Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

A father (or dad) is a male parent who has raised a child, supplied the sperm through sexual intercourse or sperm donation which grew into a child, and/or donated a body cell which resulted in a clone.

Nothing will change this definition, no matter how we want to use the term 'father' in hundreds of other ways.....
Jimmy can't have two fathers or two mothers....the word has a specific meaning.....

Is your partner pressuring you to marry him!
You forget, I have been reading your crap for awhile now and your first paragraph about rape evidence is indicative of your rape apologetics.

It points the fact that changing the definition of the word can have ramifications on all of society.....nothing more, nothing less.....but you are free to play the fool as usual.
A father (or dad) is a male parent who has raised a child, supplied the sperm through sexual intercourse or sperm donation which grew into a child, and/or donated a body cell which resulted in a clone.

Nothing will change this definition, no matter how we want to use the term 'father' in hundreds of other ways.....
Jimmy can't have two fathers or two mothers....the word has a specific meaning.....
A child can indeed have two dads, the first definition, a male who has raised a child.

Laughing at you because you don't understand definitions you post!
A father (or dad) is a male parent who has raised a child, supplied the sperm through sexual intercourse or sperm donation which grew into a child, and/or donated a body cell which resulted in a clone.

Nothing will change this definition, no matter how we want to use the term 'father' in hundreds of other ways.....
Jimmy can't have two fathers or two mothers....the word has a specific meaning.....
So your saying an adoptive father is not a real father then? Please clarify.
...the old 150 guys go down in a submarine and 75 couples come back up, eh?

Not that there is anything wrong with it!
I chose bartending at a playboy top 50 club in college, he chose a ship with 100 guys.
What ever floats your boat.
Me thinks he protest a little too much.
It points the fact that changing the definition of the word can have ramifications on all of society.....nothing more, nothing less.....but you are free to play the fool as usual.

Ramifications that can also be positive as in homosexual marriages!
A child can indeed have two dads, the first definition, a male who has raised a child.

Laughing at you because you don't understand definitions you post!

Thats not a first definition...its part of the entire definition....
Ramifications that can also be positive as in homosexual marriages!

Thats a possibility.....or not, that too is a possibility.....either way, many will still not agree that it is 'marriage' as most use the term in the traditional sense its been
used for centuries....calling a cow a horse won't make that horse give milk every day.....
So your saying an adoptive father is not a real father then? Please clarify.


Like I pointed out, we use the term 'father' in hundreds of different ways.....just as we use terms like brother and sister, etc.....the words do have specific biological meanings

Its the reason other folks have a hard time with maineman....we use the same terms for some odd things in this language....
No, it isn't. A male can be a dad without being the biological sperm donor.

You need to learn sentence structure and basic punctuation usage.

No doubt, in your world, a female can be a 'dad' without any biological relationship....but you would be absolutely wrong...

You might want to start changing the definition of the word "father" then......and learn where babies come from.
Yet you couldn't get into college!
Three dork is military gay too, yet he went and got a basket weaving degree at least.