Dead Eye Dick at it again!

well nice to see the art of debate is alive and well on JPP.

Mea culpa!:)

Soc, when you speak rationally on these boards, you get nowhere with a certain crowd. Sometimes, ya gotta vent to cut through the BS. Lord knows you've succumbed to the same frustrations yourself here.
????...why do you try to make this about either me or you?....I could give a fuck what alters you bow at and you have previously expressed your disdain about mine....

the issue was raised regarding Obama and his appointees, one of which stated that Mao was one of the philosophers she turned to most're simply being disingenuous if you want to argue it's because of his hairstyle..... "one" of the philosophers....does not me the ONLY philosopher. Who were the others, I wonder?

Obama has a political history....when he was engaged in Chicago politics he sought out the endorsement of the New Party, a group so radical that the Green Party was embarrassed to be associated with them.... As opposed to the fringe element that Ronnie Reagan let loose when he opened that old time religion tent flap? Thing was, those jokers became a force within the GOP...something Nixon warned about. To date, I don't see Obama's administration rift with Red Book quote spouting acolytes. Hell, key parts of his administration contains folk from the previous 8 years. So your assertion is at best an inferred exaggeration.

since taking office he has moved rapidly toward taking control of a variety of private enterprises by the government...... Not quite.....the actions of gov't gaining TEMPORARY control of specific financial institutions was due to the MESS OF DEREGULATION left by the previous administration(s). Asking the fox to clean up his act without supervision wasn't going to cut it. As recent history proves, the "market" wasn't magically cleaning up itself, either.

if you consider both his political history and his actions, it is not surprising that people would question his motives and consider the word "communist"......

Only if they take your exaggerated and distored viewpoint above as gospel truth...which upon examination, is not.
Only if they take your exaggerated and distored viewpoint above as gospel truth...which upon examination, is not.

????.....more accurate than your denials.....your "key" people from the previous eight years equals one position in Defense and if we hadn't been at war, wouldn't have included the one....pretending the religious right is the equivalent of the New Party is obviously a partisan distortion.....and you can talk about "temporary" control when he releases it.....from what we've seen so far I recall reading that the government was refusing a payback of TARP money as an excuse for avoiding some of the new controls being placed upon the banks that were bailed out......


????.....more accurate than your denials.....What "denials"? Specifiy please. your "key" people from the previous eight years equals one position in Defense and if we hadn't been at war, wouldn't have included the one Either you're not aware of the following or your supposition plus conjecture is just that. Observe and learn

....pretending the religious right is the equivalent of the New Party is obviously a partisan distortion No distortion...FACT! Because last time I checked, NO ONE FROM THE "NEW PARTY" were claimed as "personal spiritual advisor" by Obama. Obviously, you're not aware (or in denial) of the power the religious right has had in the GOP...until their falling out in the last 8 years. FYI:

And my examples.....and you can talk about "temporary" control when he releases it.....from what we've seen so far I recall reading that the government was refusing a payback of TARP money as an excuse for avoiding some of the new controls being placed upon the banks that were bailed out......

I asked for examples, not your "recollections" and speculations. Give me some concreted, documented valid facts to back up what you say...If you can't, then you've got nothing.
Did anybody else besides myself expect to open this thread and find a story about Dick Cheney shooting another round of bird shot into a friend?
key people?.....

Fed chief Ben Bernanke

Sheila Bair as holdover chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp

Ray LaHood, a former congressman from Illinois, as transportation secretary

Francis Collins, an evangelical Christian, as director of the National Institutes of Health

Now those are some pretty important positions when dealing with this nation. If you consider them trivial and unimportant, then your perception of what is important greatly differs from the majority of America, I venture to say.