Dead Eye Dick at it again!


Shaken, not stirred!
So the perennial neocon Frankenstein monster that is Dick Cheney is once again making the rounds regurgitating his favorite Obama is dooming America and how the terrorist will come and get us unless we continue the course he and Rummy laid out.

Poor bastard....he just can't accept that reality is whittling away his false legacy piece by piece. Obama is cleaning up after 8 years of HIS mess...and the worst terrorist act on American shores happened because HE and the SHRUB threw out/ignored all the safeguards and protocols left by the previous administration, and ignored all warnings by allied intelligence.

No, Cheney has a warped, myopic view of the world, recent history and his part in it. But never fear, Bill Kristol and Cheney's daughter are ramping up a new version of the PNAC all will be well (as long as your not a working class guy in the National Guard).
Yeah, the truth is just too much for your little neocon parrot brain.....which is why you can't refute one thing I've said. Go back to sleep (if you ever were awake).

Dick Cheney isn't in office anymore..maybe you ought to try some investigating of the people this commie President has installed in his administration and some of the shit they are going around saying they are wanting to do to us and our country..but I won't hold my breath..
So the perennial neocon Frankenstein monster that is Dick Cheney is once again making the rounds regurgitating his favorite Obama is dooming America and how the terrorist will come and get us unless we continue the course he and Rummy laid out.

Poor bastard....he just can't accept that reality is whittling away his false legacy piece by piece. Obama is cleaning up after 8 years of HIS mess...and the worst terrorist act on American shores happened because HE and the SHRUB threw out/ignored all the safeguards and protocols left by the previous administration, and ignored all warnings by allied intelligence.

No, Cheney has a warped, myopic view of the world, recent history and his part in it. But never fear, Bill Kristol and Cheney's daughter are ramping up a new version of the PNAC all will be well (as long as your not a working class guy in the National Guard).

Gee, I just thought he was indicating the lies of the Obama administration regarding Afghanistan, you know, that there was no plan(s)?
Dick Cheney isn't in office anymore..maybe you ought to try some investigating of the people this commie President has installed in his administration and some of the shit they are going around saying they are wanting to do to us and our country..but I won't hold my breath..

Commie president?
My god, woman, you're stupid.
Nothing changes with you, does it?
Gee, I just thought he was indicating the lies of the Obama administration regarding Afghanistan, you know, that there was no plan(s)?

We-e-ell all Kenyan, Muslim, Nigras lie, specially the American ones. Ain't that a fact?
Dick Cheney isn't in office anymore No shit sherlock...still doesn't change one iota of what I pointed out and commented on..maybe you ought to try some investigating of the people this commie President has installed in his administration and some of the shit they are going around saying they are wanting to do to us and our country..but I won't hold my breath..

Newsflash mastermind....America voted for Obama...and he won in RED States, you and your facist little mindset lost fair and your lame "commie" whine has all the credibility of a 3 dollar bill.

Cheney is full of it...he doesn't give a damn about America or it's soldiers....all he cares about his the PNAC agenda. It's failing, so as long as the new surgery holds old, Old Dead Eye is going to lie on the stump to protect the lies of the last 8 years. Pity only the willfully ignorant are buying it.
Gee, I just thought he was indicating the lies of the Obama administration regarding Afghanistan, you know, that there was no plan(s)?

Gee, then you need to get educated on the subject...because Cheney and company HAD NO PLAN FOR 8 YEARS. Remember? They abandoned Afghanistan to invade a country that had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11 OR AL QUEDA. So now Obama is trying to clean up the mess...and he's actually listening to military on the ground, and assessing the situation properly. Gee, that's a switch from the last 8 years, ain't it!

Cheney is a liar....plain and simple. He just can't stand the fact that America has had enought of his way of doing things...and the old scare tactics just are not working. Reality is killing his BS.
Newsflash mastermind....America voted for Obama...and he won in RED States, you and your facist little mindset lost fair and your lame "commie" whine has all the credibility of a 3 dollar bill.

Cheney is full of it...he doesn't give a damn about America or it's soldiers....all he cares about his the PNAC agenda. It's failing, so as long as the new surgery holds old, Old Dead Eye is going to lie on the stump to protect the lies of the last 8 years. Pity only the willfully ignorant are buying it.

yeah yeah yeah he won...well so did George Bush and we saw how you all just rolled over and went with the stop yer belly aching and bullying cause we're not going anywhere, in fact we are just getting warmed up...Enjoy

and ya all continuing yer bitch fest on Cheney isn't going to distract us from the task we are faced with now...the commies who are running this white house...but hey, if that is what blows your skirts up, have at it...
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yeah yeah yeah he won...well so did George Bush and we saw how you all just rolled over and went with the stop yer belly aching and bullying cause we're not going anywhere, in fact we are just getting warmed up...Enjoy

and ya all continuing yer bitch fest on Cheney isn't going to distract us from the task we are faced with now...the commies who are running this white house...but hey, if that is what blows your skirts up, have at it...

What is YOUR definition of a commie?
If you do not know then your post is pretty pointless.
If you do know you are misusing the term.
Come on now. You are the smart arse yank. YOU know everything. What's a commie, meme?
What is YOUR definition of a commie?
If you do not know then your post is pretty pointless.
If you do know you are misusing the term.
Come on now. You are the smart arse yank. YOU know everything. What's a commie, meme?

yeah yeah yeah he won Fair and square, toodles...and it's just killing you. ...well so did George Bush Not according to 57,000 Floridians or thousands of Ohioans...but hey, it wasn't your vote so you don't give a little fascist hypocrit and we saw how you all just rolled over and went with the flow Oh I have no kind words for the Dems who didn't read the Patriot Act, or didn't stand up and fight because they were afraid of being labled un-American by Fox Noise...but then again I'm not a Democrat, so the shame is not mine. And the 2008 elections shows that thanks to folk like me, "going with the flow" and "rolling over" was stopped cold. Deal with it, stop yer belly aching and bullying cause we're not going anywhere, in fact we are just getting warmed up...Enjoy "bullying"? Since when is fairly winning an election "bullying"? Since when is telling the truth "bullying"? Use your head.....the "birthers", the "teabaggers" are making asses of one is forcing them to do that. Cheney's lies and distortions cannot stand against the facts of recent history. The "bullying" of the neocon driven GOP and its punditry has lost and is losing ground....becoming stubborn, bitter little cretins like you. You and your ilk can stay right here and bray loudly night and day.....makes your defeat in 2012 all the more easier. Like I said, daughter Cheney and Bill "got everything wrong on Iraq" Kristol are ramping up a new version of the PNAC agenda. Good....because it gives a list of names of the assholes responsible for our current problems for the public to know and remember.

and ya all continuing yer bitch fest on Cheney isn't going to distract us from the task we are faced with now...the commies who are running this white house...but hey, if that is what blows your skirts up, have at it...

Right....I recall morons like you squawking the same BS at your hysterical 9/12 rally....a bigger collection of genuingly ignorant and willfully ignorant fools there never was. First Obama was a socialist, now he's a communist. Make up your mind, genius...or get a dictionary. Oh, and I don't recall you whining about socialism when the Shrub was using YOUR tax dollars to bail out private investors on Wall St. You dumb hypocrit.

Cheney preaches to the willfully ignorant long as they ignore who was in charge when 9/11 happened, all is well. So continue to revel in your stupidity.
Right....I recall morons like you squawking the same BS at your hysterical 9/12 rally....a bigger collection of genuingly ignorant and willfully ignorant fools there never was. First Obama was a socialist, now he's a communist. Make up your mind, genius...or get a dictionary. Oh, and I don't recall you whining about socialism when the Shrub was using YOUR tax dollars to bail out private investors on Wall St. You dumb hypocrit.

Cheney preaches to the willfully ignorant long as they ignore who was in charge when 9/11 happened, all is well. So continue to revel in your stupidity.

we are here and not going anywhere, so just get used to it..we had to suffer you fools during the Bush administration, so you will have to suffer us's it feel?
we are here and not going anywhere, so just get used to it So is big deal..we had to suffer you fools during the Bush administration, so you will have to suffer us's it feel?

You can't refute on this I referenced...instead you bray like an ass because you can't deal with the facts that 8 years under the leadership or your false gods has totally fucked up the country and our foreign relations. You lost FAIR AND SQUARE, and since January the neocon punditry and it's sheep has been braying loudly against that fact. But to be secure...all you have to do is just ignore all the results of 8 years of your neocon leadership. Self delusion has always been your strong point toodles. Carry on.