Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

I know that you are a clueless troll. And I'm still waiting for you to try and refute the OP. You can't even manage to do that. So who is the clueless one? Hmmm...That would be you.

I'm not surprised that a phony like you would call for proof and then ignore it.

David Wood started his screed with the premise that Islam is evil and then cherry-picked data to support it. It means Wood is seeing what he wants to see and discarding what doesn't fit his framework.
That is dishonest.
I'm not surprised that a phony like you would call for proof and then ignore it.

David Wood started his screed with the premise that Islam is evil and then cherry-picked data to support it. It means Wood is seeing what he wants to see and discarding what doesn't fit his framework.
That is dishonest.

Islam is evil. That's a fact. You can try to deceive others, but you cannot fool me. Actions speak louder that words. Not a day goes by when I don't see several stories about muslims raping, torturing, or murdering someone. And that is exactly what their religion tells then to do. It is not radical muslims doing these things. It is the faithful. The true muslims. You are a fool, or a liar. Which is it. There is no middle ground. You support freedom, or you support totalitarianism.
Islam is evil. That's a fact. You can try to deceive others, but you cannot fool me. Actions speak louder that words. Not a day goes by when I don't see several stories about muslims raping, torturing, or murdering someone. And that is exactly what their religion tells then to do. It is not radical muslims doing these things. It is the faithful. The true muslims. You are a fool, or a liar. Which is it. There is no middle ground. You support freedom, or you support totalitarianism.

How many Arab newspapers do read each day?
Islam is evil. That's a fact. You can try to deceive others, but you cannot fool me. Actions speak louder that words. Not a day goes by when I don't see several stories about muslims raping, torturing, or murdering someone. And that is exactly what their religion tells then to do. It is not radical muslims doing these things. It is the faithful. The true muslims. You are a fool, or a liar. Which is it. There is no middle ground. You support freedom, or you support totalitarianism.

You are an idiot who relies on logical fallacies to make his arguments. Not a day goes by that the world doesn't see Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists etc. raping, torturing and murdering but you've refused to acknowledge it. It's because they're bad people, period. Their religion doesn't urge them to criminal behaviour anymore than the Old Testament tells Jews to do the same.

I hope you don't call yourself a Christian.
You are an idiot who relies on logical fallacies to make his arguments. Not a day goes by that the world doesn't see Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists etc. raping, torturing and murdering but you've refused to acknowledge it. It's because they're bad people, period. Their religion doesn't urge them to criminal behaviour anymore than the Old Testament tells Jews to do the same.

I hope you don't call yourself a Christian.

Christians do not rape torture or kill anyone. You're an idiot.