Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Nope. That's not the issue. Why am I not surprised. It changes the definition of marriage. That's the objection.

Do you think the government should enforce one religions views on the definition of marriage?


Seems to me that divorce, especially when children are involved, would be less positive for marriage and society than gays getting married.

But if we let gay people marry that will just lead to more divorces than we already have... think of the children!!! ;)

(the above is complete sarcasm... aka moron mocking)
Of course divorce is bad, and more so when children are involved. But one really has nothing to do with the other. Certainly I can be against gay marriage, and also agree that divorce is problematic.

You can be against gay marriage all you want, you just can't keep people from marrying because you are against it.

You stated that gay marriage isn't
positive to marriage or society, in what way(s)?
Do you think the government should enforce one religions views on the definition of marriage?


But if we let gay people marry that will just lead to more divorces than we already have... think of the children!!! ;)

(the above is complete sarcasm... aka moron mocking)

Jesus was agsinst divorce. He never directly addressed gay marriage, but he did address divorce.
You are forcing your definition on me.

actually it is the other way around... you are not forced to believe the gay couples have a 'real marriage'. On the other hand, if you use the rationale that your definition of marriage is the only one the government should accept, then it is you that is forcing your definition on others.

With gay marriage, everyone gets to live by their own views of what marriage is. A gay persons view of marriage in no way deteriorates your marriage or that of any straight couple.
Do you think the government should enforce one religions views on the definition of marriage?


But if we let gay people marry that will just lead to more divorces than we already have... think of the children!!! ;)

(the above is complete sarcasm... aka moron mocking)

False premise. Society's definition of marriage in America has always been a man and a woman.
You can be against gay marriage all you want, you just can't keep people from marrying because you are against it.

You stated that gay marriage isn't
positive to marriage or society, in what way(s)?

I never stated anything at all about stopping anyone. I'm not an activist hanging out at courthouses or sitting around writing my senator. I simply disagree, which I believe I can do without having reasons that satisfy others, no?
I don't like being told how to think. Makes me cranky. Might punch your damn filthy nose.

Then you will be charged with assault and have to go to court. It will involve time, embarrassment, fines, court costs and counseling which you desperately need and possibly jail time because I don't think it will be your first offense, lol
Is that a threat Ish? Should I report this post?

You told me to be specific. I really don't care what you do. Stick a banana up your ass and sing the Star Spangled Banner for all I care.


Then you will be charged with assault and have to go to court. It will involve time, embarrassment, fines, court costs and counseling which you desperately need and possibly jail time because I don't think it will be your first offense, lol

Well, that's sure gonna teach me a lesson, huh.