Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

I realize that, our Constitution states that all are equal under the law.
Homosexual marriages will be legal in the USA, you will learn to deal with it.

Doesn't bother me. Yes, we are equal under the law, but marriage is not about equality. I'm not going to learn anything from trash like you. I'll believe what I want and you will have to be as tolerant as you claim to be.
Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.
when did anyone state that any one single instance would cause this effect ? thats right, they did not.
so... you are perfectly fine with ONE pair of homos getting married, but if a whole passle of them do, the shit will hit the fan?

I wish I were a Christian so I could say, "What?" But I'm not so nobody wants to hear my opinion.
Doesn't bother me. Yes, we are equal under the law, but marriage is not about equality. I'm not going to learn anything from trash like you. I'll believe what I want and you will have to be as tolerant as you claim to be.

Marriage isn't about equality?

Glad I'm not your spouse! Lol


Doesn't bother me. Yes, we are equal under the law, but marriage is not about equality. I'm not going to learn anything from trash like you. I'll believe what I want and you will have to be as tolerant as you claim to be.

What makes me trash?
Right, marriage is not about equality.

What makes you trash is you think your beliefs trump mine.

I think "trump" is a bit strong here. No one is demanding that you marry a guy. But if some OTHER guy wants to marry a guy, we have a real hard time figuring out what the fuck that has to do with YOU.
I think "trump" is a bit strong here. No one is demanding that you marry a guy. But if some OTHER guy wants to marry a guy, we have a real hard time figuring out what the fuck that has to do with YOU.

It does when you force me to bake your fucking cake or you want to teach my kid it's normal.
your kid will get taught what the majority of folks in your school district believe is appropriate for him or her to be taught. Don't like it? move.
Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Jesus Christ was homophobic. Gee, who knew.

If Jesus said that he is wrong: marriage is marriage; a man and a woman are a man and a woman. And that isn't the same as a marriage! The rest of this is just as fucked up as your first ignorant claim.


Nope. My kid will be taught by who I choose. Kiss my ass.

no thanks I can smell the shit all over from here!
If Jesus said that he is wrong: marriage is marriage; a man and a woman are a man and a woman. And that isn't the same as a marriage! The rest of this is just as fucked up as your first ignorant claim.


no thanks I can smell the shit all over from here!

Anyone who says marriage is only a man and woman is homophobic. Jesus was homophobic.
ah yes... home schooled by a bigoted moron... they certainly will have an EXTRA bright future in front of them!

Oh yeah, along with all the billions and billions of people who have believed through history that marriage is a man and a woman. You're the freak here, sweetie. Not my kids. Sell that shit to some naive college kids.
I don't care what you call it. Marriage is a man and a woman in America and always has been. You need help. I don't like being told how to think.

Marriage is marriage, and a man and a woman are a man and a woman. But marriage is not a man and a woman. You have been told how to think and you are thinking just as they told you anyone who quotes "Jesus" is saying what they have been told to say!
Christian marriage would be between a man and a woman, if they decided that is what it is. However, this is not a christian government, and marriage doesn't follow their strictures. For instance, divorce isn't only for those who have been cheated on. If the Christians want marriage to be solely based on the Christian religion they'll be sorely pressed to find a place that will do that for them. You can't stop other churches or the government from recognizing marriages that aren't based on that particular belief system. Nor, if you believe in the constitution, should you really try. Follow your religion as best as you can, but you don't get to force others to follow it by basing laws on your belief system.