's the best visualization of what's happening:

So you can clearly see from there that certain places are move rife with COVID than others.

And then you can see here exactly how mitigation and vaccine efforts play out when it comes to deaths:


No, it's because all the assertions and predictions by the CDC, NIH, Big Pharma commercials/ads and MSM bull horn are NOT panning out in reality. Remember this; the CDC, AMA and NIH have given doctors the power to deem a death "covid related" despite a critical pre condition based on a fault ridden PCR test.

Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning

Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators
Several reasons. One....Because I am in favor of free will on the part of the individual. That's "one" because it is the main one.

I'm a Christian and believe that society would be better if we all were ... but I would have been a terrible crusader back in the day because I believe in the free will of the individual. And I don't treat non-Christians or atheists badly nor do I think they should be treated badly. But that's just me. I have been vaccinated and am on tap to take the Phizer booster in a few weeks. But I am not treating those who I know do not agree with me any differently (in the congregation where I preach we are at 85% vaccinated but we love the 15% also) even though I wonder why they are so against the vaccination. But that's just me as well. Free will and free moral agency go hand in hand, IMO.

How far do you believe the free will of the individual should go? How much anti-social behavior would you tolerate to support your position? Exercising free will MUST have consequences. Every murderer and every rapist exercised their 'free will'. But I'm guessing you don't think they should be allowed to. And yet unvaccinated people are passively killing THOUSANDS of people, and that is okay with you. I don't get it.
No, it's because all the assertions and predictions by the CDC, NIH, Big Pharma commercials/ads and MSM bull horn are NOT panning out in reality.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Over 750,000 people have died from COVID, and now, 99.9% of COVID victims are unvaccinated.

The charts clearly show that vaccinations and mask requirements work. If everyone had done what NY and NJ did, we wouldn't have the pandemic today:

What the fuck are you talking about?

Over 750,000 people have died from COVID, and now, 99.9% of COVID victims are unvaccinated.

The charts clearly show that vaccinations and mask requirements work. If everyone had done what NY and NJ did, we wouldn't have the pandemic today:


Here's what I'm "fucking talking about". If a comedian/social commentator can document this, then wonks like you should have no problem checking his sources, like I did. Pay attention:

Here's what I'm "fucking talking about". If a comedian/social commentator can document this, then wonks like you should have no problem checking his sources, like I did. Pay attention:

A comedian isn't a scientist, and the data clearly shows that all the mitigation efforts work.

So what is your goal? To convince people COVID isn't that big a deal?

This is a "woe is me, I'm fucking stupid so I'm going to be a jackass about it to someone who is clearly better informed than I am" WHINE.

The only thing you're better informed about is what those talking points e-mail blasts say that you get in your inbox every A.M.

Often those things are absolutely incorrect.
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A comedian isn't a scientist, and the data clearly shows that all the mitigation efforts work.

So what is your goal? To convince people COVID isn't that big a deal?


I never said he was. I merely point out that the man is using FACTS DERIVED FROM THE VERY SOURCES PRO-JAB WONKS RELY ON...something you seem want to ignore.....your charts and graphs based on flawed data (PCR tests not designed to test for disease, the dubious "covid related" hospitalization/death rates regarding chronic pre-conditions, etc.). One can determine this if one reads all information available carefully, comprehensively and with critical thinking. I catalog such in various Covid Follies posts.

Spare me the party line that tries to demonize and denounce any and all critique and questioning regarding the official party line. My point is that from the jump we've been subject to bad policy and medical science, while virtually NO alternative guidelines as to bettering your immune system out side of isolation, wearing a mask, getting hospitalized and then finally getting injected/injections with experimental gene therapy posing as a vaccine that DOES NOT make you immune from contracting the disease, with a better than 50/50 chance of serious/critical side effects. Covid is serious, but it's NOT the bubonic plague...and false gods like Fauci along with Big Pharma have too much money and prestige to cop to that.
I never said he was.

STOP. Yes you freakin' did, so stop bullshitting me.

I merely point out that the man is using FACTS DERIVED FROM THE VERY SOURCES PRO-JAB WONKS RELY ON.

Using cherry-picked data to help confirm your biases.

Fact of the matter is that mitigation efforts work, which is why NYC and NJ only experienced 1 additional wave instead of the 4 that TX and FL experienced.
your charts and graphs based on flawed data (PCR tests not designed to test for disease, the dubious "covid related" hospitalization/death rates regarding chronic pre-conditions, etc.).

OK, so right away I know you didn't read the charts I provided; instead, you sloppily and hurriedly rushed through a response to save your ego.

The graphs I provided were of DAILY DEATHS, not case counts.

So you completely fucked up reading the charts, and you completely fucked up your response because you're a propagandist and a liar who doesn't do the work.