Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?


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Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.
There are quite a few who don't agree with you.

That's the beauty of America, we can all disagree. I fully admit that I am against gay marriage. But do I think it will somehow invalidate other marriages? Or society as a whole? Of course not, that's silly. But that also doesn't mean I think they are positive for marriage as a whole or society.

As for the gents in the article. Who gives a shit? Other than their respective families maybe. It's getting tiresome hearing about every other gay marriage. It feels like the non-stop stories are being shoved in faces over and over.
Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.

Yoooo Hooooo...


You were all over this a few minutes ago when you could climb up on your soapbox and get all outraged over my use of the word "homophobe".

Well I took away the inspiration for your righteous anger.

Think maybe NOW you can answer the question?
Zappas, I don't care what you two women do in private. Or your two grandfathers. Just don't call it marriage.

Why not?

Care to back that up? Or, admit your straw man. ya go!

Charisma: Gays Will Destroy America Like Nazis in Germany

Responding to the White House’s LGBT Pride celebration, Pastor Larry Tomczak in Charisma magazine maintained that gays and their allies are putting America “on the path to destruction.” Tomczak writes that events which “brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America” are part of the country’s “downward spiral” and gay “tsunami.”

After the pastor shared a story about how his father-in-law, a veteran of World War II, confronted his church for not speaking out more aggressively against homosexuality, Tomczak drew parallels between gays in America and Nazis in 1930s Germany: “It would do us well to recall that in Nazi Germany, only a small percentage of the people were part of the Nazi party. Amid the atrocities, the overwhelming majority were apathetic and afraid to speak up…. Is history repeating itself?”

Observing the president of our United States on Thursday in the White House, kicking off the official celebration of "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Month," he was introduced by two 9-year-old girls celebrating their lesbian mothers.

Flanked by a smiling Vice President Biden, President Obama then called out individuals with gay backgrounds amid applause. Finally, he reaffirmed his commitment to same-sex marriage and gay initiatives in America. This coincides with his administration releasing directives so that individuals will be forced to affirm homosexuality in the federal government. Remaining silent will be seen as discrimination and put their jobs in jeopardy.

Last week in Washington, D.C., was the giant gay pride event. This week it comes to Nashville, Tenn. These events are taking place all over America to brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America. Having attended multiple events like this to share the gospel over the past decade, I can assure you there are parades, but they're not G-rated. Although children are everywhere, nudity, profanity, debauchery, drunkenness and drug abuse abound.

What is happening to our United States of America?

- See the whole article at:


Care to back that up? Or, admit your straw man.

Here's another:

In a column for the Christian Post today, Bishop Harry Jackson claims that children raised by single moms often “turn to lives of crime and violence” in order gain attention from father figures.

Naturally, Jackson connects this assertion to the debate over marriage equality, warning that legalizing same-sex marriage will create “broken relationships” within families that will “destroy children.” He even pushes the consistently debunked claim that marriage rates fall in countries that pass gay marriage laws because people “simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place”:

Is it any wonder that young boys turn to lives of crime and violence, when the purveyors of such lifestyles are the only men to show them any real attention? It is about as surprising as a starving child attempting to steal bread. And no social policy that fails to take into account the deep and legitimate need that every child has for both a mother and a father can ever be considered fair or just.

What does the internal aching so many children have for their missing fathers have to do with how marriage is legally defined? Advocates of redefining marriage constantly scoff at the notion that their policy goals could have a negative effect on anyone. "How does the legal union of two homosexual men affect your marriage?" they ask mockingly.

And of course the debate has nothing to do with my marriage or yours. It has to do with how future generations of adults will approach the very idea of marriage and parenthood. We already have nearly two decades of social experimentation in Scandinavia to draw upon. And it tells us that the broader the definition of marriage is the fewer adults bother with it in the first place. Since legalizing registered partnerships and gay marriage in Scandinavia, an overwhelming number of adults have simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place.

As I have pointed out many times before, words that mean everything, mean nothing. The looser we make the definition of marriage, the fewer people will feel bound to its obligations and constraints. And while broken relationships can hurt adults, they can destroy children.

- See more at:
That's the beauty of America, we can all disagree. I fully admit that I am against gay marriage. But do I think it will somehow invalidate other marriages? Or society as a whole? Of course not, that's silly. But that also doesn't mean I think they are positive for marriage as a whole or society.

As for the gents in the article. Who gives a shit? Other than their respective families maybe. It's getting tiresome hearing about every other gay marriage. It feels like the non-stop stories are being shoved in faces over and over.

Seems to me that divorce, especially when children are involved, would be less positive for marriage and society than gays getting married.
Why not? ya go!

Charisma: Gays Will Destroy America Like Nazis in Germany

Responding to the White House’s LGBT Pride celebration, Pastor Larry Tomczak in Charisma magazine maintained that gays and their allies are putting America “on the path to destruction.” Tomczak writes that events which “brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America” are part of the country’s “downward spiral” and gay “tsunami.”

After the pastor shared a story about how his father-in-law, a veteran of World War II, confronted his church for not speaking out more aggressively against homosexuality, Tomczak drew parallels between gays in America and Nazis in 1930s Germany: “It would do us well to recall that in Nazi Germany, only a small percentage of the people were part of the Nazi party. Amid the atrocities, the overwhelming majority were apathetic and afraid to speak up…. Is history repeating itself?”

Observing the president of our United States on Thursday in the White House, kicking off the official celebration of "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Month," he was introduced by two 9-year-old girls celebrating their lesbian mothers.

Flanked by a smiling Vice President Biden, President Obama then called out individuals with gay backgrounds amid applause. Finally, he reaffirmed his commitment to same-sex marriage and gay initiatives in America. This coincides with his administration releasing directives so that individuals will be forced to affirm homosexuality in the federal government. Remaining silent will be seen as discrimination and put their jobs in jeopardy.

Last week in Washington, D.C., was the giant gay pride event. This week it comes to Nashville, Tenn. These events are taking place all over America to brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America. Having attended multiple events like this to share the gospel over the past decade, I can assure you there are parades, but they're not G-rated. Although children are everywhere, nudity, profanity, debauchery, drunkenness and drug abuse abound.

What is happening to our United States of America?

- See the whole article at:


Here's another:

In a column for the Christian Post today, Bishop Harry Jackson claims that children raised by single moms often “turn to lives of crime and violence” in order gain attention from father figures.

Naturally, Jackson connects this assertion to the debate over marriage equality, warning that legalizing same-sex marriage will create “broken relationships” within families that will “destroy children.” He even pushes the consistently debunked claim that marriage rates fall in countries that pass gay marriage laws because people “simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place”:

Is it any wonder that young boys turn to lives of crime and violence, when the purveyors of such lifestyles are the only men to show them any real attention? It is about as surprising as a starving child attempting to steal bread. And no social policy that fails to take into account the deep and legitimate need that every child has for both a mother and a father can ever be considered fair or just.

What does the internal aching so many children have for their missing fathers have to do with how marriage is legally defined? Advocates of redefining marriage constantly scoff at the notion that their policy goals could have a negative effect on anyone. "How does the legal union of two homosexual men affect your marriage?" they ask mockingly.

And of course the debate has nothing to do with my marriage or yours. It has to do with how future generations of adults will approach the very idea of marriage and parenthood. We already have nearly two decades of social experimentation in Scandinavia to draw upon. And it tells us that the broader the definition of marriage is the fewer adults bother with it in the first place. Since legalizing registered partnerships and gay marriage in Scandinavia, an overwhelming number of adults have simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place.

As I have pointed out many times before, words that mean everything, mean nothing. The looser we make the definition of marriage, the fewer people will feel bound to its obligations and constraints. And while broken relationships can hurt adults, they can destroy children.

- See more at:

What is the problem?
Seems to me that divorce, especially when children are involved, would be less positive for marriage and society than gays getting married.

Of course divorce is bad, and more so when children are involved. But one really has nothing to do with the other. Certainly I can be against gay marriage, and also agree that divorce is problematic.
why cannot non-fundamentalist Christians get to define marriage differently than fundamentalist Christians do?

For the longest time in America, marriage was defined as the union of a man and a woman of the same race.... we changed that. Why not change it again? WHO does it hurt to do so? And what is the nature of that injury? Will Christian men all of a sudden feel compelled to marry one another if the definition changes? I doubt it. For those who wish to define it as a union between a man and a woman, no one is stopping them from doing so.

As a matter of fact, I have long said that "marriage" should be a religious ceremony and "civil unions" should be the purview of the state. The state should stay out of the marriage business and if, some churches want to marry gays and others don't, that is their business, and the church should stay out of the civil union business and the state should be free to regulate civil contracts between individuals without interference from the church.
why cannot non-fundamentalist Christians get to define marriage differently than fundamentalist Christians do?

For the longest time in America, marriage was defined as the union of a man and a woman of the same race.... we changed that. Why not change it again? WHO does it hurt to do so? And what is the nature of that injury? Will Christian men all of a sudden feel compelled to marry one another if the definition changes? I doubt it. For those who wish to define it as a union between a man and a woman, no one is stopping them from doing so.

As a matter of fact, I have long said that "marriage" should be a religious ceremony and "civil unions" should be the purview of the state. The state should stay out of the marriage business and if, some churches want to marry gays and others don't, that is their business, and the church should stay out of the civil union business and the state should be free to regulate civil contracts between individuals without interference from the church.

That's a lie. Marriage was never defined as a man and woman of the same race. Interracial marriage may have been illegal in some states, which is totally different than what you said.