Dead Eye Dick at it again!

Watch it Southern Man. Rowaicue is going to pull out the heavy...errr...weapons!

You say "guns" and it's likely to bust an aorta!

I think he busted that aorta on his last post to me because I wouldn't give him an explanation on what communism is..we might need to see if he is still alive..
????...why do you try to make this about either me or you?....I could give a fuck what alters you bow at and you have previously expressed your disdain about mine....

the issue was raised regarding Obama and his appointees, one of which stated that Mao was one of the philosophers she turned to most're simply being disingenuous if you want to argue it's because of his hairstyle.....

Obama has a political history....when he was engaged in Chicago politics he sought out the endorsement of the New Party, a group so radical that the Green Party was embarrassed to be associated with them....

since taking office he has moved rapidly toward taking control of a variety of private enterprises by the government......

if you consider both his political history and his actions, it is not surprising that people would question his motives and consider the word "communist"......

What on earth are you waffling about? I was not referring to you or to anyone. I was simply saying that one might respect/admire/recognise a man for more reasons than another's prejudices might mention. I then suggested a couple of things that might more accurately indicate communism and finished with a statement that pointed out that I do not agree with those 'suggested' stances. The 'do you' was simply a question tag.
It is so tiresome having to explain oneself to americans.
As far as your president is concerned I would say it is not only generally surprising but totally illogical and fallacious to label him communist if, indeed, you know the meaning of the word 'communist'. However, in a nation that does not even know the true meaning of 'liberal', I am, personally, not surprised.
If you do not understand this post you may ask for an explanation or seek help from an adult.
I think he busted that aorta on his last post to me because I wouldn't give him an explanation on what communism is..we might need to see if he is still alive..

You wouldn't because you couldn't.
now off with you to your WOT la la land.

If I were ever to visit La La Land I'm sure it would be almost entirely populated with clones of you, dear. What did you say a communist was again?
If you really don't know I could suggest literature that might help if you know anyone who can read.
If I were ever to visit La La Land I'm sure it would be almost entirely populated with clones of you, dear. What did you say a communist was again?
If you really don't know I could suggest literature that might help if you know anyone who can read.

let me make a suggestion on where you can stick your suggestions..up the same place where your head is..just be careful when you sit down.
What on earth are you waffling about? I was not referring to you or to anyone. I was simply saying that one might respect/admire/recognise a man for more reasons than another's prejudices might mention. I then suggested a couple of things that might more accurately indicate communism and finished with a statement that pointed out that I do not agree with those 'suggested' stances. The 'do you' was simply a question tag.
It is so tiresome having to explain oneself to americans.
As far as your president is concerned I would say it is not only generally surprising but totally illogical and fallacious to label him communist if, indeed, you know the meaning of the word 'communist'. However, in a nation that does not even know the true meaning of 'liberal', I am, personally, not surprised.
If you do not understand this post you may ask for an explanation or seek help from an adult.

when we speak of liberals and communists in this country we have no trouble in understanding each other.....if folks in different parts of the world look at those words differently, it's true they may have trouble communicating.....however, since we both agree we don't give a shit what the rest of you think, that hardly matters.....
when we speak of liberals and communists in this country we have no trouble in understanding each other.....if folks in different parts of the world look at those words differently, it's true they may have trouble communicating.....however, since we both agree we don't give a shit what the rest of you think, that hardly matters.....

But there lies the problem. You are using words that belong in a language which is not strictly speaking your own and which is used as either a first or second language by much of the world's population. So what did you mean when you tried to frighten Europe and Australasia into joining you in Vietnam to stop the march of communism through Asia? Your communism or our communism. And your man McCarthy. Was he ridding the country of communists or of people with a slightly left of centre leaning.
Maybe your statement would have more credibility were you to have your own language.
The 'liberal' thing is even crazier coming, as it does, from the Latin 'liber' meaning free. The one group of Americans who obsess about freedom are the very people who cant stand people who take it as their label.
And you express dismay when British people take the piss out of you. I know you dont care. but you should because

we're coming to get you!!!
You will bow to your Queen. You will learn to play cricket. You will stop calling bison buffalo and you will learn to speak English.
Maybe your statement would have more credibility were you to have your own language. .

I'm sorry....we've been using it for three hundred years....the statute of limitations has run and we now have it by right of adverse possession.....get a football and throw that pansy ass black and white sphere away......
I'm sorry....we've been using it for three hundred years....the statute of limitations has run and we now have it by right of adverse possession.....get a football and throw that pansy ass black and white sphere away......

300 years?? and still haven't mastered it! Most people would call that slow.
What kind of donkey is a 'pansy' donkey?
Hush now... the battle of mensa masters has commenced... do NOT interrupt

Now, now.

Would you like your Meow Mix now, or later?

maybe this one will actually turn them away little kitty.:)

Jes' you watch it Meme girl.

They get to make up the rules of when you can be condescending, insulting, rational, irational, touchy etc...

Don't expect the play book either, Missy. Just know you will ALWAYS be in violation of the rules!

Get used to it!
Jes' you watch it Meme girl.

They get to make up the rules of when you can be condescending, insulting, rational, irational, touchy etc...

Don't expect the play book either, Missy. Just know you will ALWAYS be in violation of the rules!

Get used to it!

RULES!!!! pfeesh