Dead Eye Dick at it again!

You can't refute on this I referenced...instead you bray like an ass because you can't deal with the facts that 8 years under the leadership or your false gods has totally fucked up the country and our foreign relations. You lost FAIR AND SQUARE, and since January the neocon punditry and it's sheep has been braying loudly against that fact. But to be secure...all you have to do is just ignore all the results of 8 years of your neocon leadership. Self delusion has always been your strong point toodles. Carry on.

so, how is those poll numbers looking for your all savior? what's that, not so JUST nine just maybe the people can see who is REALLY trying to screw up this country today, eh?

we're are here...Enjoy:clink:
so, how is those poll numbers looking for your all savior? what's that, not so JUST nine just maybe the people can see who is REALLY trying to screw up this country today, eh?

we're are here...Enjoy:clink:

Who is this "we" you keep squawking about? Teabaggers? Birthers? You're proud about belonging to these assholes? No surprise there.

As to Obama's ratings....a hell of a lot better than the Shrubs during his entire second stolen term in office. You got nothing, toodles....Dead Eye Dick is a lying sack who'd send your kid to hell just for his twisted PNAC to come true.
so, how is those poll numbers looking for your all savior? what's that, not so JUST nine just maybe the people can see who is REALLY trying to screw up this country today, eh?

we're are here...Enjoy:clink:

How IS those poll numbers??? Your all ???
Go back to school you are as thick as pig shit, lady.
BTW What's a communist? Your definition. C'mon, smart arse. What do you think a communist is?
Note: we spent years trying to get this stupid cow to explain herself on the WOT forum. She can't do it. C'mon Meme, youyou can do it.... can't youyou?
How IS those poll numbers??? Your all ???
Go back to school you are as thick as pig shit, lady.
BTW What's a communist? Your definition. C'mon, smart arse. What do you think a communist is?
Note: we spent years trying to get this stupid cow to explain herself on the WOT forum. She can't do it. C'mon Meme, youyou can do it.... can't youyou?

What's the matter, No IQ?
Won't your Chinese masters let you have your evening bowl of rice, if you don't get an answer??

What's the matter, No IQ?
Won't your Chinese masters let you have your evening bowl of rice, if you don't get an answer??


I notice the word got to him that Meme was supposedly Tutu. The unfortunate situation is the board owner already confirmed that lil rumor the "lil warty one" spread was FALSE.

Poor Rowaicue. These emotional outbursts CAN'T be good for the ol ticker.

I think he needs a nap, eh?
I notice the word got to him that Meme was supposedly Tutu. The unfortunate situation is the board owner already confirmed that lil rumor the "lil warty one" spread was FALSE.

Poor Rowaicue. These emotional outbursts CAN'T be good for the ol ticker.

I think he needs a nap, eh?

On the contrary. They are wonderful for my old ticker and the time at present would tend to suggest that I do not need a nap. And who or what your nasty little friends are I neither know nor care.
Still kicking pebbles you poor dried up bitch?
I notice the word got to him that Meme was supposedly Tutu. The unfortunate situation is the board owner already confirmed that lil rumor the "lil warty one" spread was FALSE.

Poor Rowaicue. These emotional outbursts CAN'T be good for the ol ticker.

I think he needs a nap, eh?

That's probably because people found it hard to believe there were two posters that stupid, excluding yourself of course.
That's probably because people found it hard to believe there were two posters that stupid, excluding yourself of course.

Oh Tomasina. There has never been a doubt in anyone's mind how tickled pink you are at being in the middle of it all.

The one man we can always count on to act like such a woman!

Here's to you sistah! :p
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How IS those poll numbers??? Your all ???
Go back to school you are as thick as pig shit, lady.
BTW What's a communist? Your definition. C'mon, smart arse. What do you think a communist is?
Note: we spent years trying to get this stupid cow to explain herself on the WOT forum. She can't do it. C'mon Meme, youyou can do it.... can't youyou?

hey numbnuts, I don't know about any place called WOT, have never been there so it must be you who is thick as a pig and living in some fantasy land in your mind..
go wig out on your buddies from this other place, you are becoming a bore and a little unhinged..
I would think that you MIGHT be a commie if one of the philosophers that you admire the most is Mao.......

I wouldn't think so. One might admire him for his ambition, his stamina or even his hair style. One might even admire him for having sowed the seeds of Chinese corruption and capitalism.
You might be a commie if you have read, understood and put into practice the Communist Manifesto. You might be a commie if you live in a commune ... or even a kibbutz.
I do not bow at any of those particular altars, do you?
I do not bow at any of those particular altars, do you?

????...why do you try to make this about either me or you?....I could give a fuck what alters you bow at and you have previously expressed your disdain about mine....

the issue was raised regarding Obama and his appointees, one of which stated that Mao was one of the philosophers she turned to most're simply being disingenuous if you want to argue it's because of his hairstyle.....

Obama has a political history....when he was engaged in Chicago politics he sought out the endorsement of the New Party, a group so radical that the Green Party was embarrassed to be associated with them....

since taking office he has moved rapidly toward taking control of a variety of private enterprises by the government......

if you consider both his political history and his actions, it is not surprising that people would question his motives and consider the word "communist"......