'Crats poised to rob Obama

She needs superdelegates to over-turn elected delegates, and they simply won't do it.
I would not be so certain of that if she can convince them she is electable and Obama is not. There was a recent survey of uncommitted SDs, and the strongest factor they have acknowledged as swaying their vote is who has the best chance to win in November. Who is to say how many of the "committed" SDs feel the same way?

All Clinton needs to do is undermine Obama's character with independent voters, since it is the middle ground, independent voters who will, once again, be the determining factor in swing states. If Obama were to lose any ground there, it would not be hard to show Obama losing to McCain in the swing states, thus losing the presidency. Those kind of figures would undoubtedly go a long way with SDs whose prime concern is November.

Like I said, I hope I am wrong. But I just got this sneakin' suspicion when it comes to Clinton. (And who says she AIN'T got the accomplices? How many politicians of any flavor you know won't sell out for a promise of more power?)
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"As for my experiences with officials of the democratic party, I distinctly indicated that the run in with Mr. John Crumpy was NOT the only instance of being shown an intolerance for viewpoints not lock-in-step with the democratic platform. The fact that none of the other 23 people present said diddly about the way I was treated, with the exception of a few nods of agreement when it was said, did little to help me believe his was an isolated attitude."

I think you have conflated two matters here. The first matter is that this guy called you the n-word. Now, here is what I have a hard time imagining; 23 white people of ANY kind, Democrats, Republicans, men, women, teenagers, seniors, whatever...saying nothing when one of them calls a black person that name right in front of them. So maybe you can expand on this. Are you saying that they were there in the room when this happened and "did nothing" or said nothing about it, or are you just trying to imply that? Unless this happened 30 years ago, the idea that 23 white people said nothing when they witnessed this, is hard to imagine?

I think you are conflating your terrible experience with this one man who didn't like you because you were black, with the other 23 who frankly, just didn't like you. You're not a democrat. There's no law against that, but the idea that 23 people so dedicated to a political party that they are working for that party, are going to want a guy around who so obviously is not a democrat and also, doesn't even like people who are democrats, is absurd.

I know a guy who used to work for the Republican party. He got really pissed off over Bush Sr's broken pledge on taxes and started talk, aloud, about how he was seriously considering voting for Perot. He was fired. He was then, actually surprised to be fired.


Because he was arrogant. Arrogant enough to believe that a political party, should make room for him TO WORK THERE, (this is about working there, not being excluded from voting for them or told you don't matter as a constituent) no matter what his views.

And that's arrogance. And that's all that is.
BAC. The "hood" exists. Sorry. And there are Boyz n it.

Trailers exist .. and there are white people in them .. but that does not make them "trailer-ized."

C'mon brother, you are not the moron that Dildo and Grind are, why act as though you are?

The "hood" was the only place blacks were allowed to live .. even within in my lifetime.

I asked you another question in my post that you ignored because there is only one honest answer.

Again, I'll give you the math ... blacks have been relatively free for 42 years out of 400 years of existence in America. Surely you're smart enough to recognize the impact that has on any society or group of oppressed people.

Don't be a dummy my friend.

Leave that to the villiage idiots who don't have the capacity for anything else.
Many of which are under 42 and have been relatively free from white oppression for 100% of their lives.

But it's not quite that simple. Consider what 400 years of slavery does to the family culture. They were punished for learning to read, man. You can't just turn this around on a dime. A distrust of the system is an expected part of the family culture.
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Trailers exist .. and there are white people in them .. but that does not make them "trailer-ized."

C'mon brother, you are not the moron that Dildo and Grind are, why act as though you are?

The "hood" was the only place blacks were allowed to live .. even within in my lifetime.

I asked you another question in my post that you ignored because there is only one honest answer.

Again, I'll give you the math ... blacks have been relatively free for 42 years out of 400 years of existence in America. Surely you're smart enough to recognize the impact that has on any society or group of oppressed people.

Don't be a dummy my friend.

Leave that to the villiage idiots who don't have the capacity for anything else.

I don't mind callling them trailer-ized. It's just a word. This society is designed to tear down any people at the margins, regardless of race. It's the slow form of eugenics.
But it's not quite that simple. Consider what 400 years of slavery does to the family culture. They were punished for learning to read, man. You can't just turn this around on a dime. A distrust of the system is an expected part of the family culture.

You know what 400 years does to a family culture? It pissed them off. When white Americans started to make efforts to right the wrongs blacks gladly took the goodies but their attitudes towards white haven't changed a bit. Face it---they don't want to be like a white person or play the game that white people play. They can live anywhere they damn well please.
You know what 400 years does to a family culture? It pissed them off. When white Americans started to make efforts to right the wrongs blacks gladly took the goodies but their attitudes towards white haven't changed a bit. Face it---they don't want to be like a white person or play the game that white people play. They can live anywhere they damn well please.

Many of them are likely conflicted inside. on good days when they feel treated well, they probably feel they can forgive and forget, on other worse days they probably ruminate on the past and realize the idiocy of white people asking them to just pick themselves up and get over it, and telling them that distrust of the system is invalid.
I am more than aware of the relationship between blacks and Native Americans. First of all, you'd have to be a complete idiot to believe that because there are joint black-NA organizations that means there are no blacks who are racist against NAs for beeing "tto white". Second, I also know that when push comes to shove, blacks are more than happy to garner support from NAs on black centric issues, but not quite so willing to return support on NA centric issues.

"Congressional Black Caucus hosts rally against Cherokee Nation",+black&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=11&gl=us

"Indian Voters Send Obama And Black Caucus Message: Get Off Our Back!"

First, I don't believe your sad story and don't believe you have any black heritage. "Their" anti-Native American sentiments, shouldn't that have been "our" .. if you are so identifiably black that someone called you a nigger?

Nor do I believe that you ever sought racial concilliation. You'd rather focus on minor individual problems than focus on the long and historic relationship between Natives and blacks. A relationship that brought them together to build communities and towns, fight wars, and raise families together.

Indians don't like Obama?

First Americans for Obama

Tribal leaders across the country have endorsed Barack and are contributing their thoughts and ideas to the campaign. Here are the members of Barack’s ever growing tribal leaders steering committee.


Chief J. Allan, Chairman, Coeur d'Alene Tribe

David Z. Bean, Councilman, Puyallup Tribe of Indians

Harriett Becenti, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Elmer Begay, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Theresa Bridges, Chairwoman, Franks’ Landing Indian Community

Joe Brings Plenty, Chairman, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

Diana Buckner, Chairwoman, Ely Shoshone Tribe

Gerald L. Danforth, Chairman, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin

Ian Erlich (Native Village of Kotzebue) – Vice Chairman, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council

Jerry Freddie, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Alison Gottfriedson, Councilmember, Franks’ Landing Indian Community

Michael Jandreau, Chair, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

Michael Marchand, Chairman, Conf. Tribes of the Colville Reservation

Robert McGhee, Councilman, Poarch Band of Creek Indians

Christopher Mercier, Councilman and former Chairman, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Kenneth Meshigaud, Tribal Chairperson, Hannahville Potawatomi

James V. Miles, Councilman Puyallup Tribe of Indians

John Miller, Chairman, Pokagon Band of Pottawatomi

Robert Moore, Councilman, Rosebud Sioux

Ned Norris, Chairman, Tohono O'odham Nation

Jennifer Porter, Chair, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho

Gloria Ramirez, Councilwoman, Tohono O’odham Nation

Kenny Reels, Vice-Chair, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Sarah Riggs, Vice-Chair, Dilkon Chapter, Navajo Nation

Michael Thomas, Chairman, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Leonard Tsosie, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Lee Juan Tyler, Vice-Chairman, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

John ******, Councilman, Pokagon Band of Pottawatomi

Mike Williams, Chairman, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council

Mervin Wright, Jr. Chairman, Pyramid Lake Paiute

Native American Times endorses Barack Obama

Perhaps more than anything, Obama inspires us to want and dream of more. Indian Country has been waiting for someone like Barack for a long time. Now is the time for positive change and now is the time to vote Barack Obama on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 for President of the United States. Native Americans can make history next week if we all pull together and get behind the man who actually wants our vote.

Why as a Native American I support the demand for Black reparations

Native Americans support Obama

Frank LaMere, a Nebraska Obama-declared superdelegate and chairman of the DNC Native American Caucus, said the 77 percent support for Barack Obama from Nebraska's two largest tribes was no surprise. He said Native Americans across the country, including the Winnebego and Omaha tribes of Nebraska, see in Obama "an opportunity to change things for native peoples that we haven't had before."

"We know at least we'll get a fair hearing from him," said LaMere, a member of the Winnebago Tribe and longtime activist for Native american causes.

There are links to Indian support for Obama virtually everywhere to be found.

Additionally. as I said in my previous post, the argument between blacks and indians, most specifically the Cherokee Nation, is over rights and resources and a failure of the Cherokee Nation to recognize Freedmen as tribal members.

In fact, if you are indeed of black/indian heritage .. you wouldn't be recognized by the Cherokee Nation .. but that does not even remotely suggest blacks and indian hate each other and it does not suggest there isn't a unique relationship between them.

You don't know what you're talking about .. and I've proved that you don't repeatedly.

From "It was only 80 years ago that Indians won the right to vote..." "In addition to voting as a block, American Indians predominantly vote Democrat, said Bill, the director of the state Democrats Indian voting campaign. Rod Van Mechelen of Conservative American Indian Republicans agreed with Bill's assessment — "Indian Country is by and large owned by the Democrats," he said. "But it might not stay that way." Van Mechelen, a member of the Cowlitz Tribal Council and Olympia resident, said he believes most American Indians "are socially conservative people" who are ready to "reclaim our conservative roots" and vote Republican."

You've exposed yourself once again. You'd have to be stupid as a motherfucker to believe that Native Americans want to "reclaim our conservative roots."

As for what I did - if you’d paid any attention to what I said - is continue to work for the democratic party until the next presidential election. That’s 4 more years of putting up with the very same kind of crap you and Desh have been tossing my direction this entire debate. Then when Mr. Crumpy told me, literally, that my help was no longer welcome, (ie: stay home unless we call you) is when I decided that supporting a political party in which opposing opinion on any matter was getting less and less acceptable was not a party I could support any longer.

Let me get this straight .. you ALLOWED some clown to call you a nigger to your face in a room filled with witnesses and you neither put a boot up his ass, nor did you move to get him fired. That's bullshit. When Michael (Kramer) Richards went on his "nigger" tirade, it was white people who booed his ass off stage. I think it HIGHLY unlikely that anyone in a democrtaic campaign would openly call someone a nigger in a room filled with people.

Then you claim being upset that no one came to your rescue? You went back to work ??? WTF

Are you a man? Do you normally or routinely ALLOW others to call you a nigger to your face then look for someone else to bail you out?

And let’s not forget YOU yourself called me racist because you disagreed with what I had to say about the long term results of democratic programs on minorities and poor. Nor was the the first nor last time when you diverted from discussing the issue to take a swipe at my personality. So don’t give me your “mis-characterizations” bullshit when you have been a participant in what I supposedly “mis-characterize.”

I make no apologies for calling you a racist .. and in fact, let me add another distinction .. right-wing fraud.
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All they can do is call you a liar, good luck. Insane partisan dems are this way.
You nailed them several posts ago. We all see who the winner is here. It's good luck.
Many of them are likely conflicted inside. on good days when they feel treated well, they probably feel they can forgive and forget, on other worse days they probably ruminate on the past and realize the idiocy of white people asking them to just pick themselves up and get over it, and telling them that distrust of the system is invalid.

Cutting off one's nose to spite ones face was never a successful method of dealing with anger. How long do you estimate it should take for the average person to figure that out ?
Cutting off one's nose to spite ones face was never a successful method of dealing with anger. How long do you estimate it should take for the average person to figure that out ?

I don't see any noses being removed here. Unless you consider questioning the white majority comfort zone of denial to be such an action.
I don't mind callling them trailer-ized. It's just a word. This society is designed to tear down any people at the margins, regardless of race. It's the slow form of eugenics.

You are quite right in that society tends to tear people down .. but as individuals, as citizens, it is our responsibility to speak with intelligence my brother .. and I have no doubt whatsoever that you are intelligent enough to know the truth.

It does this nation or its people no good to continue to perpetuate ignorance.
I don't see any noses being removed here. Unless you consider questioning the white majority comfort zone of denial to be such an action.

Refusing to forgive whitey is understandable but refusing to play whitey's game is a bit suicidal. It may not be the best game in the world but it does pay the bills. Are you saying they are content with their status in America laugh at guilty whites trying to save them from their predicament ?
I just love the idiots on this board ..

They are proof positive of exactly why America is moving farther away from their complete and total abject WTF ignorance.

"whitey" ???

The ONLY time I hear shit like that is coming from some white guy trying to justify his own failed self-importance. I call them the "whiteyites"

I haven't heard a black person use "whitey" since the 70's.

The good news is that white/"whitey" American youth are a lot smarter than this. They don't come with these paranoid fears or this total ignorance.

They look around them and they see successful blacks everywhere. Some of them are their friends. Some of them are their heroes.

Only the whiteyites cling to this stupidity like heritage. Your daddy was stupid so you feel like you have to be stupid too.

I just fuckin' love the idiots on this board.
I just love the idiots on this board ..

They are proof positive of exactly why America is moving farther away from their complete and total abject WTF ignorance.

"whitey" ???

The ONLY time I hear shit like that is coming from some white guy trying to justify his own failed self-importance. I call them the "whiteyites"

I haven't heard a black person use "whitey" since the 70's.

The good news is that white/"whitey" American youth are a lot smarter than this. They don't come with these paranoid fears or this total ignorance.

They look around them and they see successful blacks everywhere. Some of them are their friends. Some of them are their heroes.

Only the whiteyites cling to this stupidity like heritage. Your daddy was stupid so you feel like you have to be stupid too.

I just fuckin' love the idiots on this board.

Couldn't handle the issue and had to jump all over my use of the term "whitey" ?
Couldn't handle the issue and had to jump all over my use of the term "whitey" ?


Anyone who uses the term "whitey" is not looking for any serious discussion of any issue.

Handle this .. What do you think should have been accomplished by black people who have been only relatively free for 42 years while continuing to fight against an oppressive and racist nation?

I'll have no problem listing more than a few important benchmarks and accompishments that demonstrate the will and intelligence of those people in overcoming tremendous odds and surviving to have one of them become the Leader of the Free World .. in just 42 years.

I have no desire to list any problems that white communities, or anyother communities may be having because I don't need to demonstate any contrast to anybody. You play that game .. I'll talk about accomplishments

Most intelligent people look in the mirror before they look out the window .. a concept a bit too deep for people who use terms like "whitey."

Anyone who uses the term "whitey" is not looking for any serious discussion of any issue.

Handle this .. What do you think should have been accomplished by black people who have been only relatively free for 42 years while continuing to fight against an oppressive and racist nation?

I'll have no problem listing more than a few important benchmarks and accompishments that demonstrate the will and intelligence of those people in overcoming tremendous odds and surviving to have one of them become the Leader of the Free World .. in just 42 years.

I have no desire to list any problems that white communities, or anyother communities may be having because I don't need to demonstate any contrast to anybody. You play that game .. I'll talk about accomplishments

Most intelligent people look in the mirror before they look out the window .. a concept a bit too deep for people who use terms like "whitey."

Just can't shake that word, can ya ?