Death row inmate argues he is too fat to be executed humanely

I would support abolishing the death penalty under three criteria:

First: Stricter sentencing for violent criminals, including life without parole for ALL first degree rape convictions (and most other rape convictions), and life without parole for all first and second degree murders, and most other deliberate homicides. No fucking 5-10 for murder plea bargains. Keep those fuckers in jail and gun crime will diminish dramatically.

Second, make prisons self sufficient. (and no whining about "slave labor".) Those subhuman scum are given room, board, recreational facilities, gymnasiums, cable TV, internet access, etc. etc. etc. Put them to work and pay them market wages for the type of work they do, but then subtract the cost of their upkeep (including the cost of the guards that tuck them in at night). Any extra after they pay for their food, shelter, pool tables, TVs, cable, computers, weight rooms, etc, they get to keep in a savings account, and spend as desired on things not provided in the prison. Then the prison either uses the product of the prisoners' labor, (ie: food grown in gardens and mini-ranchs, services like laundry, etc.) or sells it outside and uses the proceeds to run the prison and pay the guards, etc. (I do NOT believe a prison should be PROFITABLE as is being done in some areas, but it should be self sufficient.)

Third, set up maximum security areas for murderers and rapists that assures as much as humanly possible there will be no escapes. Putting such people in medium security facilities is not right. In the last year the Montana State Prison has had 8 escapes of prisoners with convictions for violent crimes. It is not acceptable that society should be at risk because a convicted murderer was even accidentally freed to murder again. (let alone purposely as happens now)

Meet those criteria so as to protect society from these scum, and make them earn their own way so society is not forced to support them, and most objections to abolishing the death penalty will go away.

I'd rather just abolish the death penalty and let you worry about your prison reforms later. Your argument by conditions isn't logical. You really have no individual power to get rid of the death penalty so I could care less whether or not I get your vote.
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I'd rather just abolish the death penalty and let you worry about your prison reforms later. Your argument by conditions isn't logical. You really have no individual power to get rid of the death penalty so I could care less whether or not I get your vote.
Gee, I'm cut to the core. You don't want my vote. :crybaby:

Wait.... YOU have no ability to get rid of the death penalty either. Guess that makes us even. In which case, :gives: what you would rather do?
Gee, I'm cut to the core. You don't want my vote. :crybaby:

Wait.... YOU have no ability to get rid of the death penalty either. Guess that makes us even. In which case, :gives: what you would rather do?

I'm just telling you that "DO THIS OR ELSE I WON'T DO THIS" isn't a logical argument for or against the death penalty.
First off, your three points are already pretty much implemented. Every state has life without parole, although it usually isn't mandatory for murders of passion (it is in a few states, but they don't have significantly different gun crime rates). Prisoners already work in prison, although obviously it would be nearly impossible for them to do enough meaningful work to make up for the extremely high cost of imprisonment. And murderers are already put in maximum security.
I'm just telling you that "DO THIS OR ELSE I WON'T DO THIS" isn't a logical argument for or against the death penalty.
You are truly a brain dead ass.

I said I would SUPPORT abolishing the death penalty if those criteria were met. And conversely, if those criteria are not met, then I will continue to support keeping the death penalty as an available option to the criminal justice system. "Support" being the operative word, and is the most either off us can do: support our belief on the issue - usually by voting for politicians who agree with our stance.
Agreed. Probably even less than atheists, to be honest.

You are truly a brain dead ass.

I said I would SUPPORT abolishing the death penalty if those criteria were met. And conversely, if those criteria are not met, then I will continue to support keeping the death penalty as an available option to the criminal justice system. "Support" being the operative word, and is the most either off us can do: support our belief on the issue - usually by voting for politicians who agree with our stance.

as long as the mob wants bread and circuses we will have a death penalty

bloody revenge is what it is and ineffective bloody revenge at that

life without parole or until the offender can no longer do the crime in a maximum security prison with as few needs met as possible and not have them lose touch with reality - extract revenge as scientifically as possible
First off, your three points are already pretty much implemented. Every state has life without parole, although it usually isn't mandatory for murders of passion (it is in a few states, but they don't have significantly different gun crime rates). Prisoners already work in prison, although obviously it would be nearly impossible for them to do enough meaningful work to make up for the extremely high cost of imprisonment. And murderers are already put in maximum security.
Every state has life without parole as an option, but it is rarely implemented, far too rarely to keep murdering scum in prison where they belong. And it is never implemented in cases of rape, unless the rapist also murdered their victim. Additionally, far too many deliberate murders are plea bargained down to manslaughter to save the state money on prosecution.

Less than 30% of prisoners work more than 10 hours a week. There is not enough internal work (laundry, kitchen work, cleaning, etc.) to keep all occupied full time. Very few prisons even try to raise some of their own food, (Maybe they could convert a gymnasium or two into hydroponic stations) and exterior labor (ie: work such as cabinet manufacture, road repairs, etc. that makes the prison a "profit" to be used against operating costs) is considered by the brain dead to be "slave labor" and is not allowed in most prison systems. Additionally, any work done by prisoners is paid, but no deductions are made from that pay to cover their cost of upkeep.

In most prisons all inmates, including murderers, rapists and other violent criminals are given the opportunity through "good behavior" to be transferred to medium, or even low security facilities.

Try reading up on the current state of prisons in the U.S. before spouting off claims made in absolute ignorance.
as long as the mob wants bread and circuses we will have a death penalty

bloody revenge is what it is and ineffective bloody revenge at that

life without parole or until the offender can no longer do the crime in a maximum security prison with as few needs met as possible and not have them lose touch with reality - extract revenge as scientifically as possible

Revenge needs to be completely and entirely removed from the penal code.
Every state has life without parole as an option, but it is rarely implemented, far too rarely to keep murdering scum in prison where they belong. And it is never implemented in cases of rape, unless the rapist also murdered their victim. Additionally, far too many deliberate murders are plea bargained down to manslaughter to save the state money on prosecution.

Less than 30% of prisoners work more than 10 hours a week. There is not enough internal work (laundry, kitchen work, cleaning, etc.) to keep all occupied full time. Very few prisons even try to raise some of their own food, (Maybe they could convert a gymnasium or two into hydroponic stations) and exterior labor (ie: work such as cabinet manufacture, road repairs, etc. that makes the prison a "profit" to be used against operating costs) is considered by the brain dead to be "slave labor" and is not allowed in most prison systems. Additionally, any work done by prisoners is paid, but no deductions are made from that pay to cover their cost of upkeep.

In most prisons all inmates, including murderers, rapists and other violent criminals are given the opportunity through "good behavior" to be transferred to medium, or even low security facilities.

Try reading up on the current state of prisons in the U.S. before spouting off claims made in absolute ignorance.


You are such a complete and total baffoon it's not even worth debating you.
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Revenge needs to be completely and entirely removed from the penal code.

Every state has life without parole as an option, but it is rarely implemented, far too rarely to keep murdering scum in prison where they belong. And it is never implemented in cases of rape, unless the rapist also murdered their victim. Additionally, far too many deliberate murders are plea bargained down to manslaughter to save the state money on prosecution.

Less than 30% of prisoners work more than 10 hours a week. There is not enough internal work (laundry, kitchen work, cleaning, etc.) to keep all occupied full time. Very few prisons even try to raise some of their own food, (Maybe they could convert a gymnasium or two into hydroponic stations) and exterior labor (ie: work such as cabinet manufacture, road repairs, etc. that makes the prison a "profit" to be used against operating costs) is considered by the brain dead to be "slave labor" and is not allowed in most prison systems. Additionally, any work done by prisoners is paid, but no deductions are made from that pay to cover their cost of upkeep.

In most prisons all inmates, including murderers, rapists and other violent criminals are given the opportunity through "good behavior" to be transferred to medium, or even low security facilities.

Try reading up on the current state of prisons in the U.S. before spouting off claims made in absolute ignorance.

have you considered that imprisonment is in an of itself punishment

few 'corrective' system actually try to prepare convicts for life outside of prison

as for those that commit violent acts upon society (i think that fraud should be placed in the violent crime category considering the impact such crimes have on their victims) is there a 'cure' - i do not know

i do know that despite the above, the u s of a has the highest % of its population in prison than any other nation in the 'free' world

how effective is our penal system

do released violent offenders repeat and if so how many

how many of those in prison are there for violent offenses and how many for drug related crimes

have you ever been in prison? - i have and it sucks

the crowding in ca prisons is unconscionable - fights break out from shear crowding and inmates inability to escape each other

we want law and order but are unwilling to pay for it

plea bargains occur because rules of evidence require better forensics and investigations that we are willing to pay for and the system is just over crowded - once more we are not willing to pay for a system that works better than what we have
Alright, basically, DP is bad, I despise law and order politics, and that's that. We are in an argument to nowhere.
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It is not meant as a form of punishment. It's incapacitation.


Yes, Water, it is meant to be punitive as well as preventative.

Stop it already. Good god man, you get so married to an ideology that you stop referencing reality to back it up. You say dumb stuff because you are, and always will be an idiot.

Props to the deadmans flying troupe band.

Yes, Water, it is meant to be punitive as well as preventative.

Stop it already. Good god man, you get so married to an ideology that you stop referencing reality to back it up. You say dumb stuff because you are, and always will be an idiot.

Props to the deadmans flying troupe band.

That's right! Trotskyism FTW! May the permanent revolution never end!

I'm totally going to have that real new song, two years in the making. Someday.
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have you considered that imprisonment is in an of itself punishment

few 'corrective' system actually try to prepare convicts for life outside of prison

as for those that commit violent acts upon society (i think that fraud should be placed in the violent crime category considering the impact such crimes have on their victims) is there a 'cure' - i do not know

i do know that despite the above, the u s of a has the highest % of its population in prison than any other nation in the 'free' world

how effective is our penal system

do released violent offenders repeat and if so how many

how many of those in prison are there for violent offenses and how many for drug related crimes

have you ever been in prison? - i have and it sucks

the crowding in ca prisons is unconscionable - fights break out from shear crowding and inmates inability to escape each other

we want law and order but are unwilling to pay for it

plea bargains occur because rules of evidence require better forensics and investigations that we are willing to pay for and the system is just over crowded - once more we are not willing to pay for a system that works better than what we have
Yes, imprisonment itself is punishment. But then we reduce the impact of the imprisonment by making it as comfortable as possible. It is not SUPPOSED to be comfortable.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 56% of violent felons in prison are repeat offenders. Also, 72% of violent crimes committed are committed by repeat offenders. The obvious conclusion is if we were to keep violent criminals in prison, it would reduce violent crime by 72%.

Of course, life without parole as an automatic sentence for any violent crime would not be just. But many states are passing three strikes laws, which is, IMO, reasonable for lesser violent crimes. Major violent crimes (Murder, rape) should not be given a second chance, let alone a third.

I have never been a prisoner, but I have been called in to guard state prisons under emergency conditions, so I have seen what goes on. Crowding is a serious issue in most prisons I have seen. But much of that could be relieved by reducing the ridiculous "war on drugs".

Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? If not, been close to someone who was a victim? I ask, because if you had, I seriously doubt you would compare the impact a crime of fraud has on the victims to the impact a violent crime has on the victims. My (extended) family has been victim to both murder (husband of my cousin) and rape (one of my nieces). We'd take fraud any day of the week over that.

Making prisons more self sufficient would have many benefits, not only reducing the cost of criminals on society, but for the prisoners as well. First, they would have something to do other than stew most of the time. Productive time is much better for the ego than idle time. (working out in the gym and playing in the game room, etc. are essentially idle time.)

Second, it would more reflect the world outside in that they would need to work for what they have. The more they work, the more they have. Start with the basics, and make the prisoner earn that. (But don't set the bar so high it takes 60 hours/week just to stay even on the basics - set it up so about 20 hours/week will cover that.)

Then if they work more, they start being able to afford privileges. An extra 2 hours a week gets them a TV. 3 more hours and they get cable service. Set a minimum for exercise to be included in the basics, but allow them to purchase more time in the gym. Recreational areas such as pool halls and game rooms are also available at a cost which the prisoner must work to pay for. In short, it's a microcosm resembling how the outside works - you work more, you get more. And the work the prisoners do in order to earn more than the basics goes to operating the prison, thus reducing its cost to society.

Additionally, the work experience can be transferred to the outside. An experienced sheet metal worker can make damned good money. Ditto wood workers, electronics assemblers, etc. The prison teaches them a trade, and the sale of the products made by prison workers helps run the prison.

Criminals benefit because they come out (the non-violent and low-end violent ones anyway - let the bad ones rot working the laundry) with jobs skills and a realistic attitude about self sufficiency. (ie: work gets you what you want, while crime gets you back in to pokey where you're gonna have to work anyway.) Society as a whole benefits by the fact that the correctional facility is actually functioning as a correctional facility, reducing repeat offenders. And the reduction in costs of the penal system could be pumped into the law enforcement and justice sectors of the CJ system as a whole.

As for the serious violent offenders and repeat violent offenders, by minimizing the cost of their imprisonment to society, we would be more free to keep them where they belong.
I'm fine if we do away with the death penalty.
But I"m not fine with this fat fuck tying up our courst with "I got obese on death row" so you can't kill me. WTF
If Jesus were here what would he do?
He'd grant the slob his wish, and bash his head once with a sledge hammer.
Does Jesus like the death penalty? He kind of got the short end of the stick on that one. Maybe he's cool with it now though, what with sensible minds like bdw and Dixie fattening his head for 2,000 years. Yeah, Jesus is probable cool with it, I would think.

Death Penalty 4Ever!

Screw Jesus's whiny crybaby shit.... 'father why have you forsaken me'

ROFLMAO... forsaken him? I gave the dumbshit all sorts of mystical powers and what does he do with them? Turns water into wine? Thats IT? Kid deserved what he got.

As for the death penalty... I say keep it up? Luci needs some new playmates. You smite them or I WILL... you back out on me and I will make Paris Hilton the next President. You saw her video... she's ready.
I stand by everything I've said.

I love the death penalty. When there is DNA evidence, or an outright confession, let 'em hang. God bless Texas for standing up for what is right in a world gone insane.

Jose Medellin is now in Hell where he belongs.

Soon, Richard Cooey will be joining him!