Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

This is why leftists should never be elected to public office. What's fair in their mind overrides even the constitution. We have a victim and a Christian bigot. That's how they see it and you should too. Why, it's only "fair".
What about the religious right of the owners?

They have the right to continue believing as they choose. They do not have the right to discriminate in their business practices.

The constitution protects my religious freedom.

Yes, it does. But your rights CEASE when you violate another persons rights. You do not have the right to discriminate against someone simply because of your religious beliefs.
Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.

Dear dunce; it is not about THIS marraige destroying traditional family. It is about the steady erosion of what constitutes a healthy society encompassed by the traditional purpose of marraige between a man and a woman.

The intent was to bind two people in the eyes of God to commit them in a relation to create children and raising them in a healthy environment.

When I see dunces like you whine and rail about poverty and crime claiming that you care more than anyone else on the planet, I see the irony that buffoons like you are too stupid to see its cause; the destruction of the traditional family.

I won't go into more detail because the concepts I speak of are far beyond your dullard capacity to actually think; as it is with most dimwitted Liberals. You dunces think that caring and the solution is Big Government wealth redistribution schemes which have been a proven failure for five decades.

But dunces like you still convince yourselves that caring means Big Government wealth redistribution schemes and the destruction of the Christian faith. The irony for dunces like you is that you only believe in Big Government when your "deciders" are in charge.

Yes Zappas; what I am trying to say is that you really are THAT stupid, simple and overtly partisan.
Their business is now in their home and there they can discriminate against whomever they wish!

It is a win win situation for everyone! Lol
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They have the right to continue believing as they choose. They do not have the right to discriminate in their business practices.

Yes, it does. But your rights CEASE when you violate another persons rights. You do not have the right to discriminate against someone simply because of your religious beliefs.

Yes, they do.
Why not? ya go!

Charisma: Gays Will Destroy America Like Nazis in Germany

Responding to the White House’s LGBT Pride celebration, Pastor Larry Tomczak in Charisma magazine maintained that gays and their allies are putting America “on the path to destruction.” Tomczak writes that events which “brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America” are part of the country’s “downward spiral” and gay “tsunami.”

After the pastor shared a story about how his father-in-law, a veteran of World War II, confronted his church for not speaking out more aggressively against homosexuality, Tomczak drew parallels between gays in America and Nazis in 1930s Germany: “It would do us well to recall that in Nazi Germany, only a small percentage of the people were part of the Nazi party. Amid the atrocities, the overwhelming majority were apathetic and afraid to speak up…. Is history repeating itself?”

Observing the president of our United States on Thursday in the White House, kicking off the official celebration of "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Month," he was introduced by two 9-year-old girls celebrating their lesbian mothers.

Flanked by a smiling Vice President Biden, President Obama then called out individuals with gay backgrounds amid applause. Finally, he reaffirmed his commitment to same-sex marriage and gay initiatives in America. This coincides with his administration releasing directives so that individuals will be forced to affirm homosexuality in the federal government. Remaining silent will be seen as discrimination and put their jobs in jeopardy.

Last week in Washington, D.C., was the giant gay pride event. This week it comes to Nashville, Tenn. These events are taking place all over America to brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America. Having attended multiple events like this to share the gospel over the past decade, I can assure you there are parades, but they're not G-rated. Although children are everywhere, nudity, profanity, debauchery, drunkenness and drug abuse abound.

What is happening to our United States of America?

- See the whole article at:


Here's another:

In a column for the Christian Post today, Bishop Harry Jackson claims that children raised by single moms often “turn to lives of crime and violence” in order gain attention from father figures.

Naturally, Jackson connects this assertion to the debate over marriage equality, warning that legalizing same-sex marriage will create “broken relationships” within families that will “destroy children.” He even pushes the consistently debunked claim that marriage rates fall in countries that pass gay marriage laws because people “simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place”:

Is it any wonder that young boys turn to lives of crime and violence, when the purveyors of such lifestyles are the only men to show them any real attention? It is about as surprising as a starving child attempting to steal bread. And no social policy that fails to take into account the deep and legitimate need that every child has for both a mother and a father can ever be considered fair or just.

What does the internal aching so many children have for their missing fathers have to do with how marriage is legally defined? Advocates of redefining marriage constantly scoff at the notion that their policy goals could have a negative effect on anyone. "How does the legal union of two homosexual men affect your marriage?" they ask mockingly.

And of course the debate has nothing to do with my marriage or yours. It has to do with how future generations of adults will approach the very idea of marriage and parenthood. We already have nearly two decades of social experimentation in Scandinavia to draw upon. And it tells us that the broader the definition of marriage is the fewer adults bother with it in the first place. Since legalizing registered partnerships and gay marriage in Scandinavia, an overwhelming number of adults have simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place.

As I have pointed out many times before, words that mean everything, mean nothing. The looser we make the definition of marriage, the fewer people will feel bound to its obligations and constraints. And while broken relationships can hurt adults, they can destroy children.

- See more at:

Because the word "marriage" has a traditional meaning.

Your two examples are not examples of "what two people do in private".
When I see dunces like you whine and rail about poverty and crime claiming that you care more than anyone else on the planet, I see the irony that buffoons like you are too stupid to see its cause; the destruction of the traditional family.

There was no poverty or crime when the "traditional family" was more common? How does denying marriage to people of the same gender encourage traditional families or effect poverty and crime?
Because the word "marriage" has a traditional meaning.

Your two examples are not examples of "what two people do in private".

The state does not have an interest in protecting traditional definitions.

The discrimination is based on what two adults do in private.
I'd prefer maximum freedom of the individual. Laws regarding victimization rather than social pruning.

Basically, laws that say you can't marry without consent, consent can only be given by human participants and after they reach the age of majority. Animals do not have the capacity for consent to such a situation, they aren't up for being part of something like this... even if a perv really "loves" them, nor are children even if their parents think it is "okay". They'll just have to wait until they are old enough to consent.

No special licenses or laws for government "blessed" relationships.

Of course, that isn't the reality we live in. If the federal and state government is going to "bless" relationships they have to do it equally, that's what the constitution says, it also says they can't make a law regarding your establishment of religion into our laws.

Because we live in that reality it is most likely that courts will rule in favor of gay marriage and that at a time very soon to come gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states and the territories even if they really don't want it because of the ick factor.