Damar Hamlin

I know. I tried to help him for over a month by talking to him decently and treating him well. It failed. He may be a hopeless cause unless he seeks help. I am also quite sure he has some pretty serious drug addiction problems as well. He, Dutch, and Evince deserve each other.

Remember McSlobber (Micawber)?
He was the same way. I ‘knew’ him for years.
He had some massive meltdowns. And often. Life Is Golden will vouch for that. They get completely unhinged and irrational.
This is just a stupid little message board FFS! Amusement and entertainment for me, nothing else.
Wigger, shut the fuck up. I can't even understand you in between the Velveeta and Miracle Whip.

This gets the Martin Luther King
Least commemorative quote of the day award....congratulations are in order...;)
Remember McSlobber (Micawber)?
He was the same way. I ‘knew’ him for years.
He had some massive meltdowns. And often. Life Is Golden will vouch for that. They get completely unhinged and irrational.
This is just a stupid little message board FFS! Amusement and entertainment for me, nothing else.

You mean we aren't deciding World issues???
Me? No, that's not right. I was traveling yesterday and today I'm doing domestic chores on a PTO day. Your posting history today is concerning. When Stone, TOP, and ExpressLane are your likes, you've lost your fucking mind.

You are the one calling people Wiggers. A term so racist that it is racist against both black and white people. Have you lost your ability to reason?
Remember McSlobber (Micawber)?
He was the same way. I ‘knew’ him for years.
He had some massive meltdowns. And often. Life Is Golden will vouch for that. They get completely unhinged and irrational.
This is just a stupid little message board FFS! Amusement and entertainment for me, nothing else.

Total nut. Would melt down once a week or so.
You are the one calling people Wiggers. A term so racist that it is racist against both black and white people. Have you lost your ability to reason?

Oh gosh. You understand the pain of being called a nigger? Do you, Pebbles? Tell us more about how your white feelings are hurt. I promise I'll find someone who gives a fuck.
Stone, you fat, unimpressive fuck, no one wants your help. Not your family. Not me. I'm regularly embarrassed by you. But you can't loop me in with Dutch and evince. Those cunts are actually insane.

Dude,.....even at 59 I bet i'd whoop your ass silly . Im in better shape then at least 75% of others my age. Shut your silly mouth,... Tiny.
Oh gosh. You understand the pain of being called a nigger? Do you, Pebbles? Tell us more about how your white feelings are hurt. I promise I'll find someone who gives a fuck.

My feelings arent hurt at all. Its funny to me actually,...then again im not a little pussy like you. I was born when men still had balls and testosterone,....you? Not so much. Might explain why you turned out a fag.
Dude,.....even at 59 I bet i'd whoop your ass silly . Im in better shape then at least 75% of others my age. Shut your silly mouth,... Tiny.
You had better watch out . It is amazing how tough these faggot keyboard warriors can be. :laugh:
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It is amazing how tough these faggot keyboard warriors can be.

They arent used to ever having to deal with real actual Men. They deal with their own kind so much they think everyone is like them when they arent. In my world if someone talked like Diesel they would get all their front teeth knocked out before they ever got to finish the 1st sentence. :laugh: Like the old saying goes.......Dont want none dont start none.
My feelings arent hurt at all. Its funny to me actually,...then again im not a little pussy like you. I was born when men still had balls and testosterone,....you? Not so much. Might explain why you turned out a fag.
And I bet you knew real men didn't take it up the ass.