Dead Eye Dick at it again!

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I already stated such, you imbecile. Go back and read the posts carefully and comprehensively. Hint: look at the response why you try to insult me by saying "libby". If you STILL don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you. Your stall tactics just make you look're done.

Its not an insult Libby, its a nickname, like "Southie". Hmmm, a more apt nickname would be TC or something to that I don't call you "Manny". Given your displayed disdain and condemnation for liberals in general, I find your explanation highly suspect...but in the spirit of civility, I'll take your word for it.

Do you think that the Founders would have approved of the Democrat's bailout of GM?

No more than they would have tolerated the bail out of Wall St., or the Patriot Act, or tax cuts that favor the wealthy, or the invasion of Iraq, or the reduction of benefits for our Vets, and so on, and so on.

See, that's the difference between you and me....I have no problem pointing out the errors of the Dem party when warranted. But's it's a rare thing for you to do so with the GOP for the last 25 years.

But this has NOTHING to do with the FACT that the Founding Fathers were of a liberal mindset regarding the principals of the Constitution and Bill of I pointed out before, a gov't by the people and for the people was VERY liberal as compared to the monarchy based countries of the world at the time. Those principals are still the basis for the liberal they fight against corporate monopoly, a military industrial complex, and an executive branch centrist gov't like the last 8 years tried to shove down our throats.
Probably got "brain-lock" during history sure as hell don't have a clue who did what and why...or what they would do in todays world....
Some bonehead must have told you the founders were liberals and you bought it ....
But what the hell...your warped perception of history hurts no one but yourself...suck it up Libby....
No more than they would have tolerated the bail out of Wall St., or the Patriot Act, or tax cuts that favor the wealthy, or the invasion of Iraq, or the reduction of benefits for our Vets, and so on, and so on.


So basically Libby, you agree with me that the Founders would disprove of that particular liberal policy. Now, how about Social Security. Would the Founders agree to that?

And don't bother to try and equate me with the GOP, as I am a Conservative.
So basically Libby, you agree with me that the Founders would disprove of that particular liberal policy. Now, how about Social Security. Would the Founders agree to that?

And don't bother to try and equate me with the GOP, as I am a Conservative.

Did you ever lock the neighbourhood Gomer in an outhouse and then get your buddies to knock it over?

Jes askin' :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Southern Man
Do you think that the Founders would have approved of the Democrat's bailout of GM?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
No more than they would have tolerated the bail out of Wall St., or the Patriot Act, or tax cuts that favor the wealthy, or the invasion of Iraq, or the reduction of benefits for our Vets, and so on, and so on.

See, that's the difference between you and me....I have no problem pointing out the errors of the Dem party when warranted. But's it's a rare thing for you to do so with the GOP for the last 25 years.

But this has NOTHING to do with the FACT that the Founding Fathers were of a liberal mindset regarding the principals of the Constitution and Bill of I pointed out before, a gov't by the people and for the people was VERY liberal as compared to the monarchy based countries of the world at the time. Those principals are still the basis for the liberal they fight against corporate monopoly, a military industrial complex, and an executive branch centrist gov't like the last 8 years tried to shove down our throats.

Probably got "brain-lock" during history sure as hell don't have a clue who did what and why...or what they would do in todays world....

Some bonehead must have told you the founders were liberals and you bought it ....
But what the hell...your warped perception of history hurts no one but yourself...suck it up Libby....

Ahhh, more barking from our intellectually impotent neocon lapdog.

Pay attention, you simpleton......your boy asked me a hypothetical, and I gave an answer. TFB if you can't refute or logically disprove what I stated regarding the liberal stances that our Founding Fathers had regarding American society. But like all neocon blowhards, you're short on detail and long on generalized personal attacks. You don't DARE address EXACTLY what I stated, you just foam at the mouth and start raving...because, lets' face haven't got a fucking clue as to how to offer a logical counter argument to what I wrote.

Get your ass in gear or get're embarassing yourself again.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
No more than they would have tolerated the bail out of Wall St., or the Patriot Act, or tax cuts that favor the wealthy, or the invasion of Iraq, or the reduction of benefits for our Vets, and so on, and so on.

So basically Libby, you agree with me that the Founders would disprove of that particular liberal policy. No stupid, I pointed out to you that the Founding Fathers would disagree with ANY policy that circumnavigated or compromised the tenants of the Constitution....regardless of political party. Damn, a high school kid could've deduced that. Must I pablum feed you everything? Or are you purposely being obtuse for the hell of it? Now, how about Social Security. Would the Founders agree to that? As it was past through the Houses and approved, yes. Also, various aspects of it werer reaffirmed in Helvering v. Davis (1937) Steward Machine Company v. Davis (1937)

Sorry toodles, but you only get one little divergence. Bottom line: you can't refute or disprove what I said about Cheney and his recent stumping the SOS, so you're going the usual neocon dodge route....create an alternative question and claim THAT is the real issue. That dog of yours just won't fly here, but then that's all you've carry on.

And don't bother to try and equate me with the GOP, as I am a Conservative.

Oh Puh-leeze! You've supported every ass backwards policy of the neocon cabal from the PNAC agenda to the 9/12 don't try an pull this bullshit about you being a "true" conservative...because "true" conservatives in the Congress and Senate went on the record as being opposed to the policies of the Shrub & company After a year of posting your BS on these boards, for you to try and front a as "true conservative" is pathetic. You and the GOP hitched your wagons to the Shrub and all who propped him you sure as hell didn't "conserve" anyones money, job or for that matte Smokey the Bear's backyard!
Probably got "brain-lock" during history sure as hell don't have a clue who did what and why...or what they would do in todays world....
Some bonehead must have told you the founders were liberals and you bought it ....
But what the hell...your warped perception of history hurts no one but yourself...suck it up Libby....

It seems that your familiarity with your own history might be in doubt, sailor.
Unless you first define 'founders' how can you debate their political leanings?
It seems that your familiarity with your own history might be in doubt, sailor.
Unless you first define 'founders' how can you debate their political leanings?

lol, how difficult is to to 'define'?.......those folks that had a hand in setting up the US government in the first place?'s that?....
lol, how difficult is to to 'define'?.......those folks that had a hand in setting up the US government in the first place?'s that?....

Well, are you talking about the 'Founders', 'the Framers', 'the Signers' and the list of the 'Founders' INCLUDED the following:

Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Roger Sherman, John Jay, James Wilson, and Governor Morris.

Who were the founders in whose number the above were included? And since historians cannot agree on the whole list what chance have you got, smart arse?
How's that? ...... (you might like to start with the figure of 110)
Oh, and dont forget that at that time none of them were American........
Well, are you talking about the 'Founders', 'the Framers', 'the Signers' and the list of the 'Founders' INCLUDED the following:

Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Roger Sherman, John Jay, James Wilson, and Governor Morris.

Who were the founders in whose number the above were included? And since historians cannot agree on the whole list what chance have you got, smart arse?
How's that? ...... (you might like to start with the figure of 110)
Oh, and dont forget that at that time none of them were American........

I'm trying, but I am having difficulty understanding why any of that would have any impact on the it your argument that we cannot consider what the people who set up 'government' for the US might have had in mind because they weren't 'american' yet?......tell me, do you have separate pencil cups for pens with black ink and pens with blue ink?
I'm trying, but I am having difficulty understanding why any of that would have any impact on the it your argument that we cannot consider what the people who set up 'government' for the US might have had in mind because they weren't 'american' yet?......tell me, do you have separate pencil cups for pens with black ink and pens with blue ink?

I should have thought it was quite simple. If you do not know who the founders were and if you do not know how many there were then how can you make ANY statement at all about THEM? You might say that some showed evidence of liberalism or of conservatism or even satanism but there is no way you can make generalisations.
Similarly politics today are vastly different from politics then. Society is different and in the US very FEW things are as they were. So the whole argument, all too frequently made, that the founders meant this or that is a bunch of crap.
Time you started to look to the future and not to the past, after all its the future where you are going to spend the rest of your life.
Oh Puh-leeze! You've supported every ass backwards policy of the neocon cabal from the PNAC agenda to the 9/12 don't try an pull this bullshit about you being a "true" conservative...because "true" conservatives in the Congress and Senate went on the record as being opposed to the policies of the Shrub & company After a year of posting your BS on these boards, for you to try and front a as "true conservative" is pathetic. You and the GOP hitched your wagons to the Shrub and all who propped him you sure as hell didn't "conserve" anyones money, job or for that matte Smokey the Bear's backyard!

Nice rant, Libby, a little long-winded for me, but its obvious that you are just doing your best to cloud the issue.

Now, back to Social Security, the very heart and soul of modern Liberalism. Would the Founders agree to that?
I should have thought it was quite simple. If you do not know who the founders were and if you do not know how many there were then how can you make ANY statement at all about THEM? You might say that some showed evidence of liberalism or of conservatism or even satanism but there is no way you can make generalisations.
Similarly politics today are vastly different from politics then. Society is different and in the US very FEW things are as they were. So the whole argument, all too frequently made, that the founders meant this or that is a bunch of crap.
Time you started to look to the future and not to the past, after all its the future where you are going to spend the rest of your life.

ah, but if we look to the future instead of the past, we might fuck the country up by abandoning all those things which made this country great for over 200 years....wait, that sounds like the point they were trying to make, doesn't it......that the left has been fucking the country up by abandoning all those things which made this country great.....

as for knowing who the founders were, as I said, it isn't that hard to figure out....they were the guys who didn't put the government owing the carriage factories in the constitution, or demanding horses meet energy restrictions......or a lot of the other things the left has been working on.......
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Nice rant, Libby, a little long-winded for me, but its obvious that you are just doing your best to cloud the issue.

The only cloud is from the BS you spew to dodge the FACT that I logically and factually deconstruct your nonsense at every turn. YOU are the one that introduces these little detours from the discussion...and when I expose them for the lies they are, you try to pretend that I'm skirting the issue. Again, YOU can't lie when there's an original post to refer to and show what a liar you are:

Now, back to Social Security, the very heart and soul of modern Liberalism. Would the Founders agree to that?

Been there, done I explained in the last posts. You done,'re doing EXACTLY what I said you'd do....pity is that you just can't accept that anyone with an objective mind can read the chronology and see your folly. But being the insipidly stubborn joker you are, you'll just stay the course. Good luck congratulating yourself on that. Carry on. :cof1:
Mr. brain lock must think that somebody gives a shit what he thinks....

his crap isn't worth reading so why waste your time.....
Mr. brain lock must think that somebody gives a shit what he thinks....

his crap isn't worth reading so why waste your time.....

Once again, folks...our intellectually impotent neocon lapdog barks loudly.....but says NOTHING.

This idiot is so pissed that he cannot logically or factually refute anything I posted on this thread, that he swore I was not worth reading and he would have me on IA.

This is about the 3rd time he's done this, people. That means the dumbass doesn't realize how schizoid it is to keep telling everyone not to read me.

Bravo, indeed! :palm:
Been there, done I explained in the last posts. You done,'re doing EXACTLY what I said you'd do....pity is that you just can't accept that anyone with an objective mind can read the chronology and see your folly. But being the insipidly stubborn joker you are, you'll just stay the course. Good luck congratulating yourself on that. Carry on. :cof1:

It must be that time of the month for you Libby, since this is the second time that you have changed the contents of my posts.

The question is simple really, and stems from your insistence that the Founders were "liberal", as you are.

Again regarding Social Security, the very heart and soul of modern Liberalism: Would the Founders agree to that?
ah, but if we look to the future instead of the past, we might fuck the country up by abandoning all those things which made this country great for over 200 years....wait, that sounds like the point they were trying to make, doesn't it......that the left has been fucking the country up by abandoning all those things which made this country great.....

as for knowing who the founders were, as I said, it isn't that hard to figure out....they were the guys who didn't put the government owing the carriage factories in the constitution, or demanding horses meet energy restrictions......or a lot of the other things the left has been working on.......

The left hasnt screwed the country. The right hasn't screwed the country.
YANKS have screwed the country. Thick, stupid, arrogant, John Wayne wannabee, gun totin, yanks.
And I guess they come in all political colours.
However to 'unscrew' the country I doubt that anyone with a modicum of sense would trust the right wing after the fucking they gave the country under bush.
It must be that time of the month for you Libby, since this is the second time that you have changed the contents of my posts.

The question is simple really, and stems from your insistence that the Founders were "liberal", as you are.

Again regarding Social Security, the very heart and soul of modern Liberalism: Would the Founders agree to that?

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Dead Eye Dick at it again!

Learn to read carefully and comprehensively, genius.