Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

There are about four cases I know of and can be found easy enough. And you all thought it was about equality. You might also ask yourself why only Christian businesses being targeted. There are many Muslim businesses who do not believe in gay marriage. No way. Muslims are a fellow protected class, an ally in the cultural war against Christians. Besides, the gay left is scared to death of muslims.

Now that would have been an interesting case for the 'cakeless'.............fags, as maineman would say....a case against the religious beliefs of Muslims....very interesting.
When you force servitude, you are going against the constitution which forbids it.

The point is....must they advertise it like you want the bakery to do....shouldn't both be free to refuse any job they don't want to do just because they don't want the job ?

(This was for mainemans post you quoted, not yours, IP)
Whose God, yours or theirs ?

Obviously, this bakery wasn't free to say "no cakes for homosexuals".....seems their 'freedom' was

Were there no other bakeries in town ?....were these poor people left......."cakeless".....cakeless forever more....

They offered other businesses who would be happy to make the cake for their wedding.

Oddly enough this same business also refused to make cakes celebrating a birthday that had a Harry Potter theme because it was against their religion.

Although conversely they had baked cakes for fake dog weddings in the past...
The point is....must they advertise it like you want the bakery to do....shouldn't both be free to refuse any job they don't want to do just because they don't want the job ?

Well, you'd think. But we have so many victims and so little time to force fairness on everyone.
In another case in Washington this is what happened:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash...

More at link.
They offered other businesses who would be happy to make the cake for their wedding.

Oddly enough this same business also refused to make cakes celebrating a birthday that had a Harry Potter theme because it was against their religion.

Although conversely they had baked cakes for fake dog weddings in the past...

Thats what 'freedom' demands.....funny the Potter party didn't sue like the
People are gonna get impatient pretty soon of being told what's fair and what isn't when it begins to affect them, and it will sooner or later, if you know what's really going on.
In another case in Washington this is what happened:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash...

More at link.

I'm sure maineman finds their treatment perfectly ok....but would be ranting and raving if the tables were turned....this is what liberalism is all about....

forced complyance with their ideas .... tunnel vision.
Look up the word "entropy". It's happening now, and the results won't reveal themselves overnight. Gay marriage is not the cause of entropy, it is a symptom. And this should make you all giddy like a school girl: Entropy is a scientific term used in thermodynamics, YAY SCIENCE!!!! Now the bad news: Science is God's tool box, and God don't care for sexual sin, gay or not. How do I know? I read it in the Bible, and that's good enough for me.
Whose God, yours or theirs ?

Obviously, this bakery wasn't free to say "no cakes for homosexuals".....seems their 'freedom' was

Were there no other bakeries in town ?....were these poor people left......."cakeless".....cakeless forever more....

if you want to do business in America, the land of the free, you need to be prepared for every free American to come in and purchase your services. If you hang up your shingle in the public marketplace, you have to serve the public. Them's the rules. DOn't like it? fuckin' move.
Will Zappy and Christie and Rana be asking us "how does not baking for homosexuals have any effect on you".........well, maybe not...
In another case in Washington this is what happened:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash...

More at link.

Are you shocked by this? Repulsed? Do you think anonymous death threats to others are a problem?
if you want to do business in America, the land of the free, you need to be prepared for every free American to come in and purchase your services. If you hang up your shingle in the public marketplace, you have to serve the public. Them's the rules. DOn't like it? fuckin' move.

I can put my product on the shelf and everyone has the right to buy it. But if you tell me I have to bake your cake, you are forcing servitude and that is a violation of the 13th amendment, which is exactly what their defense will be.
I just wonder what constitutes a death threat?

You read the article. What do you think? I know for sure that deranged cockroach leftist queers would never make nasty phone calls or e-mails. Im sure that would never happen. It never has happened and never will because nasty deranged cockroaches don't really exist. Huh, Wally.