Damar Hamlin

Fuck you. Produce where I ever said anything like that. Fags make me sick actually.

Nightmares of passing out drunk with your militia friends? Too many mornings waking up with your eyes glued shut and your mouth sticky, Fatboy?
See ya later,.....you can deal with the board bitch Dutch. Good luck....:) I threw my back out a little yesterday slipping on the ice and couldnt sleep worth a shit last night. Gonna take a little siesta if I can.

Hope you feel better soon.
It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred. It does however saddens me that a negro in order to get this type of love and affection has to be in full gear, ie a sport uniform for white ppl to give a damn, else he's just another negro in distress.....as a matter of fact, had this brother had this same event take place outside of entertaining white ppl, I don't think he'd recieve the type of attention he's recieving now. So to all my black brothers, you want love from the master, bust your ass while in a uniform, else look out!!

Hmmm, outstanding man doing something with his life or George Floyd-long rap sheet, dies because he is too fucking stupid to stand still. Pretty easy choice for most people with a brain.
Hmmm, outstanding man doing something with his life or George Floyd-long rap sheet, dies because he is too @#$&$#% stupid to stand still. Pretty easy choice for most people with a brain.

Yea, I don’t get how this thread could have devolved into what it has. To me it is a no brainer to root for Mr. Hamlin. I was watching that game and to see the players’ reactions … black, white or purple, we all were wanting this young guy to be ok.
Yea, I don’t get how this thread could have devolved into what it has. To me it is a no brainer to root for Mr. Hamlin. I was watching that game and to see the players’ reactions … black, white or purple, we all were wanting this young guy to be ok.
Agreed on wanting Hamlin to be okay. He was reported to have visited the team this weekend.

As for the racists; haters gonna hate. It makes it easy to see who are the Christians and who aren’t. :)
Dude,.....even at 59 I bet i'd whoop your ass silly . Im in better shape then at least 75% of others my age. Shut your silly mouth,... Tiny.

You're in better shape than 75% of other people who are 20 years older than I am? Let's all slow clap for this slow, simply fatty.
My feelings arent hurt at all. Its funny to me actually,...then again im not a little pussy like you. I was born when men still had balls and testosterone,....you? Not so much. Might explain why you turned out a fag.

You're my parents' age, but they have never said "fag" within my earshot.

So you're old. White. Fat. Living off your dad's reputation. Calling strangers on the internet fags. You are the definition of pathetic.
Everyone knows I was a teacher... I can't believe you didn't get the updated PM...

No one thinks you were a teacher. You're as pitiful as Stone is. He at least stands up for himself while you whisper and gossip like an 80-year-old toddler. You're an uneducated, passive aggressive joke.
Dude,.....even at 59 I bet i'd whoop your ass silly . Im in better shape then at least 75% of others my age. Shut your silly mouth,... Tiny.

You're in better shape than 75% of other people who are 20 years older than I am? Let's all slow clap for this slow, simply fatty.
Laws of the Internet:
  1. People who brag about how rich they are usually aren’t.
  2. People who brag about how smart they are usually aren’t.
  3. People who brag how tough they are usually aren’t

The more Fatboy brags, the more he reveals what he isn’t. He’s a paper tiger who brags about beating people up from the safety of his anonymous keyboard.
That's too funny... but I really think the important thing here is to tell Mr D that no one uses "wigger" anymore...

I do. Stone's a wigger. You're a wigger. You're the last, dying off generation of people who benefited from being white without ever accomplishing anything yourselves. You're special, spoiled racists whose children and grandchildren will never experience that same level of unearned privilege. And your asses hurt because of it. I think it's great.
They arent used to ever having to deal with real actual Men. They deal with their own kind so much they think everyone is like them when they arent. In my world if someone talked like Diesel they would get all their front teeth knocked out before they ever got to finish the 1st sentence. :laugh: Like the old saying goes.......Dont want none dont start none.

Stone, you're an overweight senior citizen who never made anything of yourself. You don't honestly think that someone like me would even notice you if you passed by me in the grocery store. And if you borrowed the nuts from someone else to try to knock out my front teeth, you'd end up in the hospital. I was beating the asses of people better, faster, and stronger than you before you even started to pretend to run your daddy's business.