'Crats poised to rob Obama

That in itself is a cause for celebration my sister.

Racism has correctly been equated with evil .. make that ignorant evil. Now even the right will shout "racism" in an attempt to denigrate someone or something. They can't answer your questions because there is no sane answer other than their "feelings" and fears. All the made-up racist beliefs have been proven to be designed only for the truly ignorant .. but that's not just true of racism, but also sexism and homophobia.

Somehow we figured out that blacks don't have tails .. while science figured out that all humans are genetically African.

Barack Obama and countless other successful blacks doesn't really help the "inferior" argument.

Hell, somehow we've even figured out that blacks can play quarterback.

Celebrate this moment in time .. racism, and those who hold those beliefs, have been minimalized and reduced to living in the closet .. they same one gays have come out of.



1) Genetically speaking we did indeed all evolve from the same source. As you mentioned, we believe that evolution began in Africa.

2) We are all human. Black and White are not different races. Simply different ethnicities. The pigmentation differences are caused by exposure to the sun.... not some genetic "defect" etc... Those living closer to the equator (and thus typically more sun exposure) tend to have darker skin. Which is why skin color of blacks in the Congo tends to be much darker than blacks in South Africa.

3) ****** Moon was a hell of a quarterback.
not old enough to command any respect just for BEING old tho. Damn kids these days. :)

Don't worry. It doesn't work that way anymore. Some old farts like usc and BB think it does, but it really doesn't.

I'm supposed to respect someone for being senile and old as fuck? Hell no.

Show me you deserve some respect.

"Respect your elders" is soooo 20th century.
"As for my experiences with officials of the democratic party, I distinctly indicated that the run in with Mr. John Crumpy was NOT the only instance of being shown an intolerance for viewpoints not lock-in-step with the democratic platform. The fact that none of the other 23 people present said diddly about the way I was treated, with the exception of a few nods of agreement when it was said, did little to help me believe his was an isolated attitude."

I think you have conflated two matters here. The first matter is that this guy called you the n-word. Now, here is what I have a hard time imagining; 23 white people of ANY kind, Democrats, Republicans, men, women, teenagers, seniors, whatever...saying nothing when one of them calls a black person that name right in front of them. So maybe you can expand on this. Are you saying that they were there in the room when this happened and "did nothing" or said nothing about it, or are you just trying to imply that? Unless this happened 30 years ago, the idea that 23 white people said nothing when they witnessed this, is hard to imagine?

I think you are conflating your terrible experience with this one man who didn't like you because you were black, with the other 23 who frankly, just didn't like you. You're not a democrat. There's no law against that, but the idea that 23 people so dedicated to a political party that they are working for that party, are going to want a guy around who so obviously is not a democrat and also, doesn't even like people who are democrats, is absurd.

I know a guy who used to work for the Republican party. He got really pissed off over Bush Sr's broken pledge on taxes and started talk, aloud, about how he was seriously considering voting for Perot. He was fired. He was then, actually surprised to be fired.


Because he was arrogant. Arrogant enough to believe that a political party, should make room for him TO WORK THERE, (this is about working there, not being excluded from voting for them or told you don't matter as a constituent) no matter what his views.

And that's arrogance. And that's all that is.
The most likely reason noone said anything about my being called nigger was the person saying it was also black. Somehow it is OK for blacks to call blacks nigger. Don't ask me why. That and his being a city official's son.

As for my not being a democrat (at the time), yours is EXACTLY the bullshit "believe EXACTLY as we believe or get out" shit that will destroy this nation. NO ONE should expect every one in a group to believe EXACTLY as every one else. But those are the current demands of the democratic party. If someone will not goose step to the precise calling of the DNC, they are "not a democrat." Bullshit. I've said many times I believed in waht the democratic party stands for, but I do not agree with the METHODS used to achieve the goals the democratic party supports.

But because I disagreed enough for some useless asshole to call me nigger, and 23 others IN THE ROOM do nothing, then it is MY FAULT ofr not "being a democrat"?!? Well, if the requirement to be a democrat is to fully support every damned thing the DNC says without question or argument, then you're fucking A right I am not a "democrat".

And you fuckups have the GALL to criticize the republicans when they pulled their "If you're not with us you're against us?" bullshit? You are the biggest fucking hypocrits in fucking history.
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First, I don't believe your sad story and don't believe you have any black heritage. "Their" anti-Native American sentiments, shouldn't that have been "our" .. if you are so identifiably black that someone called you a nigger?

Nor do I believe that you ever sought racial concilliation. You'd rather focus on minor individual problems than focus on the long and historic relationship between Natives and blacks. A relationship that brought them together to build communities and towns, fight wars, and raise families together.

Indians don't like Obama?

First Americans for Obama

Tribal leaders across the country have endorsed Barack and are contributing their thoughts and ideas to the campaign. Here are the members of Barack’s ever growing tribal leaders steering committee.


Chief J. Allan, Chairman, Coeur d'Alene Tribe

David Z. Bean, Councilman, Puyallup Tribe of Indians

Harriett Becenti, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Elmer Begay, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Theresa Bridges, Chairwoman, Franks’ Landing Indian Community

Joe Brings Plenty, Chairman, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

Diana Buckner, Chairwoman, Ely Shoshone Tribe

Gerald L. Danforth, Chairman, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin

Ian Erlich (Native Village of Kotzebue) – Vice Chairman, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council

Jerry Freddie, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Alison Gottfriedson, Councilmember, Franks’ Landing Indian Community

Michael Jandreau, Chair, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

Michael Marchand, Chairman, Conf. Tribes of the Colville Reservation

Robert McGhee, Councilman, Poarch Band of Creek Indians

Christopher Mercier, Councilman and former Chairman, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Kenneth Meshigaud, Tribal Chairperson, Hannahville Potawatomi

James V. Miles, Councilman Puyallup Tribe of Indians

John Miller, Chairman, Pokagon Band of Pottawatomi

Robert Moore, Councilman, Rosebud Sioux

Ned Norris, Chairman, Tohono O'odham Nation

Jennifer Porter, Chair, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho

Gloria Ramirez, Councilwoman, Tohono O’odham Nation

Kenny Reels, Vice-Chair, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Sarah Riggs, Vice-Chair, Dilkon Chapter, Navajo Nation

Michael Thomas, Chairman, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Leonard Tsosie, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation

Lee Juan Tyler, Vice-Chairman, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

John ******, Councilman, Pokagon Band of Pottawatomi

Mike Williams, Chairman, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council

Mervin Wright, Jr. Chairman, Pyramid Lake Paiute

Native American Times endorses Barack Obama

Perhaps more than anything, Obama inspires us to want and dream of more. Indian Country has been waiting for someone like Barack for a long time. Now is the time for positive change and now is the time to vote Barack Obama on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 for President of the United States. Native Americans can make history next week if we all pull together and get behind the man who actually wants our vote.

Why as a Native American I support the demand for Black reparations

Native Americans support Obama

Frank LaMere, a Nebraska Obama-declared superdelegate and chairman of the DNC Native American Caucus, said the 77 percent support for Barack Obama from Nebraska's two largest tribes was no surprise. He said Native Americans across the country, including the Winnebego and Omaha tribes of Nebraska, see in Obama "an opportunity to change things for native peoples that we haven't had before."

"We know at least we'll get a fair hearing from him," said LaMere, a member of the Winnebago Tribe and longtime activist for Native american causes.

There are links to Indian support for Obama virtually everywhere to be found.

Additionally. as I said in my previous post, the argument between blacks and indians, most specifically the Cherokee Nation, is over rights and resources and a failure of the Cherokee Nation to recognize Freedmen as tribal members.

In fact, if you are indeed of black/indian heritage .. you wouldn't be recognized by the Cherokee Nation .. but that does not even remotely suggest blacks and indian hate each other and it does not suggest there isn't a unique relationship between them.

You don't know what you're talking about .. and I've proved that you don't repeatedly.

You've exposed yourself once again. You'd have to be stupid as a motherfucker to believe that Native Americans want to "reclaim our conservative roots."

Let me get this straight .. you ALLOWED some clown to call you a nigger to your face in a room filled with witnesses and you neither put a boot up his ass, nor did you move to get him fired. That's bullshit. When Michael (Kramer) Richards went on his "nigger" tirade, it was white people who booed his ass off stage. I think it HIGHLY unlikely that anyone in a democrtaic campaign would openly call someone a nigger in a room filled with people.

Then you claim being upset that no one came to your rescue? You went back to work ??? WTF

Are you a man? Do you normally or routinely ALLOW others to call you a nigger to your face then look for someone else to bail you out?

I make no apologies for calling you a racist .. and in fact, let me add another distinction .. right-wing fraud.
I never once claimed to be a part of black heritage. I just happen to be 1/4 black, which makes me black enough for some to call me nigger. Due to being brought up on, or just outside of reservations, I identify much more closely with NA heritage.

And what the FUCK do YOU know about the values of NAs? You can post democratic leaning NA organizations until you are blue in the face. That only acknowledges what the article I posted already acknowledged.

But when push comes to shove, NAs as a group tend to be socially conservative. Our family values are VERY conservative. That doesn't mean we don't support economic liberal ideals, which is why NAs vote predominately democratic.

As for the honorable Mr. Crumpy, the person in charge of the campaign office (Forget his name) took him behind a closed office door when he found out. Everyone could hear what was said to the bastard, and he came within inches of getting fired. But nepotism tells, even in the can't-do-any-wrong democratic party. He was some city official's son. I figure the lack of objection from most of the others had more to do with fear of going up against Crumpy. He was a real full-of-himself controlling asshole. The nigger insult was excused because he was also black.

As for myself, I prefer self control to reacting violently to an insult. It's not like I didn't tell him to go fuck himself - felt good. One learns self control in the military. Keeps us from getting in trouble by beating the ever loving shit out of assholes who truly deserve it, but don't LEGALLY deserve it.

And why should I let something like that get in the way of doing the work I believed in (at the time)? Are you the kind of whiny pussy to let asswipes like Crumpy run you off with a few nasty words? No, I didn't think so.

But you can think what you want about me. Label me any way you want. People like yourself need to make up lies about your opponents to feel superior and to defend your pack of bullshit lies. Keep gathering braindead "I get my opinions from the DNC", arrogant, useless shitheels like you and Darla and Senator Hillary Clinton around you. The more of you there are in the Democratic party, with your "believe exactly as we believe or you are no democrat, a racist, and your feet smell." the sooner it will fold on itself, and allow thinking, honest people to take over.
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Trailers exist .. and there are white people in them .. but that does not make them "trailer-ized."

C'mon brother, you are not the moron that Dildo and Grind are, why act as though you are?

The "hood" was the only place blacks were allowed to live .. even within in my lifetime.

I asked you another question in my post that you ignored because there is only one honest answer.

Again, I'll give you the math ... blacks have been relatively free for 42 years out of 400 years of existence in America. Surely you're smart enough to recognize the impact that has on any society or group of oppressed people.

Don't be a dummy my friend.

Leave that to the villiage idiots who don't have the capacity for anything else.

why are you calling me a moron sir?
I never once claimed to be a part of black heritage. I just happen to be 1/4 black, which makes me black enough for some to call me nigger. Due to being brought up on, or just outside of reservations, I identify much more closely with NA heritage.

And what the FUCK do YOU know about the values of NAs? You can post democratic leaning NA organizations until you are blue in the face. That only acknowledges what the article I posted already acknowledged.

But when push comes to shove, NAs as a group tend to be socially conservative. Our family values are VERY conservative. That doesn't mean we don't support economic liberal ideals, which is why NAs vote predominately democratic.

As for the honorable Mr. Crumpy, the person in charge of the campaign office (Forget his name) took him behind a closed office door when he found out. Everyone could hear what was said to the bastard, and he came within inches of getting fired. But nepotism tells, even in the can't-do-any-wrong democratic party. He was some city official's son. I figure the lack of objection from most of the others had more to do with fear of going up against Crumpy. He was a real full-of-himself controlling asshole. The nigger insult was excused because he was also black.

As for myself, I prefer self control to reacting violently to an insult. It's not like I didn't tell him to go fuck himself - felt good. One learns self control in the military. Keeps us from getting in trouble by beating the ever loving shit out of assholes who truly deserve it, but don't LEGALLY deserve it.

And why should I let something like that get in the way of doing the work I believed in (at the time)? Are you the kind of whiny pussy to let asswipes like Crumpy run you off with a few nasty words? No, I didn't think so.

But you can think what you want about me. Label me any way you want. People like yourself need to make up lies about your opponents to feel superior and to defend your pack of bullshit lies. Keep gathering braindead "I get my opinions from the DNC", arrogant, useless shitheels like you and Darla and Senator Hillary Clinton around you. The more of you there are in the Democratic party, with your "believe exactly as we believe or you are no democrat, a racist, and your feet smell." the sooner it will fold on itself, and allow thinking, honest people to take over.

Dude, you're a fraud.

Tell me some more bullshit about how Native Americans don't like Obama or how much blacks hate Native Americans .. both of which I've already disproven. Obviously, it is you who don't know shit about Native Americans as I just demonstrated.

You're 1/4 black .. but you look black enough to be called a nigger .. by some black guy in front of a room full of white people .. in a democratic campaign .. and the Indians picked on you because you are "too black' .. and the blacks picked on you because you're "too Indian" .. but the black guy called you a nigger, not an Indian ???

Perhaps you should rehearse that bullshit story before you tell it.

You're a liar and a fraud.

You're a right-wing buffoon disguised in Native American clothing, who doesn't even know Native American history .. and your every post is about how terrible the Democratic Party is .. in the face of a complete republican meltdown .. and how bad democrats are for minorities .. in the face of tremendous minority accomplishments in a short span of time.

Take the mask off motherfucker and let's hear you sing the praises of the Republican Party instead of trying to find fault in everything and everybody else. Demonstrate why ANYBODY, irrespective of race, should be a republican.

You're a liar and a fraud and I'm going to follow your punk ass around this site and continue to demonstrate that fact .. as I already have.
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Because you are quite simply a moron, sir.

Maybe you should take a long hard look at how those of a lower socio-economic status (not just blacks, though that doesn't invalidate my statement) are less inclined to be as well informed of politics as other particular demographics. Of course, that is what I was really suggesting, but someone that is stupid and ignorant as yourself, would never understand that.
Dude, you're a fraud.

Tell me some more bullshit about how Native Americans don't like Obama or how much blacks hate Native Americans .. both of which I've already disproven. Obviously, it is you who don't know shit about Native Americans as I just demonstrated.

You're 1/4 black .. but you look black enough to be called a nigger .. by some black guy in front of a room full of white people .. in a democratic campaign .. and the Indians picked on you because you are "too black' .. and the blacks picked on you because you're "too Indian" .. but the black guy called you a nigger, not an Indian ???

Perhaps you should rehearse that bullshit story before you tell it.

You're a liar and a fraud.

You're a right-wing buffoon disguised in Native American clothing, who doesn't even know Native American history .. and your every post is about how terrible the Democratic Party is .. in the face of a complete republican meltdown .. and how bad democrats are for minorities .. in the face of tremendous minority accomplishments in a short span of time.

Take the mask off motherfucker and let's hear you sing the praises of the Republican Party instead of trying to find fault in everything and everybody else. Demonstrate why ANYBODY, irrespective of race, should be a republican.

You're a liar and a fraud and I'm going to follow your punk ass around this site and continue to demonstrate that fact .. as I already have.
You have not demonstrated shit except what an total and complete narrow minded asshole you are.

In case you have not noticed, I have not exactly been complimentary of the way the republican party behaves. But you cannot notice that because that would fuck with your self deluded lies you have built up in that pathetic vacuum packed bone you call a head.

If you actually believe that there is no racial prejudice between minorites such as NAs and blacks in the 50 and early 60s, then you have your head up your ass even further than most. With some people skin color is the telling factor. With others, who your parents are and where you came from were the determining factor. In any case, prejudice and racism for children of mixed heritage was a significant problem growing up in the 50s and 60. I don;t give a ripe pig fart if you believe it or not.

If you think that a collection of NS organizations indicates all NAs are ready to fall down in an ecstacy of religious fervor over Obama, you are again deluded beyond all human comprehension. I never said a majority of NAs do not like Obama.

As for my criticisms of the policies of the democratic party, they have been limited to the manner democratic assistance programs are designed. Not once have I criticized their support of the need for such programs, while I have criticized the republican party for taking a "don't look and it will go away" attitude toward major social and economic problems.

And it is fine by me if you follow me around like an annoying, yappy little toy poodle. I don't give two fucking cents what you think any more, since it is obvious (and not only to myself) that you are a braindead shit.
You have not demonstrated shit except what an total and complete narrow minded asshole you are.

In case you have not noticed, I have not exactly been complimentary of the way the republican party behaves. But you cannot notice that because that would fuck with your self deluded lies you have built up in that pathetic vacuum packed bone you call a head.

If you actually believe that there is no racial prejudice between minorites such as NAs and blacks in the 50 and early 60s, then you have your head up your ass even further than most. With some people skin color is the telling factor. With others, who your parents are and where you came from were the determining factor. In any case, prejudice and racism for children of mixed heritage was a significant problem growing up in the 50s and 60. I don;t give a ripe pig fart if you believe it or not.

If you think that a collection of NS organizations indicates all NAs are ready to fall down in an ecstacy of religious fervor over Obama, you are again deluded beyond all human comprehension. I never said a majority of NAs do not like Obama.

As for my criticisms of the policies of the democratic party, they have been limited to the manner democratic assistance programs are designed. Not once have I criticized their support of the need for such programs, while I have criticized the republican party for taking a "don't look and it will go away" attitude toward major social and economic problems.

And it is fine by me if you follow me around like an annoying, yappy little toy poodle. I don't give two fucking cents what you think any more, since it is obvious (and not only to myself) that you are a braindead shit.

OH .. NOW SOME minorities don't like each other. What in the fuck is that supposed to prove or affirm. Some Natives don't like other Natives, some people don't like other people, so what? But you've falsely labeled an entire group of people that you don't even know. You didn't even take the fucking time to research what you claim. Your false claims also prove that you've never worked in the arena of trying to foster good relations and you don't know shit about either culture. The racism of the few is not the racism of the whole.

I've lived around and with children of mixed heritage all my life, and I have a mixed race son of my own .. and I've probably been around to see the effects of racism as long as you have. What's your point? Children of mixed heritage often faced less discrimination than others and for the most part, did not face more discrimination than anyone else. In case you haven't noticed, America is FULL of mixed race people.

Previously you falsely claimed that blacks are anti-Native and Natives didn't like blacks by your false inference about Obama.

I've proved both stupid as hell assertions to be nothing more than your own paranoid bullshit. Where was it EVER inferred that Natives were going to fall down in some religious stupor over Obama?

IDIOT said:
Second, I also know that when push comes to shove, blacks are more than happy to garner support from NAs on black centric issues, but not quite so willing to return support on NA centric issues.

"Congressional Black Caucus hosts rally against Cherokee Nation"

"Indian Voters Send Obama And Black Caucus Message: Get Off Our Back!"

Now your story changes again.

You don't know shit and I listed just a very few of the Native people and organizations who do not share your racism.

There are lots of good people, black, white, Native, hispanic, asian, who work at fostering better relations between us all and dispise the hate-mongering that assholes like you try to perpetuate. You look for the exceptional instances of dissention then claim it speaks for the whole.

And just so you'd know .. "not only to myself" doesn't mean shit to me .. that's just cowardly little you looking for someone to bail your punk ass out again just like when someone calls you a name. I don't need concensus, polls, or backup to speak the truth to an obvious fraud.

Post some more "blacks are anti-Native" bullshit again .. please do. There is a wealth of information that disproves your racist view and I'd love to out your ignorance once again .. and again.
OH .. NOW SOME minorities don't like each other. What in the fuck is that supposed to prove or affirm. Some Natives don't like other Natives, some people don't like other people, so what? But you've falsely labeled an entire group of people that you don't even know. You didn't even take the fucking time to research what you claim. Your false claims also prove that you've never worked in the arena of trying to foster good relations and you don't know shit about either culture. The racism of the few is not the racism of the whole.

I've lived around and with children of mixed heritage all my life, and I have a mixed race son of my own .. and I've probably been around to see the effects of racism as long as you have. What's your point? Children of mixed heritage often faced less discrimination than others and for the most part, did not face more discrimination than anyone else. In case you haven't noticed, America is FULL of mixed race people.

Previously you falsely claimed that blacks are anti-Native and Natives didn't like blacks by your false inference about Obama.

I've proved both stupid as hell assertions to be nothing more than your own paranoid bullshit. Where was it EVER inferred that Natives were going to fall down in some religious stupor over Obama?

Now your story changes again.

You don't know shit and I listed just a very few of the Native people and organizations who do not share your racism.

There are lots of good people, black, white, Native, hispanic, asian, who work at fostering better relations between us all and dispise the hate-mongering that assholes like you try to perpetuate. You look for the exceptional instances of dissention then claim it speaks for the whole.

And just so you'd know .. "not only to myself" doesn't mean shit to me .. that's just cowardly little you looking for someone to bail your punk ass out again just like when someone calls you a name. I don't need concensus, polls, or backup to speak the truth to an obvious fraud.

Post some more "blacks are anti-Native" bullshit again .. please do. There is a wealth of information that disproves your racist view and I'd love to out your ignorance once again .. and again.
You continually, deliberately misrepresent what I said.

First, I never said that NAs do not like Obama. Show me where I said that. What I DID say was a larger number of NAs than usual are supportive of McCain. And gave the link that provides that information.

Did I say ANYWHERE that blacks hate NAs? Show me ONE FUCKING PLACE I SAID BLACKS HATE NAs. Show me one place I said NAs hate blacks.

I DID say I ran into racial prejudice growing up. Get it? GROWING UP? As in a lot of years ago. Then I got in the Marine Corps which officially and then actively discouraged racism. Nothing "changed" about that story. What is under constant change is the lies you tell about what I did say.

What I also DID say, with links to articles of the events to back up the statement, is on occasions black political organizations, such as CBC, have failed to support NA causes, despite the support black causes receive from NA political organizations.

Even gave a link showing a time when the CBC specifically went AGAINST NA interests. Which did piss of a lot of NAs.

Does that mean blacks hate NAs? Nope.
Does that mean NAs hate blacks? Nope.

It does mean that NAs are a bit more than upset with the way black political organizations have been lacking when it comes to supporting NA causes. But unlike mindless little yapping poodles like yourself, NAs aren't going to just start childish tirades about it, nor are they about to eliminate any long standing alliances between political organizations. But we WILL continue to point out to black organizations that the actions of black political organizations has not been symmetrical when it comes to support for each other's causes.

But "hatred" is how you deliberately misinterpret what was said so you can go on your bullshit, braindead, I-can't-fucking-read torrents of diarrhea.

Take a fucking course in reading comprehension, asshole. My 5 year old grand niece has better reading comprehension than you do.
You continually, deliberately misrepresent what I said.

First, I never said that NAs do not like Obama. Show me where I said that. What I DID say was a larger number of NAs than usual are supportive of McCain. And gave the link that provides that information.

Did I say ANYWHERE that blacks hate NAs? Show me ONE FUCKING PLACE I SAID BLACKS HATE NAs. Show me one place I said NAs hate blacks.

I DID say I ran into racial prejudice growing up. Get it? GROWING UP? As in a lot of years ago. Then I got in the Marine Corps which officially and then actively discouraged racism. Nothing "changed" about that story. What is under constant change is the lies you tell about what I did say.

What I also DID say, with links to articles of the events to back up the statement, is on occasions black political organizations, such as CBC, have failed to support NA causes, despite the support black causes receive from NA political organizations.

Even gave a link showing a time when the CBC specifically went AGAINST NA interests. Which did piss of a lot of NAs.

Does that mean blacks hate NAs? Nope.
Does that mean NAs hate blacks? Nope.

It does mean that NAs are a bit more than upset with the way black political organizations have been lacking when it comes to supporting NA causes. But unlike mindless little yapping poodles like yourself, NAs aren't going to just start childish tirades about it, nor are they about to eliminate any long standing alliances between political organizations. But we WILL continue to point out to black organizations that the actions of black political organizations has not been symmetrical when it comes to support for each other's causes.

But "hatred" is how you deliberately misinterpret what was said so you can go on your bullshit, braindead, I-can't-fucking-read torrents of diarrhea.

Take a fucking course in reading comprehension, asshole. My 5 year old grand niece has better reading comprehension than you do.

In closing .. let me say this to you brother ..

There are lots of good threads on board today as BLACKS and NATIVE AMERICANS and AMERICANS OF ALL RACES and most especially DEMOCRATS and even socialists like myself, analyze and CELEBRATE the evidence that Obama is going to be the democratic nominee. That means that a large coalition of Americans of all stripes are looking forward to bringing this nation closer together to face the incredible challenges brought on in large part by the Republican Party.

It's a large coalition of Americans who are HONESTLY looking to accentuate what is good and common between all Americans, rather than accentuate the negative. My problem with you is that you accentuate the negative and profess it as if it represents the whole.

If you are truly Native/Black, why would you suggest that blacks are anti-Native on a message board, nurturing the notion that blacks are racist against Natives and Natives don't like black people? That is a lie, a racist lie that is easily disproven, as I EASILY did. Just because some have problems does not represent the whole .. and it does not represent the incredible, unique, and fascinating history these people have shared together.

You didn't talk about that history .. I did.

The view you post to some here who may not know the black/Native relationship is a false one.

Native American Times: Native American Superdelagates Growing in Importance and Numbers.

“I want to get all together and meet as one,” Campbell said. She is also Vice Chairman of the Montana Democratic Party Executive Committee. The Poplar resident said this election cycle and the growing roles of Native Americans “may be the pinnacle of the Native role, but it feels close to the excitement of the Bill Clinton campaign of 1992,” when so many Indian people became involved at many levels to help him get elected.

Campbell is one of the much ballyhooed superdelegates who can support whoever they want. Campbell came out in April to support U.S. Senator Barack Obama, had to withdraw the official endorsement because party rules forbid her from making any kind of public support for any candidate for now. State Party rules say she must stay neutral until after the June 3rd primary in Montana. Although she has made several public statements saying she is still leaning toward Obama, she told the Native American Times she will honor the direction her state goes.

Long time Democratic activist Frank LaMere, a Winnebago Indian, endorsed Obama on February 8, 2008 and said "We, as Native Americans, have always stood four square with the Democratic Party and they have always stood four square with us. We will continue to do so in 2008 as we elect a Democratic President to restore the national vision that has been blurred during the last eight years. I ask your help in this endeavor,” LaMere said.

“ The Democratic Party’s values are the values of Indian People: taking care of the elderly, the children, those less fortunate, giving a helping hand to those who need it the most. The Democratic Party is about “We” not “Me,” which is so in tune with our Indian Values. Key Democratic Party leaders like Chairman Dean know and appreciate this. The Democratic Party under his leadership has reached out in immeasurable ways to include Indians at all levels of the Party. Having Indian Delegates at the Convention will showcase that Indians are “coming home” to a place where we are respected, valued, and needed most,” Free said to the Native American Times


Pay particular attention to what is boldened. The Indian way is we, not me. Irrespective of someone calling you a name and your rejection in your youth, this is not about you, it's about the "we." Overall, the Democratic Party has been good for Natives, not perfect but good .. just as it has been good for African-Americans .. not perfect but good and without question far better than republicans have been .. and both groups are intelligent enough to know that .. AND they can prove the benefit of that intelligence.

You do not demonstrate the Indian way and most certainly not of black conscience.

You can continue to accentuate the negative if you wish, but I have truth to counter that .. and I believe in the "we" .. it's what makes me a socialist.
Nobody is going to "rob" Obama. Just assume he is the nominee. This 'battle' between HillBilly and Obama is actually helping Obama become known by the people that may vote for him, and helped to finally show the rest of the D's that HillBilly is exactly what we said she was.
Read much?

May 6, 2008

"Even as Democrats fret over the damage that the battle for the party’s presidential nomination has already done to their chances of regaining the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is talking of a “nuclear option”."


May 5, 2008

"Hillary Clinton's campaign today acknowledged plans to try to win seating of the disputed Michigan and Florida delegations to the Democratic Nation Convention at a meeting of the party's Rules and Bylaws Committee on May 31."



May 6, 2008

"Even as Democrats fret over the damage that the battle for the party’s presidential nomination has already done to their chances of regaining the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is talking of a “nuclear option”."


May 5, 2008

"Hillary Clinton's campaign today acknowledged plans to try to win seating of the disputed Michigan and Florida delegations to the Democratic Nation Convention at a meeting of the party's Rules and Bylaws Committee on May 31."



Not being snide, but that was before yesterday. You know, Da Bomb. 2 pts, IN, factor in Limbaugh...