Damar Hamlin

We have a lot of offspring there. Especially in south Korea. ;) Just doing our best to raise the looks of you mud rats one Amerasian at a time..:cool:

You've been to Korea? What's your favorite city? What food did you eat? What did you do for fun? Your English is passable most of the time. How much Korean do you know?
No one thinks you were a teacher. You're as pitiful as Stone is. He at least stands up for himself while you whisper and gossip like an 80-year-old toddler. You're an uneducated, passive aggressive joke.
They know I'm a teacher...that's the great part. You bought their lies...No surprise there...:)
They know I'm a teacher...that's the great part. You bought their lies...No surprise there...:)

Bitch, no. You're used to just repeating yourself until people give up, aren't you, Karen? That ain't my life. I wouldn't give you a foot of rope to hang your fat ass.
Bitch, no. You're used to just repeating yourself until people give up, aren't you, Karen? That ain't my life. I wouldn't give you a foot of rope to hang your fat ass.
But the truth is I'm a teacher...a retired teacher...with a lovely pension following a wonderful career...It simply is what it is...;)
But the truth is I'm a teacher...a retired teacher...with a lovely pension following a wonderful career...It simply is what it is...;)

I am also enjoying a pension though not completely out of the classroom yet. Four classes a day, I go to work at 10 and return home at 2 four days a week. The good life.
But the truth is I'm a teacher...a retired teacher...with a lovely pension following a wonderful career...It simply is what it is...;)

Mmhmm. Which school district? There is literally no way on Earth that a school administrator left you alone with children.
I am also enjoying a pension though not completely out of the classroom yet. Four classes a day, I go to work at 10 and return home at 2 four days a week. The good life.
The good life indeed... that schedule is awesome... did they create that position for you?
An expected reply from you, Tigger.
The good life indeed... that schedule is awesome... did they create that position for you?

No. It kind of worked out that way. The math teacher they hired is also a coach so he couldn’t teach all that I was teaching. They let me choose my classes though. I always tell them to let me have 7th and 8th grades and the advanced math class, then whatever other class they need to round out my four classes. With my pension plus what they pay me for the four classes I actually bring home more than I did the last year I was full time. I’ve been doing this for four years now. Year 35 all at the same school.