Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

These poor twats remind me of wylie coyote. Every day they have their schemes all laid out and then reality hits them right between the eyes.
Haha you just didn't enjoy real school

It bugs the shit out of you that I won't reveal a lot of personal information about myself, doesn't it.....God, I love that.....

Poor do a wonderful village idiot....
It bugs the shit out of you that I won't reveal a lot of personal information about myself, doesn't it.....God, I love that.....

Poor do a wonderful village idiot....
No it doesn't
You admitted not hoping to college
Not that anyone didn't know
No it doesn't
You admitted not hoping to college
Not that anyone didn't know

Well, see if you can prove that lie.....


biological parent
a parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child.

This definition is written in stone as far as I am
concerned and I did specify the biology aspect in most, if not all of my posts.....thats not to demean the persons that
raise and care and love the children they inherit through marriage or adaption.....they are "parents' in a different
way but a truly important way.... the most important way.

Just thought I'd make that clear to the dim-bulbs on the forum.....(Rana?)
It points the fact that changing the definition of the word can have ramifications on all of society.....nothing more, nothing less.....but you are free to play the fool as usual.

And what SPECIFIC ramifications will changing the definition have?
I don't like being told how to think. Makes me cranky. Might punch your damn filthy nose.

No one is telling you what to think.

A pity you won't let others think what they want.


I did. Go back and read it. This is becoming tiresome with such an advantage I have.

More evasive non-answers from the guy who, after 7+ pages, STILL can't specifically say HOW gay marriage will affect him personally.


I don't like being told how to think.

Again, no one is telling you how to think.
No one is telling you what to think.

A pity you won't let others think what they want.


More evasive non-answers from the guy who, after 7+ pages, STILL can't specifically say HOW gay marriage will affect him personally.

Yes, you are. I refuse to believe marriage is two people of the same sex. You're telling me how to think. Fuck you.