Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

How do you "exacerbate" with something that is not there, genius?

It is there...they have COVID and they have another medical condition like COPD, which COVID exacerbates.

If I have a chronic respiratory/cardiovascular conditon, and the PCR test is giving false readings

I'm gonna stop you there...the PCR tests are reliable; the central premise to your argument hinges on inaccurate tests from early 2020.

That's why you haven't posted those NIH and CDC links that supposedly back up what you're saying; they're old and from before the tests were perfected and polished. And now you're afraid to post those links because the moment you do, you know I'm going to look at the date and will be able to determine just to what extent you are bullshitting me now.

So what you're doing is very dishonest; you're using outdated info from the beginning of the pandemic and are applying it to tests in the 20 months since that have been further developed and polished.

That's what poseurs do.
Your opinion is most definitely as worthless as piss in the wind, for sure.

You lied about the efficacy of the tests, you lied about the seriousness of COVID, you lied about co-morbidities, and by God, if it turns out those articles you claim from the CDC and NIH about testing are more than a year old, I'm going to make things as uncomfortable for you on JPP as I already have for another serial bullshitter and liar, Anatta/Dukkha.

He fears me so much that he threadbans me because I tear his shit apart ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

you keep repeating accusations that the chronology of the posts don't support. All you have to do is just name the post # or copy and past the link to it to prove your point. Of course, I'll just counter with what I previously responded with, and you're back to square one....a babbling wonk. You're threats are a joke, as there will nothing you can do from the IA bin. You're almost done.
We're not talking "fair", but rather questioning the diagnostic rulings dictated by the medical management.

You're questioning nothing because the tests are accurate, you're just using an outdated reference that doesn't apply anymore to tests that have since been developed and used.

And you're doing all of this because you have been downplaying COVID this whole time and the 750,000 deaths are making you look really stupid and out of touch.
Here is a story of a woman that eschewed the vaccine for the same reason many others did . She was afraid due to right-wing misinformation.l She paid bigly and it did not have to happen.
Who told you this? It was established that Powell DID NOT HAVE COVID PRIOR TO THE JAB.

But he caught a breakthrough case because the cancer he had left him immunocompromised.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Then he suddenly tests "positive", goes critical and dies.

You seem very confused on what happened.

Colin Powell got his two initial vaccine shots, then he got a third booster. After he got the booster, he caught COVID from a dirty person like you, and because his immune system was compromised from the cancer, choked to death.

So now you're so out of control that you don't even know what you're talking about; boosters, vaccines, co-morbidities, breakthrough cases...all of this shit is stuff you don't understand, and that leaves you feeling left the only way a desperate person like you can not feel left out is if you insert yourself into the debate with as many lies and bullshit as possible with the hopes that someone will take it seriously.
I already have, genius. It's in the Covid Follies series....YOU have challenged such previously. Now you claim that you've read all my Covid Follies posts? Hmmm, highly unlikely, given your revisionist/dishonest penchant. Seems you have a short memory, and I'm damned tired of repeating things so wonks like you can hope to find flaw. For once, do your own damned homework


You haven't linked to them.

I doubt you've even read them.

And lord fucking help you if you do eventually post those links and they're from the first months of this pandemic because I am going to ridicule the shit out of you for the rest of your presence on JPP.

Put up or shut up, crybaby.
I quote you in full, always, because I don't appreciate whiners whining about their whining.

So who is it unfair to, to count COVID co-morbidities alongside COVID deaths? You keep screeching that it's not fair, but I don't really see anyone to whom it would be unfair except for you.

So the only reason you don't want co-morbidities to be counted alongside COVID deaths is because if they are, then you can't convince anyone that COVID is no big deal.

The scale you used was common cold <---> bubonic plague.

Well, since COVID has killed 750,000+ people, it falls a bit closer to bubonic plague than it does common cold, wouldn't you agree?

I just don't get what you're trying to accomplish here...what is it you're after? You want people to not take COVID seriously because you want people to catch it? I don't get what you're trying to do here.

Really? Because when one looks at the original exchange, you seem to interpret quite differently what has transpired. Then you just regurgitate the making a false accusation that is not supported by the chronology of the posts...which is why you avoid giving those pos numbers or linking to them. That makes you liar....I detest liars who waste everyone's time. You're done.
First you swear I didn't post links to support what I say, now you are saying those links weren't fact based but opinion. The only way you can say the latter is if you did indeed read and debate me on those points and facts. You can't have it both ways, junior. you should really think things through before your fingers hit the keys....makes you less the fool.

Given your performance here, your last 2 sentences are but another piss in the wind. Soon I'll just dump you're defeated carcas in the IA bin with all the other babbling wonks.

I don't see any links on this thread or anywhere that supports anything you're saying.

If those "links" of yours are from early 2020, God fucking help your argument because I'm going to tear it to absolute pieces.

And then I'll shit on it.
Projecting again, junior? Because what you "think" is irrelevent to your responses in the chronology of the posts.

You are falling into the same trap every Conservative falls into, which is the trap of you mistakenly thinking your personal insistence is proof of something.

When asked for links, you choke.

When asked for references, you choke.

When asked to do the bare minimum, you choke.

No one can ever accuse you of having high standards.

So where are these links?
As far as I've seen, you haven't posted these links.

And God help you if those links are from early 2020, before the tests were perfected and polished.

Proud ignorant that you are, you should know that the Rt-PCR is just a faster method...NOT a different one. The basis is the same, the false readings are still prevalent, and you can't claim on one hand that I've posted no links and on the other hand claim the content is all opinon, not facts.

That makes you a liar. You're done.
you keep repeating accusations that the chronology of the posts don't support. All you have to do is just name the post # or copy and past the link to it to prove your point. Of course, I'll just counter with what I previously responded with, and you're back to square one....a babbling wonk. You're threats are a joke, as there will nothing you can do from the IA bin. You're almost done.

Where are these links that supposedly prove your case?

You've had dozens of chances to post them, but now are strangely silent.

It's because they're from early 2020, right, before the tests were accurate and polished? You left that part out, didn't ya?

You haven't linked to them.

I doubt you've even read them.

And lord fucking help you if you do eventually post those links and they're from the first months of this pandemic because I am going to ridicule the shit out of you for the rest of your presence on JPP.

Put up or shut up, crybaby.
In one post you claim that the links are all opinion and not conclusive scientific facts. then you claim I've posted no links. So you're commenting on content of which I didn't post?

You're own stupidity has nailed you for the liar that you are. You're done.
Really? Because when one looks at the original exchange, you seem to interpret quite differently what has transpired. Then you just regurgitate the making a false accusation that is not supported by the chronology of the posts...which is why you avoid giving those pos numbers or linking to them. That makes you liar....I detest liars who waste everyone's time. You're done.

You keep saying the tests are inaccurate, but you refuse to prove it. Instead, you allude to an NIH or CDC "article" that you don't link to, which are probably from the first months of the pandemic, right?

What would be the reluctance to sharing those links now, that we've had a chance to talk about them? Obviously because you understand that posting outdated links is a killer for your argument, after screeching about evidentiary standards.
In one post you claim that the links are all opinion and not conclusive scientific facts. then you claim I've posted no links.

You posted other links, you didn't post the links that supposedly prove the tests are inaccurate because those links are from early 2020, aren't they?
But he caught a breakthrough case because the cancer he had left him immunocompromised.

You seem very confused on what happened.

Colin Powell got his two initial vaccine shots, then he got a third booster. After he got the booster, he caught COVID from a dirty person like you, and because his immune system was compromised from the cancer, choked to death.

So now you're so out of control that you don't even know what you're talking about; boosters, vaccines, co-morbidities, breakthrough cases...all of this shit is stuff you don't understand, and that leaves you feeling left the only way a desperate person like you can not feel left out is if you insert yourself into the debate with as many lies and bullshit as possible with the hopes that someone will take it seriously.

As I said, "suddenly" he gets a breakthrough infection right after the jab? Some coincidence....this is not an isolated case. The warnings by the FDA/CDC play into this without admitting compelling evidence of "vaccine" caused infections. But to wonks like you have an aversion to apply critical thinking.

Wow. Once again, are ardent company wonk creates a scenario that has no basis in reality other than in his mind (So all the world is potentially "dirty", despite the CDC/NIH/FDA telling us that the jabs don't prevent, cure or make one immune from being a carrier of this disease. Jeez!).

LV426 is a prime example of willful ignorance, insipid stubbornness and intellectual impotency. He's done.
It is there...they have COVID and they have another medical condition like COPD, which COVID exacerbates.

I'm gonna stop you there...the PCR tests are reliable; the central premise to your argument hinges on inaccurate tests from early 2020.

That's why you haven't posted those NIH and CDC links that supposedly back up what you're saying; they're old and from before the tests were perfected and polished. And now you're afraid to post those links because the moment you do, you know I'm going to look at the date and will be able to determine just to what extent you are bullshitting me now.

So what you're doing is very dishonest; you're using outdated info from the beginning of the pandemic and are applying it to tests in the 20 months since that have been further developed and polished.

That's what poseurs do.

really? So they have Covid despite the Rt-PCR that you swear is infallible tests negative, despite having no Covid symptoms? What is it, a spy disease that EVERYONE is secretly infected with, just waiting to strike?

And stop lying...anyone can go through my threads and see the know, the links you first say don't exist and then say are all opinion and no facts?

Mullis stated that the PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool. Guess he's a liar in your book too? He invented the damned thing. And no, the RT-PCR is not a diagnostic...just a faster improvement on the original (RT standing for rapid test).

You're babbling like a fool. You're done.