Define "Conservative"


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Can anybody relate a consistent and rational definition of the title of “conservative?”

What is a conservative? As far as I can tell the rightist Republican definition of conservatism is one who is basically a militarist, a religionist and a BIG government authoritarian. So-called conservatism according to Republicanism is promoting a Military Industrial Complex larger than that of all of the rest of the world's militaries put together.

As near as I can tell a conservative Republican style is one who promotes the BIG authoritarian and unconstitutional Drug War.

According to people like Ted Cruz, a true conservative is a religionist evangelical.

According to people like Marco Rubio, a conservative is one that believes that America’s military should be the world’s protector and police force.

According to Donald Trump, a conservative is sombody who has made a fortune being a crony capitalist who knows how to bribe politicians to make their fortune.

I’ve always thought that a true conservative is one who promotes the “conservation” of the Bill Of Rights and the principle of a limited central government and Constitutional Republic.

Which of the three leading Republican candidates do you think is a real conservative, and why?
Wow, that is a difficult question...

They are generally for less taxes,
More restrictions for behavior that differs from the norm,
More militaristic,
More nationalistic,
More protective of the economic structure that keeps the wealthy at the top.

I don't know if, in practice, there still exists a cohesive core principal or group of principals, other than a generalized desire to return to a mythical time in America's past.
They are generally for more taxes,
More restrictions for behavior that differs from their norm,
More militaristic, when used against fellow americans
More nationalistic, when used against fellow americans
More protective of the economic structure that keeps the wealthy at the top.

this is the definition of most liberals
this is the definition of most liberals

Liberals are generally for more taxes,
less restrictions on behavior that differs from the average, for example homosexuals and non-Christians.
Less militaristic internationally, and the same level of militarism when used against fellow Americans.
Less nationalistic.
Less protective than the Conservatives of the economic structures that keep the wealthy families wealthy.
Wow, that is a difficult question...

They are generally for less taxes,
More restrictions for behavior that differs from the norm,
More militaristic,
More nationalistic,
More protective of the economic structure that keeps the wealthy at the top.

I don't know if, in practice, there still exists a cohesive core principal or group of principals, other than a generalized desire to return to a mythical time in America's past.

What's "conservative" about any of that? Most of it sounds like BIG government authoritarianism to me.
What's "conservative" about any of that? Most of it sounds like BIG government authoritarianism to me.

I think the Conservative has claimed the mantle of authoritarianism. So have modern day Liberals, but to a lesser extent.
Liberals are generally for more taxes,
less restrictions on behavior that differs from the average, for example homosexuals and non-Christians.

And more restriction on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, more restrictions on what foods we can eat, more restrictions on what we can put into our own bodies, i.e. the Drug War, more restrictions on our constitutional right to exercise our religion and more restrictions on our constitutional right of free speech, huh?

Less militaristic internationally, and the same level of militarism when used against fellow Americans.
Less nationalistic.

Like Harry Truman’s Korean war and Kennedy and Johnson’s Vietnam war, right?

Less protective than the Conservatives of the economic structures that keep the wealthy families wealthy.

Like Hillary Clinton’s millions of dollars received from Wall Street’s BIG banks is without quid-pro-quo, right?
And more restriction on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, more restrictions on what foods we can eat, more restrictions on what we can put into our own bodies, i.e. the Drug War, more restrictions on our constitutional right to exercise our religion and more restrictions on our constitutional right of free speech, huh?

Like Harry Truman’s Korean war and Kennedy and Johnson’s Vietnam war, right?

Like Hillary Clinton’s millions of dollars received from Wall Street’s BIG banks is without quid-pro-quo, right?

The only Constitutional right the left seeks to limit is the right to bear arms, Ill give you that one. The other rights the Conservatives are much more likely to trample. Especially the right to Equal Protection of the law. There are no restrictions on the food we can eat, there are some restrictions on the "food" large corporations can try to peddle as food. Ronald Reagan's drug war was a failure and its the Liberals leading the fight to legalize marijuana. Regarding freedom of religion, its the Republicans who support banning the building of Mosques and allowing immigration of Muslims. Where has the Democrat tried to ban free speech??

Don't forget Bush's Iraq war! 1960's v. 2000's? Even in the 1960's it was the anti-war hippies that were liberals!

No, HRC is in bed with Wall Street but not as badly as the Republicans policy arguments are!
And more restriction on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, more restrictions on what foods we can eat, more restrictions on what we can put into our own bodies, i.e. the Drug War, more restrictions on our constitutional right to exercise our religion and more restrictions on our constitutional right of free speech, huh?

Like Harry Truman’s Korean war and Kennedy and Johnson’s Vietnam war, right?

Like Hillary Clinton’s millions of dollars received from Wall Street’s BIG banks is without quid-pro-quo, right?

but, but, those are different. necessary for certain things like safety and whatnot.
Here is my opinion of what a conservative is

Small and limited government
Constitution and bill of rights focused
Low and limited taxes
States rights

I think they can be of any faith, any race, and any background but most would be Godly and independent.
Can anybody relate a consistent and rational definition of the title of “conservative?”

What is a conservative? As far as I can tell the rightist Republican definition of conservatism is one who is basically a militarist, a religionist and a BIG government authoritarian. So-called conservatism according to Republicanism is promoting a Military Industrial Complex larger than that of all of the rest of the world's militaries put together.

As near as I can tell a conservative Republican style is one who promotes the BIG authoritarian and unconstitutional Drug War.

According to people like Ted Cruz, a true conservative is a religionist evangelical.

According to people like Marco Rubio, a conservative is one that believes that America’s military should be the world’s protector and police force.

According to Donald Trump, a conservative is sombody who has made a fortune being a crony capitalist who knows how to bribe politicians to make their fortune.

I’ve always thought that a true conservative is one who promotes the “conservation” of the Bill Of Rights and the principle of a limited central government and Constitutional Republic.

Which of the three leading Republican candidates do you think is a real conservative, and why?

Part of me wanted to answer your drivel one line at a time. But I get the impression that you didn't even come up with these talking points on your own, but are just vomiting them from some liberal source. I'd prefer to debate the original authors of that bullshit, rather than one of the lackeys.

Problem is, today there are more diverse philosophies that call themselves conservative that it's almost impossible to pin any one of them down.

Everyone is claiming Donald Trump is not a conservative. (Even though his economic package is almost a mirror image of Ronald Reagan.) I'll merely say that Trump is not a conservative ideologue. He isn't basing his package and his campaign on principles of conservatism. He's not wagging his finger at the country for rejecting conservative values. Ted Cruz is perhaps the most conservative candidate at his poll number level. Also, Dr. Ben Carson is an almost pure conservative ideologue.

Donald Trump is ahead today because the masses don't want any more Rush Limbaugh lectures on conservatism. They want answers. They want change. They want things to be better. And it's quite obvious that if a candidate's ONLY talking point is he is "conservative" that's just not good enough.
Let's look at some of your myths objectively.
They are generally for less taxes,

Not in every case. The Kemp Roth Tax Cuts of the early Eighties created the greatest economic expansion in the entire history of mankind. Obama's cut in FICA taxes not only did nothing for the economy, it helped drain the Sosha Curity account. So NO, not all tax cuts are positive.
More restrictions for behavior that differs from the norm,

Guilty as charge. It's not normal to commit rape, sell crack to minors, rob stores, commit murder. Not only are conservatives against such abnormal behavior, we believe in a strong police force and a court system to curb those abnormal behaviors.

More militaristic,

It's a dangerous world. Bill Clinton ignored terrorism on the other side of the planet for eight years and into came right into New York City and bit us in the ass. The world is militaristic. War will ALWAYS happen. Our on choice is WHERE. Conservatives believe kind of what FDR believed. Keep the war on the other side of the world.

More nationalistic,

Guilty as charged. America is the greatest country in the world. If you don't like it, what the fuck are you doing here. There are only about 100 MILLION people who would take your place in a heartbeat. Kinda hard to live in such a nation without being nationalistic. I think anyone who hates this is just plain retarded.

More protective of the economic structure that keeps the wealthy at the top.

Then explain why the billionaire hedge fund managers are the main Democrat party donors. 'Splain that. The Reagan economy lifted all boats. Everyone moved up the ladder. The liberal Obama economy put half the country on food stamps and 100 million out of work. But Hillary is certainly rich.
I don't know if, in practice, there still exists a cohesive core principal or group of principals, other than a generalized desire to return to a mythical time in America's past.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to return to the Reagan years. They were the best, in terms of economy and foreign policy.
Conservatards are in the Republican Party
They like an economic about a third weaker than the other party does

Democrats have NEVER expanded an economy since the Jack Kennedy days. They have ALWAYS been the cause of the WORST economies in history.
Here is my opinion of what a conservative is

Small and limited government
Constitution and bill of rights focused
Low and limited taxes
States rights

I think they can be of any faith, any race, and any background but most would be Godly and independent.

Should Muslims be allowed to build a mosque anywhere a church would be allowed?
Let's look at some of your myths objectively.

Not in every case. The Kemp Roth Tax Cuts of the early Eighties created the greatest economic expansion in the entire history of mankind. Obama's cut in FICA taxes not only did nothing for the economy, it helped drain the Sosha Curity account. So NO, not all tax cuts are positive.

Guilty as charge. It's not normal to commit rape, sell crack to minors, rob stores, commit murder. Not only are conservatives against such abnormal behavior, we believe in a strong police force and a court system to curb those abnormal behaviors.

It's a dangerous world. Bill Clinton ignored terrorism on the other side of the planet for eight years and into came right into New York City and bit us in the ass. The world is militaristic. War will ALWAYS happen. Our on choice is WHERE. Conservatives believe kind of what FDR believed. Keep the war on the other side of the world.

Guilty as charged. America is the greatest country in the world. If you don't like it, what the fuck are you doing here. There are only about 100 MILLION people who would take your place in a heartbeat. Kinda hard to live in such a nation without being nationalistic. I think anyone who hates this is just plain retarded.

Then explain why the billionaire hedge fund managers are the main Democrat party donors. 'Splain that. The Reagan economy lifted all boats. Everyone moved up the ladder. The liberal Obama economy put half the country on food stamps and 100 million out of work. But Hillary is certainly rich.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to return to the Reagan years. They were the best, in terms of economy and foreign policy.

Id be willing, for a start, to return to the tax structure we enjoyed when he was president.
Here is my opinion of what a conservative is

Small and limited government
Constitution and bill of rights focused
Low and limited taxes
States rights

I think they can be of any faith, any race, and any background but most would be Godly and independent.
the voice of reason
Here is my opinion of what a conservative is

Small and limited government
Constitution and bill of rights focused
Low and limited taxes
States rights

I think they can be of any faith, any race, and any background but most would be Godly and independent.

based on that definition there are very few conservatives in America