Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

You told me to be specific. I really don't care what you do. Stick a banana up your ass and sing the Star Spangled Banner for all I care.


Well, that's sure gonna teach me a lesson, huh.

Seek help. You need it.

Diagnosis Dictionary
[h=1]Intermittent Explosive Disorder [/h]
An inability to resist aggressive urges may be an indication of intermittent explosive disorder. Individuals with this disorder often seriously damage property or assault others, usually in stark contrast to the provocation involved in a situation.
How does the changed definition you're talking about affect you personally?

How about if we all change the definition of include say.....the victim must show obvious signs of physical would that affect you personally...
if you're not a victim....or bullshit like, the victim must prove they didn't put themselves in obvious danger by alcohol abuse.....

Definitions have importance and words have about we change the meaning of 'underage' to only mean those younger than 10....that wouldn't affect you personally
unless you're under 10....but it would certainly have ramifications to society in general.

How about if men start calling themselves 'mothers'....
That's a lie. Marriage was never defined as a man and woman of the same race. Interracial marriage may have been illegal in some states, which is totally different than what you said.

if you lived south of the mason dixon line, it was a distinction without a difference, wasn't it?
Seek help. You need it.

Diagnosis Dictionary
[h=1]Intermittent Explosive Disorder [/h]
An inability to resist aggressive urges may be an indication of intermittent explosive disorder. Individuals with this disorder often seriously damage property or assault others, usually in stark contrast to the provocation involved in a situation.

A friend said to me they didn't think this was you know who, because he can't control himself. I think we are seeing that thin veneer of so-called "control' slipping fast.
Seek help. You need it.

Diagnosis Dictionary
[h=1]Intermittent Explosive Disorder [/h]
An inability to resist aggressive urges may be an indication of intermittent explosive disorder. Individuals with this disorder often seriously damage property or assault others, usually in stark contrast to the provocation involved in a situation.

Stick a banana up your ass and sing the Star Spangled Banner. I need some entertainment.
How about if we all change the definition of include say.....the victim must show obvious signs of physical would that affect you personally...
if you're not a victim....or bullshit like, the victim must prove they didn't put themselves in obvious danger by alcohol abuse.....

Definitions have importance and words have about we change the meaning of 'underage' to only mean those younger than 10....that wouldn't affect you personally
unless you're under 10....but it would certainly have ramifications to society in general.

How about if men start calling themselves 'mothers'....

The legal age in some states was 10 or older in a few states, 12 and older in others, not a good example because that is a law that has changed.

You are a rape apologist, so nothing I say on that subject will pierce the great void between your ears!
How about if we all change the definition of include say.....the victim must show obvious signs of physical would that affect you personally...
if you're not a victim....or bullshit like, the victim must prove they didn't put themselves in obvious danger by alcohol abuse.....

Definitions have importance and words have about we change the meaning of 'underage' to only mean those younger than 10....that wouldn't affect you personally
unless you're under 10....but it would certainly have ramifications to society in general.

How about if men start calling themselves 'mothers'....

Marriage has other definitions than the union of a man and woman. Look up "marriage" on Antiques websites.

Male and female have other definitions than human beings. Look it up on electrical and mechanical websites.
actually it is the other way around... you are not forced to believe the gay couples have a 'real marriage'. On the other hand, if you use the rationale that your definition of marriage is the only one the government should accept, then it is you that is forcing your definition on others.

With gay marriage, everyone gets to live by their own views of what marriage is. A gay persons view of marriage in no way deteriorates your marriage or that of any straight couple.

The point is not what any one persons view on anything is...its forcing that 'personal' view on everyone else.....I don't care if you want to call an apple an orange, just don't
force me to call it that.....
Marriage has other definitions than the union of a man and woman. Look up "marriage" on Antiques websites.

Male and female have other definitions than human beings. Look it up on electrical and mechanical websites.

Well're not talking about antiques or electrical connections....nice try, but totally lame and irrelevant.
The legal age in some states was 10 or older in a few states, 12 and older in others, not a good example because that is a law that has changed.

You are a rape apologist, so nothing I say on that subject will pierce the great void between your ears!

The point was not age or what was deemed acceptable, I was trying to point out that changing definitions certainly has effects on all of society, one way or another
some good and some not so might even agree that to call a 10 year old child "of legal age" makes of mockery of childhood.

As for the "rape apologist" ought not to talk so stupid about people you know nothing about.
Well're not talking about antiques or electrical connections....nice try, but totally lame and irrelevant.

"Definitions have importance and words have meanings.."

We're talking about definitions and how they can be flexible.
The point is not what any one persons view on anything is...its forcing that 'personal' view on everyone else.....I don't care if you want to call an apple an orange, just don't
force me to call it that.....

Nobody is forcing you to marry your long term navy boyfriend.
The point was not age or what was deemed acceptable, I was trying to point out that changing definitions certainly has effects on all of society, one way or another
some good and some not so might even agree that to call a 10 year old child "of legal age" makes of mockery of childhood.

As for the "rape apologist" ought not to talk so stupid about people you know nothing about.

You forget, I have been reading your crap for awhile now and your first paragraph about rape evidence is indicative of your rape apologetics.
A father (or dad) is a male parent who has raised a child, supplied the sperm through sexual intercourse or sperm donation which grew into a child, and/or donated a body cell which resulted in a clone.

Nothing will change this definition, no matter how we want to use the term 'father' in hundreds of other ways.....
Jimmy can't have two fathers or two mothers....the word has a specific meaning.....