Deal With Climate Change Now, Or America Will Face Unprecedented Southern Immigration


Diversity Makes Greatness
Look at the situation. Look at the long range implications over the next few decades.

The weather is getting erratic. The climate is changing. 2016 and 2020 have tied for the hottest years on record.

If this continues unabated, Central America will become unlivable. Crops won't grow. Water for irrigation will become scarce. It will simply be too hot to work outside.

When sustenance farming and even industrial farming is no longer is possible in Central America, take a wild guess where all those people are going to want to go.

South is not an option.

They will all want to come here.

If you think immigration has been a problem up until now, you ain't seen nuthin yet.

The USA needs to take the lead in Climate Change mitigation efforts or we are going to see immigration knocking at our southern border on an unprecedented scale.

Just sayin...

"Bill Gates:

Well, I mean, that the natural ecosystems die off, things like all the coral reefs.

I mean that the beaches disappear. You have you know trees dying off and lots of wildfires. You have the ability to grow food in the Southern grow food in the Southern part of the U.S. is dramatically reduced.

For the world, it will create literally tens of millions of climate refugees, because the closer you are to the equator, the more unlivable that it gets. And so it makes the pandemic look small. The death rate by the end of the century would be over five times the worst of the — what we have had in this pandemic."

"The poorest in the world live near the equator. And they are subsistence farmers. And when they don't see that they are able to feed their family, that creates incredible instability and incredible migration. And so this will be the world's biggest migration ever, as those areas become unlivable, where they have crop failures and they aren't able to work outdoors."

PBS Newhour
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Look at the situation.
What "situation"?

Look at the long range implications over the next few decades.
What "implications"?

The weather is getting erratic.
Weather IS, by nature, erratic (meaning "not regular" or "unpredictable"). There is no such thing as a weather "pattern".

Even if I were to accept this claim of yours as a problem, you would then have to define a "baseline" value that you are comparing this supposedly "getting erratic" weather against and justify your chosen "baseline" value.

The climate is changing.
What "climate"? There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate, like weather, is a hyper local thing. Also, how does climate "change", exactly? Climate is not a quantitative value.

2016 and 2020 have tied for the hottest years on record.
Splendid! Now can you provide me with the raw data for this? Oh wait, it doesn't exist... you're just making schiff up again...

If this continues unabated, Central America will become unlivable. Crops won't grow. Water for irrigation will become scarce. It will simply be too hot to work outside.
You haven't even established that it is happening, or that there is anything that we could do about it even if it WERE established as happening... I will simply dismiss this as religious fear mongering.

When sustenance farming and even industrial farming is no longer is possible in Central America, take a wild guess where all those people are going to want to go.

South is not an option.

They will all want to come here.

If you think immigration has been a problem up until now, you ain't seen nuthin yet.
Continued religious fear mongering...

The USA needs to take the lead in Climate Change mitigation efforts or we are going to see immigration knocking at our southern border on an unprecedented scale.

Just sayin...
Define "climate change". It is a meaningless buzzword. How do you know that the Earth is warming? What science do you have to support this claim?

"Bill Gates:

Well, I mean, that the natural ecosystems die off, things like all the coral reefs.

I mean that the beaches disappear. You have you know trees dying off and lots of wildfires. You have the ability to grow food in the Southern grow food in the Southern part of the U.S. is dramatically reduced.

For the world, it will create literally tens of millions of climate refugees, because the closer you are to the equator, the more unlivable that it gets. And so it makes the pandemic look small. The death rate by the end of the century would be over five times the worst of the — what we have had in this pandemic."

"The poorest in the world live near the equator. And they are subsistence farmers. And when they don't see that they are able to feed their family, that creates incredible instability and incredible migration. And so this will be the world's biggest migration ever, as those areas become unlivable, where they have crop failures and they aren't able to work outdoors."

PBS Newhour

Bill Gates is a Satanic moron. His religious fear mongering, that he makes a shitload of money from, is likewise summarily dismissed.
This is an either/or situation that the right might want to look at very carefully.

I think the Democrats are the ones that need to face what the prospects are. In this Age of Automation, no one needs a billion Basket Weavers laying around waiting to get their UBI checks.
Democrats are the ones with their eyes shut.
Opening America to the rest of the world is so politically correct, so 'we are nice people'.
The Fact is, our Cities are ALREADY overcrowded. Why do Democrats want to create 'Bombays', 'Shanghais', and 'Jakartas' here?
If Democrats understand that Climate Change is caused by people, why do they want to import MORE people here?

America is no longer an agricultural economy or industrial economy, we're a service economy.

Democrats are stabbing our grandchildren in the back by supporting immigration into the US.
Hello Jack,

Democrats are the ones with their eyes shut.
Opening America to the rest of the world is so politically correct, so 'we are nice people'.
The Fact is, our Cities are ALREADY overcrowded. Why do Democrats want to create 'Bombays', 'Shanghais', and 'Jakartas' here?
If Democrats understand that Climate Change is caused by people, why do they want to import MORE people here?

America is no longer an agricultural economy or industrial economy, we're a service economy.

Democrats are stabbing our grandchildren in the back by supporting immigration into the US.

Well, I don't know about you but I am here because of immigration and I understand there would not be a United States without immigration.

The point is not to increase immigration per se.

The point is to save the habitat.

There's a booming economy to be had doing that - there's the carrot.

And there is a stick, too.

If we don't get this right the entire world will be faced with millions of climate refugees.

It has nothing to do with whether we want them or not.

Either we get climate change under control or they are coming.

This one really is that simple.
Hello Jack,

Well, I don't know about you but I am here because of immigration and I understand there would not be a United States without immigration.

The point is not to increase immigration per se.

The point is to save the habitat.

There's a booming economy to be had doing that - there's the carrot.

And there is a stick, too.

If we don't get this right the entire world will be faced with millions of climate refugees.

It has nothing to do with whether we want them or not.

Either we get climate change under control or they are coming.

This one really is that simple.

Poli: "Well, I don't know about you but I am here because of immigration and I understand there would not be a United States without immigration."
Jack: Yeah, we're all here because of 'immigration'. That's a really tired and over used line.

Poli: "The point is to save the habitat."
Jack: Agreed. By using America as a 'dumping ground' for the over breeders, it just prolongs the overbreeding. MORE people means MORE environmental damage.

Poli: "If we don't get this right the entire world will be faced with millions of climate refugees."
Jack: That is happening NOW.

Poli: "It has nothing to do with whether we want them or not."
Jack: Yes it does.

Poli: "Either we get climate change under control or they are coming."
Jack: Climate Change is happening NOW ... and they are coming NOW.
Hello Jack,

Poli: "Well, I don't know about you but I am here because of immigration and I understand there would not be a United States without immigration."
Jack: Yeah, we're all here because of 'immigration'. That's a really tired and over used line.

Poli: "The point is to save the habitat."
Jack: Agreed. By using America as a 'dumping ground' for the over breeders, it just prolongs the overbreeding. MORE people means MORE environmental damage.

Poli: "If we don't get this right the entire world will be faced with millions of climate refugees."
Jack: That is happening NOW.

Poli: "It has nothing to do with whether we want them or not."
Jack: Yes it does.

Poli: "Either we get climate change under control or they are coming."
Jack: Climate Change is happening NOW ... and they are coming NOW.

Nope. We are not seeing the mass migration of climate refugees yet. Give it a few decades of further inaction.

The right is bothered by a few thousand approaching the southern border, they better cave on Climate Change action or that few thousand is going to become millions.

And you know we are not going to turn them away...
What "situation"?

What "implications"?

Weather IS, by nature, erratic (meaning "not regular" or "unpredictable"). There is no such thing as a weather "pattern".

Even if I were to accept this claim of yours as a problem, you would then have to define a "baseline" value that you are comparing this supposedly "getting erratic" weather against and justify your chosen "baseline" value.

What "climate"? There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate, like weather, is a hyper local thing. Also, how does climate "change", exactly? Climate is not a quantitative value.

Splendid! Now can you provide me with the raw data for this? Oh wait, it doesn't exist... you're just making schiff up again...

You haven't even established that it is happening, or that there is anything that we could do about it even if it WERE established as happening... I will simply dismiss this as religious fear mongering.

Continued religious fear mongering...

Define "climate change". It is a meaningless buzzword. How do you know that the Earth is warming? What science do you have to support this claim?

Bill Gates is a Satanic moron. His religious fear mongering, that he makes a shitload of money from, is likewise summarily dismissed.

Bill Gates is a Satanic moron

thankfully you white christ stained lunatics are dying off
Hello Jack,

Nope. We are not seeing the mass migration of climate refugees yet. Give it a few decades of further inaction.

The right is bothered by a few thousand approaching the southern border, they better cave on Climate Change action or that few thousand is going to become millions.

And you know we are not going to turn them away...

Poli: "And you know we are not going to turn them away..."
Jack: THAT ... is the problem.

Poli: "And you know we are not going to turn them away..."
Jack: THAT ... is the problem.

No, the problem is that we are not doing enough to eliminate our contributions to climate change.

We have to address that either way, sooner or later.

If not sooner, then we get the massive refugee problem as well. Above and beyond whatever level of immigration we are seeing now. Added onto that.
No, the problem is that we are not doing enough to eliminate our contributions to climate change.

We have to address that either way, sooner or later.

If not sooner, then we get the massive refugee problem as well. Above and beyond whatever level of immigration we are seeing now. Added onto that.

We can do two things at once.
Biden rejoined the Paris Accord, that's step in the right direction.

Sealing the Border NOW will help prevent Problems in the US. Not for us, but for our grandchildren. We have to buck up and make some hard decisions.
Hello Jack,

We can do two things at once.
Biden rejoined the Paris Accord, that's step in the right direction.

Sealing the Border NOW will help prevent Problems in the US. Not for us, but for our grandchildren. We have to buck up and make some hard decisions.

Ridiculous. Sealing the border would cripple our economy. And besides, millions of undocumented immigrants arrive on an airplane with a visa, which they overstay.
Hello Jack,

Ridiculous. Sealing the border would cripple our economy. And besides, millions of undocumented immigrants arrive on an airplane with a visa, which they overstay.

I know my opinion is unpopular. But, speaking as an American, and viewing 'America' as my family, I support pragmatic solutions.
Deal With Climate Change Now, Or America Will Face Unprecedented Southern Immigration

Bill Gates is a climate change moron. So tell me, who is going to force third world shit holes like China, India, Mexico, Korea and Vietnam to clean up their acts?

The climate isn't warming due to anything man is doing. It is caused by the SUN!

Inconvenient facts the loony left wants to ignore:

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes: