Damar Hamlin

I thought I wasn’t either when jogging in Audubon Park.
I never jogged in that area again. THose guys taught me well.

They taught you how to be racist? I'm not understanding what point you're trying to make. I am perfectly safe in Black neighborhoods. Apparently you're not. That doesn't sound like my problem.
Oh, now it’s racist to obey my muggers. I’ll have to add that to my list of things to consider racist.:palm:

No, you moron. It's racist to think that Black neighborhoods are unsafe. If you have a problem in Black neighborhoods, I submit that it has more to do with you than with the neighborhood. Maybe you just look like somebody who needs his ass beat.
By blacks???

Look who the racist is here. Never fails. You people almost always expose yourselves.

By Blacks? No, you racist dumpster. Anyone who wants to beat your ass should. I don't care what color they are. I'd shove your racist skull through a storm drain.
By Blacks? No, you racist dumpster. Anyone who wants to beat your ass should. I don't care what color they are. I'd shove your racist skull through a storm drain.

Sad. Pathetic.
Nothing more to be said really.
I consider you to be racist, and you me. We’ll just leave it at that.
Fifty one (51) percent of violent crime in America is committed by 13 percent of the population.

Its even much worse then that. When you take out the elderly and little kids it is more like 8 %. If you start taking out a high percentage of females because they do in fact commit far less crime its now down to about 4 % committing 51% of the crime.
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I think that's about right. You should have your racist ass beaten. Otherwise, I think we covered all bases.

I am POSITIVE you have had your racist ass beaten MANY times. Pretty sure that has a lot to do with why you act the way you act. Grab a crying towel, a bottle of Midol, and shut the fuck up. Toughen up cupcake.
I am POSITIVE you have had your racist ass beaten MANY times. Pretty sure that has a lot to do with why you act the way you act. Grab a crying towel, a bottle of Midol, and shut the fuck up. Toughen up cupcake.

That guy has some serious issues. Seriously.
As often as he has meltdowns?
That guy has some serious issues. Seriously.
As often as he has meltdowns?

I know. I tried to help him for over a month by talking to him decently and treating him well. It failed. He may be a hopeless cause unless he seeks help. I am also quite sure he has some pretty serious drug addiction problems as well. He, Dutch, and Evince deserve each other.
^ Meltdown two days in a row now.

Me? No, that's not right. I was traveling yesterday and today I'm doing domestic chores on a PTO day. Your posting history today is concerning. When Stone, TOP, and ExpressLane are your likes, you've lost your fucking mind.
I am POSITIVE you have had your racist ass beaten MANY times. Pretty sure that has a lot to do with why you act the way you act. Grab a crying towel, a bottle of Midol, and shut the fuck up. Toughen up cupcake.

Wigger, shut the fuck up. I can't even understand you in between the Velveeta and Miracle Whip.
We're just made of different DNA.
E.g., I find it amusing that you people have found racism in advocating healthy diets, racist roads, racist trees, racist birds, racist babies, racist math, now racist fields. You probably don't. And that's OK.
But for the OP to consider it to be racist to show concern for Hamlin is over the top. She's disgusting.
It is interesting to note that people like her do more to promote racial division than to promote racial harmony. It is almost like one day she realized she wasn't White (Or brown, yellow, orange, or green or whatever) and has been pissed ever since.
I know. I tried to help him for over a month by talking to him decently and treating him well. It failed. He may be a hopeless cause unless he seeks help. I am also quite sure he has some pretty serious drug addiction problems as well. He, Dutch, and Evince deserve each other.

Stone, you fat, unimpressive fuck, no one wants your help. Not your family. Not me. I'm regularly embarrassed by you. But you can't loop me in with Dutch and evince. Those cunts are actually insane.