Damar Hamlin

Fuck you. Produce where I ever said anything like that. Fags make me sick actually.

That's because you're from that last generation of self-hating homos. Those of us who liberated ourselves pity you. While you're tippy tapping on the floors of airport stall bathrooms we're running companies and taking greased up cruise vacations.
I dont give a fuck. You dont troll someone else by making up stories about me and pretending to be serious. Thats over the line. I forgive you,....but that IS way over the line.

He was right. You admitted taking it up the ass this past summer.
You're my parents' age, but they have never said "fag" within my earshot.

So you're old. White. Fat. Living off your dad's reputation. Calling strangers on the internet fags. You are the definition of pathetic.

We went thru the WHITE thing before. Yes, ..VERY proud of my heritage. How could I not be. We have dominated the world.
Stone, you're an overweight senior citizen who never made anything of yourself. You don't honestly think that someone like me would even notice you if you passed by me in the grocery store. And if you borrowed the nuts from someone else to try to knock out my front teeth, you'd end up in the hospital. I was beating the asses of people better, faster, and stronger than you before you even started to pretend to run your daddy's business.

We went thru the WHITE thing before. Yes, ..VERY proud of my heritage. How could I not be. We have dominated the world.

"We" is a loose term, fat fuck. :laugh: I'm curious though: What have you done in your life about which you're proud? You white trailer park dwellers have no influence in Asia whatsoever.
Yea, I don’t get how this thread could have devolved into what it has. To me it is a no brainer to root for Mr. Hamlin. I was watching that game and to see the players’ reactions … black, white or purple, we all were wanting this young guy to be ok.

Yes I’m done with this thread. Too caustic for me. Started bad and went down from there.
"We" is a loose term, fat fuck. :laugh: I'm curious though: What have you done in your life about which you're proud? You white trailer park dwellers have no influence in Asia whatsoever.

We have a lot of offspring there. Especially in south Korea. ;) Just doing our best to raise the looks of you mud rats one Amerasian at a time..:cool:
Remember McSlobber (Micawber)?
He was the same way. I ‘knew’ him for years.
He had some massive meltdowns. And often. Life Is Golden will vouch for that. They get completely unhinged and irrational.
This is just a stupid little message board FFS! Amusement and entertainment for me, nothing else.
Yep -- Trolltoxic, i.e., Micawber had 4-alarm meltdowns, daily. Like a clown car on fire.

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