Damar Hamlin

No. It kind of worked out that way. The math teacher they hired is also a coach so he couldn’t teach all that I was teaching. They let me choose my classes though. I always tell them to let me have 7th and 8th grades and the advanced math class, then whatever other class they need to round out my four classes. With my pension plus what they pay me for the four classes I actually bring home more than I did the last year I was full time. I’ve been doing this for four years now. Year 35 all at the same school.

You've got the dream job in the dream school...:) It's so nice to hear about a school that is willing to work with their staff like that... it's a win-win for everybody, especially the kids... happy teachers make all the difference in a building.....and 35 years at the same school says really happy...;) I taught and coached at three different schools but 23 years in the HS before I retired... the majority of our staff had been there at least 15...dedicated caring staff is the key...especially in a large system...;)
Continue to love what you're doing...your kids and your teams are very lucky to have you...;)

Sticks, pictures and stones may break my bones, but you are one stupid white guy....LOLOLOLOL Welfare queens come in white these days, thanks to the bm pumping up them bellies with babies.
Correct on sticks and stone, tigger.

I have no idea what “bm” are but agreed that Euro-Americans on welfare outnumber African-Americans as a matter of numbers; about 75% of population vs. 14%.

How does this change the fact you’re a POE sock? My guess is that you are a fat dumbass Euro-American male like Terri4Trump, who masqueraded as a women veteran, in your 50s to early 60s. Little or no college. After 20+ years of working you made it to the first level of management and are now facing retirement with a gold watch and a small severance check. You are considering what jobs you’d have to take to supplement your retirement income for your trailer home utilities. I suggest hotel van driver or security guard. You’d have to be strong to continually put in/take bags out of the van. Security could be simply sitting on your fat ass and watching cameras while eating Twinkies.