Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

your kid will get taught what the majority of folks in your school district believe is appropriate for him or her to be taught. Don't like it? move.

Seems to me you're the one the 'moved' to another country

if people want to do business in the marketplace, they need to follow the rules of the market. that makes sense to me. If they want to be, for example, an online bakery that advertises as being a company that provides wedding cakes to solely heterosexual couples, and confines their marketing to that venue.... I see no problem with it. You hang up your shingle on main street, you'd better be prepared to serve anyone who walks in.

God's house has many rooms.
I am not about to castigate someone else because their beliefs do not line up with mine in total congruency.

Yet, thats exactly what you do.

At the end of the day, when we pray quietly and in private to our Lord, we all have to justify our actions and our beliefs.

If I am a plumber, and I want to limit my travel... why can I not say, "I only work in Manhattan"?

Freedom sometimes, but not all the time ? Or only when it agrees with you

if you want to do business in America, the land of the free, you need to be prepared for every free American to come in and purchase your services. If you hang up your shingle in the public marketplace, you have to serve the public. Them's the rules. DOn't like it? fuckin' move.

Make up your mind....
So your saying an adoptive father is not a real father then? Please clarify.

you have it backwards....the birth father is the one who isn't a real father....


Not that there is anything wrong with it!
I chose bartending at a playboy top 50 club in college, he chose a ship with 100 guys.
What ever floats your boat.
Me thinks he protest a little too much.

sweet, another unbelievable claim from the basement living day least I have to admit you have a vivid fantasy life.....
This thread really shows just how fucked up the merge feature is. It merges things that are completely disconnected just because they are next to each other. How fucking insane is that! This is what happens when you take your direction from someone who thinks with their little head. That is, he is a misogynist who doesn't think at all! And what you get is a thread as confused in some areas as this one is.
You missed my point. A bakery was forced to bake a cake for a gay marriage. Do you agree with that?

Yes. He wasn't an private individual taking orders out of his house, he owned a public establishment but wanted to discriminate. What else, separate water fountains in the bakery for different races?
as he said, it is forced....that IS a personal effect......

Nobody's forcing him to do anything. He can be as bigoted as he wants, he can protest, sign petitions, call his representative etc. And since he said he's not gay, his own hetero marriage is protected.

Heck, I don't agree that corporations are people but that didn't stop a RW majority on the Court from shoving Citizens United down my throat. But I have to accept it, don't I.
Their Constitutional rights do not stop when the store opens.

Pretty sure the Federal civil rights act covers this topic. A public business does not have the right to discriminate based on race, religion, gender or orientation. Most states have adopted similar, sometimes more stringent laws.
I woke up next to my wife this morning, the accountant said we can still file jointly, she still has my last name...

It seems like she and I are still married, even though some of those evil gays got married.
as he said, it is forced....that IS a personal effect.....


isn't that exactly what the proponents of gay marriage are doing?.....

No... they are saying that everyone can define marriage as they wish. You don't have to recognize the marriage of a gay couple as marriage. But the government is saying that they will not be the ones to define it.

The only FORCED definition at this point is the one YOU wish to believe in. You want everyone to accept only that definition, because it conforms to YOUR beliefs. It is fine for you to WANT that, it is not fine for you to FORCE that upon others. Freedom of religion is yet another of our rights. Even if every religion on the planet believed marriage should only be between man and woman, it would still be unconstitutional to force that view on those that disagree.
Are you shocked by this? Repulsed? Do you think anonymous death threats to others are a problem?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

The lesbian couple should have filed a complaint with the state. If the GL community wanted to a lawful protest of the company, that too is fine. But what they did went way over the line... which shows that intolerance is certainly a two way street.


I just wonder what constitutes a death threat?

Saying i hope you get shot and raped would pretty much do it...
Nobody's forcing him to do anything. He can be as bigoted as he wants, he can protest, sign petitions, call his representative etc. And since he said he's not gay, his own hetero marriage is protected.

Heck, I don't agree that corporations are people but that didn't stop a RW majority on the Court from shoving Citizens United down my throat. But I have to accept it, don't I.

This is not about what YOU think is fair. We're talking about the constitution. You might want to bake some cookies or shit
You believe in forcing servitude, which is unconstitutional. How many slaves do you have?

It is not forcing servitude. It is saying that if you open a public business, you do so with the understanding that you cannot discriminate on WHO you serve. The civil rights act covers this.
Pretty sure the Federal civil rights act covers this topic. A public business does not have the right to discriminate based on race, religion, gender or orientation. Most states have adopted similar, sometimes more stringent laws.

What about the religious right of the owners?


If people use the public sidewalk or road to get to your public establishment, the Government can prohibit you from discriminating.

Says you. Lol.


It is not forcing servitude. It is saying that if you open a public business, you do so with the understanding that you cannot discriminate on WHO you serve. The civil rights act covers this.

The constitution protects my religious freedom.