Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Marriage is marriage, and a man and a woman are a man and a woman. But marriage is not a man and a woman. You have been told how to think and you are thinking just as they told you anyone who quotes "Jesus" is saying what they have been told to say!

Okay. Now what?
Christian marriage would be between a man and a woman, if they decided that is what it is. However, this is not a christian government, and marriage doesn't follow their strictures. For instance, divorce isn't only for those who have been cheated on. If the Christians want marriage to be solely based on the Christian religion they'll be sorely pressed to find a place that will do that for them. You can't stop other churches or the government from recognizing marriages that aren't based on that particular belief system. Nor, if you believe in the constitution, should you really try. Follow your religion as best as you can, but you don't get to force others to follow it by basing laws on your belief system.

I agree.
I hope the gays learn that tolerance goes both ways. People have a right to their religious beliefs in America, but when you get pushy you can expect resistance because it's my constitutional right to believe my religion in America whether you nasty trash like it or not. Grow up.
Oh yeah, along with all the billions and billions of people who have believed through history that marriage is a man and a woman. You're the freak here, sweetie. Not my kids. Sell that shit to some naive college kids.

and we all know that a quality education is all about strict adherence to one single belief about one subject, and, then, like rainbows of skittles, everything else will just magically fall into place.


I hope the gays learn that tolerance goes both ways. People have a right to their religious beliefs in America, but when you get pushy you can expect resistance because it's my constitutional right to believe my religion in America whether you nasty trash like it or not. Grow up.

no one is telling YOU what to believe... they are simply telling you that YOUR belief system does not need to automatically apply to them. Wow. I can't believe that is really such a difficult concept for you to grasp.... but apparently, it is.
and we all know that a quality education is all about strict adherence to one single belief about one subject, and, then, like rainbows of skittles, everything else will just magically fall into place.


no one is telling YOU what to believe... they are simply telling you that YOUR belief system does not need to automatically apply to them. Wow. I can't believe that is really such a difficult concept for you to grasp.... but apparently, it is.

How my kids get educated is my business alone. Your beliefs do not trump mine. Do you understand that? You're not going to force me to bake your cake.
and you won't force me to bake yours.... if our kids get taught absolutely nothing about marriage in school, that will be perfectly alright with me. Who I marry is none of your fucking business, just as who you marry is none of mine. period. Do YOU understand THAT?
and you won't force me to bake yours.... if our kids get taught absolutely nothing about marriage in school, that will be perfectly alright with me. Who I marry is none of your fucking business, just as who you marry is none of mine. period. Do YOU understand THAT?

You missed my point. A bakery was forced to bake a cake for a gay marriage. Do you agree with that?
Christian marriage would be between a man and a woman, if they decided that is what it is. However, this is not a christian government, and marriage doesn't follow their strictures. For instance, divorce isn't only for those who have been cheated on. If the Christians want marriage to be solely based on the Christian religion they'll be sorely pressed to find a place that will do that for them. You can't stop other churches or the government from recognizing marriages that aren't based on that particular belief system. Nor, if you believe in the constitution, should you really try. Follow your religion as best as you can, but you don't get to force others to follow it by basing laws on your belief system.

Ahhh....very astute.....and what you've said certainly works both ways.....but again, the OP specifically asked about the Christian opinion....

the gov. is the gov. and the Church is the Church.....and we'll have to tolerate both of them in the end.....
I too, am not the religious type so whatever the outcome, it will not have a direct on my may affect all our taxes and change legal decisions in the future but will not change anyone's belief system.....just as the drug tolerance of today will have no effect on the values of most people....but will certainly have
effects on all of us and our children in hundreds of other ways.....

It reminds me of the "stand your ground" law.....some love it, some hate it, ....nevertheless, its already had effects on all our lives....maybe not directly, .......... yet.
Tough question. Part of me says that I don't.... but the other part says, what would we both be saying if he had refused to bake a cake for a wedding between a black man and a black woman.... or more scandalously... between a black man and a white woman. Would we have thought that such a refusal was appropriate?


Ahhh....very astute.....and what you've said certainly works both ways.....but again, the OP specifically asked about the Christian opinion....

the gov. is the gov. and the Church is the Church.....and we'll have to tolerate both of them in the end.....
I too, am not the religious type so whatever the outcome, it will not have a direct on my may affect all our taxes and change legal decisions in the future but will not change anyone's belief system.....just as the drug tolerance of today will have no effect on the values of most people....but will certainly have
effects on all of us and our children in hundreds of other ways.....

as if the "Christian opinion" was some monolithic set of beliefs.
Tough question. Part of me says that I don't.... but the other part says, what would we both be saying if he had refused to bake a cake for a wedding between a black man and a black woman.... or more scandalously... between a black man and a white woman. Would we have thought that such a refusal was appropriate?

This is not a civil rights issue. People can't choose their skin color, and Cristianity is not racist, just homophobic. Gays are targeting Christian businesses and filing lawsuits when owners stand by their religious beliefs. Cake bakers, photography, etc. That's my point. This is not about live and let live. It's about submission.
This is not a civil rights issue. People can't choose their skin color, and Cristianity is not racist, just homophobic. Gays are targeting Christian businesses and filing lawsuits when you're owners stand by their religious beliefs. Cake bakers, photography, etc.

if people want to do business in the marketplace, they need to follow the rules of the market. that makes sense to me. If they want to be, for example, an online bakery that advertises as being a company that provides wedding cakes to solely heterosexual couples, and confines their marketing to that venue.... I see no problem with it. You hang up your shingle on main street, you'd better be prepared to serve anyone who walks in.
Tough question. Part of me says that I don't.... but the other part says, what would we both be saying if he had refused to bake a cake for a wedding between a black man and a black woman.... or more scandalously... between a black man and a white woman. Would we have thought that such a refusal was appropriate?


as if the "Christian opinion" was some monolithic set of beliefs.

You're the big 'Christian' your opinion monolithic ?.....or do you just go by "consensus"....? mob rule ?...majority rule ? or is individual freedom more important ?
You're the big 'Christian' your opinion monolithic ?.....or do you just go by "consensus"....? mob rule ?...majority rule ? or is individual freedom more important ?

God's house has many rooms.

I am not about to castigate someone else because their beliefs do not line up with mine in total congruency.

At the end of the day, when we pray quietly and in private to our Lord, we all have to justify our actions and our beliefs.
if people want to do business in the marketplace, they need to follow the rules of the market. that makes sense to me. If they want to be, for example, an online bakery that advertises as being a company that provides wedding cakes to solely heterosexual couples, and confines their marketing to that venue.... I see no problem with it. You hang up your shingle on main street, you'd better be prepared to serve anyone who walks in.

Their Constitutional rights do not stop when the store opens.
so they are free to say "no cakes for niggers"? or just "no cakes for fags"? which one do you think is constitutionally acceptable...

better yet, which one do you think God would find acceptable?
if people want to do business in the marketplace, they need to follow the rules of the market. that makes sense to me. If they want to be, for example, an online bakery that advertises as being a company that provides wedding cakes to solely heterosexual couples, and confines their marketing to that venue.... I see no problem with it. You hang up your shingle on main street, you'd better be prepared to serve anyone who walks in.

more into the 'mob rule' ?....then its special advertising that makes a difference ?.....

so a plumber must stipulate he'll only work in certain parts of the city for it to be ok or legal?

Thats what I call convoluted reasoning.....
more into the 'mob rule' ?....then its special advertising that makes a difference ?.....

so a plumber must stipulate he'll only work in certain parts of the city for it to be ok or legal?

Thats what I call convoluted reasoning.....

If I am a plumber, and I want to limit my travel... why can I not say, "I only work in Manhattan"?
There are about four cases I know of and can be found easy enough. And you all thought it was about equality. You might also ask yourself why only Christian businesses being targeted. There are many Muslim businesses who do not believe in gay marriage. No way. Muslims are a fellow protected class, an ally in the cultural war against Christians. Besides, the gay left is scared to death of muslims.
so they are free to say "no cakes for niggers"? or just "no cakes for fags"? which one do you think is constitutionally acceptable...

better yet, which one do you think God would find acceptable?

Whose God, yours or theirs ?

Obviously, this bakery wasn't free to say "no cakes for homosexuals".....seems their 'freedom' was

Were there no other bakeries in town ?....were these poor people left......."cakeless".....cakeless forever more....