Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

You need to learn to read carefully and comprehensively, because I've tried to school you wonks time and again that per CDC/AMA guidelines, doctors have the choice of labeling a death as due to a chronic precondition or covid-related....meaning that if they tested positive then they tack on Covid as the cause of death

Well yeah, if COVID is exacerbating an already existing condition, then COVID is responsible for that condition ultimately claiming that person's life.

meaning that if they tested positive then they tack on Covid as the cause of death

If there was no COVID, would those people have died then? The answer is no. So, COVID is the cause of death.


Incorrect and a lie. This has not been established.

I'm damned tired of confronting willful ignorance and/or insipid stubbornness on this point.

You're not confronting anything; you're just lying.
translation: I provide valid, fact based documentation

Let me stop you right insisting something isn't providing fact-based documentation, which I actually tore apart already on this thread, YOU JUST CHOSE TO CRY about how unfair it is that COVID co-morbidities are counted as COVID deaths.

Unfair TO WHOM?
Pity this wonk considers himself clever with a few words he just learned from a dictionary coupled with his revisionist blather. But the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing... I don't seek his acknowledging error or conceding a point, as wonks are incapable of such. I'm just exposing the sheer stupidity of their prideful stance in repeating the party line. Hopefully, some will privately WTF up and deal with the reality of the situation.

That's a lot of words to say "It's not fair that you're ruining this false narrative I'm constructing by refusing to indulge my whiny bullshit."

You don't want co-morbidities to be counted alongside COVID deaths because then you won't be able to convince anyone that COVID's "no worse than the flu".
1. typical wonk response...never admit they're wrong. This joker made a statement that was NOT backed up by his source material, which was very specific as to where the disease bearing fleas come from, and did NOT state the patient or family were unhygienic in anyway.

If you have FLEAS, you're fucking filthy. Period. Full stop.

and did NOT state the patient or family were unhygienic in anyway

They don't have to because we know that it's passed by fleas, and fleas are attracted to dirty, filthy people.

Clean people don't have fleas, dirty people do.

2. See #1.

So now you're setting arbitrary standards in a debate where YOU introduced the bubonic plague, then tried to explain away the very same bubonic plague that killed some dirty kid in CO.

If it had anything to do other than the habits of the people whose kid caught the plague, there would have been a larger outbreak and more people would have caught it.

But only one dirty kid did catch how did a dirty child catch it? Fleas.

3. Now our wonk is just stamping his widdle feet and throwing a hissy fit....all because he's been forced to THINK about his convictions, and how they DO NOT stand up to scrutiny in a printed medium. Pathetic, but not unexpected. Now let's watch his whole tactic devolve to goal post moving, repetition, personal attacks, revisionism and just plain old lies and smoke blowing. Curiously entertaining

That's a lot of words to say "I'm full of shit all the time and are also a big crybaby about it".

You moved the parameters, not me.

Grow up.
Nurses are like other people. When the right wing nurses saw too much Fox ,they objected and demonstrated against the mandate. When the deadline came almost all of them caved. The option of frequent testing removed the righty stigma of caving to science and facts.
Well yeah, if COVID is exacerbating an already existing condition, then COVID is responsible for that condition ultimately claiming that person's life.

If there was no COVID, would those people have died then? The answer is no. So, COVID is the cause of death.

Incorrect and a lie. This has not been established.

You're not confronting anything; you're just lying.

1. Ahh, but a false positive would give a false conclusion, n'cest pa? Remember, there are all types of guidelines to try and come to a general conclusions as to if a PCR test is truly positive or negative. And how does one diseminate the difference in a pre-condition by claiming a "covid related death" when there were NO COVID SYMPTOMS to start with? Try doing research on the guidelines as to coming to such conclusions...if you dare. Don't stop at what just appeals to you.

2. So if someone is hospitalized with a previous chronic condition and they die of because of it, that's that. It happens all the time, don't cha know. But with this pandemic, well, see #1.

3. Really? then WTF are all those CDC and NIH articles instructing on how to compensate for PCR and RT-PCR false readings all about? Or were you ignorant of their existence? I've posted them time and again throughout the Covid Follies series. You should actually read them instead of burying your head in the rhetoric and talking points of the status quo. It's called Critical Thinking and honest research. Try it sometimes...fascinating stuff.

4. Accusing without proof beyond an opinion is just a piss in the wind. Seems to be one of your cornerstones. Carry on.
Now you're doubling down on stupid.

You're so fucking stupid and your life is so meaningless that a reality TV show host conned you into thinking you have a purpose, as you toil his baggage for him in anonymous places (because you're too afraid to say this shit under your real name).
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: I provide valid, fact based documentation

Let me stop you right insisting something isn't providing fact-based documentation, which I actually tore apart already on this thread, YOU JUST CHOSE TO CRY about how unfair it is that COVID co-morbidities are counted as COVID deaths.

Unfair TO WHOM?

The chronology of the posts renders your revisionist diatribe a pathetic joke. The objective reader can clearly see your desperate folly. As I said previously here today, an accusation based solely on opinion is but a piss in the wind. That seems to be your cornerstone. Carry on.
1. Ahh, but a false positive would give a false conclusion, n'cest pa?

Only if we accept your false premise that the tests aren't accurate.

Why should we accept that premise from you? Obviously because you think you're entitled to us indulging your bullshit.

You're not.
Remember, there are all types of guidelines to try and come to a general conclusions as to if a PCR test is truly positive or negative.

PCR tests are fine, you just don't like them because they are revealing so many cases of COVID, making it hard for you to downplay it.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Pity this wonk considers himself clever with a few words he just learned from a dictionary coupled with his revisionist blather. But the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing... I don't seek his acknowledging error or conceding a point, as wonks are incapable of such. I'm just exposing the sheer stupidity of their prideful stance in repeating the party line. Hopefully, some will privately WTF up and deal with the reality of the situation.
That's a lot of words to say "It's not fair that you're ruining this false narrative I'm constructing by refusing to indulge my whiny bullshit."

You don't want co-morbidities to be counted alongside COVID deaths because then you won't be able to convince anyone that COVID's "no worse than the flu".

Fascinating how you create your own narrative and then claim its' someone elses. Bottom line your revisionist screed is rendered a pathetic lie and a joke by the chronology of the posts. Once again you make an accusation based on your opinion alone, thus pissing in the wind.
And how does one diseminate the difference in a pre-condition by claiming a "covid related death" when there were NO COVID SYMPTOMS to start with?

But the COVID symptoms exacerbated the already existing condition, speeding up that patient's demise.

So who is this unfair to?

You scream and bitch about it being not fair that we count co-morbidities in COVID deaths, but to whom is that unfair? You won't say. The only person it seems unfair to is you, because you're trying to convince everyone COVID is no big deal as over 750,000+ have died from it.
Try doing research on the guidelines as to coming to such conclusions...if you dare. Don't stop at what just appeals to you.

That's exactly what you're doing on this thread by establishing fungible standards that you then move around depending on how shitty your argument is faring at any given time.

Who is it unfair to that co-morbidities are counted as COVID deaths?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Remember, there are all types of guidelines to try and come to a general conclusions as to if a PCR test is truly positive or negative.

PCR tests are fine, you just don't like them because they are revealing so many cases of COVID, making it hard for you to downplay it.

Okay, now you're just reacting like some petulant child. You clearly are in denial of facts and the logical conclusions drawn from those facts. I've previously supplied links to CDC and NIH sites to verify what I say. You can't debunk that, so you just parrot your silly revisionism. You're pretty much done, as wonks usually run out of steam.