Define "Conservative"

A true conservative wants to return the world to a time to which he feels intellectually fitted, which, in general, ranges from the time of Ghenghiz Khan to the Plantation South, as far as I can gather, though over here it mostly shows a nostalgia for early Nineteenth-Century Manchester and the worst features of the Industrial Revolution (Victorian Values). It closely resembles the Black Death, in a rather nastier way.
A true conservative wants to return the world to a time to which he feels intellectually fitted, which, in general, ranges from the time of Ghenghiz Khan to the Plantation South, as far as I can gather, though over here it mostly shows a nostalgia for early Nineteenth-Century Manchester and the worst features of the Industrial Revolution (Victorian Values). It closely resembles the Black Death, in a rather nastier way.

So much for asking a dumbass like you to define anything.
You are too fucking dumb to google

I did google whether or not someone named The Dude had an accounting degree and an MBA. Nothing came back. There's the proof I need that you don't. Unless you are man enough to provide something to the contrary, a lack of evidence is proof.
The only Constitutional right the left seeks to limit is the right to bear arms, Ill give you that one.

It might be the “2nd” amendment, but it’s the first amendment relative to protecting all the rest of the amendments. Leftist don’t want any constitutionalism and that’s why they oppose the people’s right to protect the Constitution.

The other rights the Conservatives are much more likely to trample. Especially the right to Equal Protection of the law. There are no restrictions on the food we can eat, there are some restrictions on the "food" large corporations can try to peddle as food.

There are restrictions on what foods we can eat if we live in or visit leftist New York City. Soda cups are regulated in size and trans fats are illegal in every established public eating place in the City. The food cops are everywhere, throughout the country and they’re all leftist.

Ronald Reagan's drug war was a failure and its the Liberals leading the fight to legalize marijuana.

The Drug War was long before Reagan and it was the invention of Richard Nixon. The Drug War is unconstitutional and no Democrat controlled Congress or President has never attempted to end it.

Regarding freedom of religion, its the Republicans who support banning the building of Mosques and allowing immigration of Muslims.

Democrats have fought and opposed voluntary public school prayer, individual voluntary Christian student religious clubs on school property, Christian student religious related speeches at graduations, Ten Commandment displays and other Christian displays on public property and in court rooms and public schools and even team prayers at public school football and other sporting events.

Where has the Democrat tried to ban free speech??

In just about every university in the United States.

The majority of universities are staffed by socialist, neo-communist, radical progressives and brainwashed socialist indoctrinated boo bird students that heckle, boo and interrupt any right leaning or libertarian conversation, clubs or invited speakers, to the point whereby credible people who oppose leftism don’t even bother to accept invitations to speak at most colleges anymore.

Don't forget Bush's Iraq war! 1960's v. 2000's? Even in the 1960's it was the anti-war hippies that were liberals!

I have never forgotten any war in my lifetime and the government that unconstitutionally involved America in. You claimed that so-called conservatives were the militarist. I simply proved that your brothers and sisters in partisan leftism own an equal share of the blood and treasure wasted unconstitutionally.

No, HRC is in bed with Wall Street but not as badly as the Republicans policy arguments are!

Hillary Clinton is supported by every BIG bank on Wall Street and leftist Democrats bribe and accept bribery from the likes of BIG unions, socialist racketeering operations like the NAACP, AARP, corporate law firms, radical environmentalist special interest and every other leftist leaning collective in the country.

Democrats are no different than Republicans. They’ve conspired together to create a national political dictatorship and a country of the bribery, by the bribery and for the bribed. The only difference between them is WHO they feed at the government trough first.
Wow, got a little dizzy from all the spinning !

Y'all have fun with your foolishness.

Gee! What a well thought out highly articulate intellectual contribution to the thread! You must have stayed up all night composing that one, huh?
Here is my opinion of what a conservative is

Small and limited government
Constitution and bill of rights focused
Low and limited taxes
States rights

I think they can be of any faith, any race, and any background but most would be Godly and independent.

So which candidate running for the Presidency does that describe?
So which candidate running for the Presidency does that describe?

I'd say Rand Paul was the closest with Ted Cruz a close second but with Paul out then I'd say Cruz is the only one that is close to meeting those qualifications in my opinion. Definitely not Donald Trump.
Gee! What a well thought out highly articulate intellectual contribution to the thread! You must have stayed up all night composing that one, huh?

Beats the tar out of the bag of silly meme being trotted out. You know the cut-n-paste ones requiring no thought.
Here's a start: seperated "republican" from conservative.
There are many conservatives but most are not teoublicans.
Part of me wanted to answer your drivel one line at a time. But I get the impression that you didn't even come up with these talking points on your own, but are just vomiting them from some liberal source. I'd prefer to debate the original authors of that bullshit, rather than one of the lackeys.

So you can’t define “conservative,” so your contribution to the thread is insults. Typical.

Problem is, today there are more diverse philosophies that call themselves conservative that it's almost impossible to pin any one of them down.

If you don’t know what a conservative is, just say so, don’t make excuses.

Everyone is claiming Donald Trump is not a conservative. (Even though his economic package is almost a mirror image of Ronald Reagan.)

So Ronald Reagan is the poster child for conservatism? So damn near tripling the national debt is a conservative principle? What part of government did Reagan “limit?” The debt damned near tripled and government grew by leaps and bounds. So conservatism isn’t “limited government” It’s growing government, right?

I'll merely say that Trump is not a conservative ideologue. He isn't basing his package and his campaign on principles of conservatism.

How do you know? You can’t define “conservatism.” Wanta take another stab at defining “conservative principles?”

He's not wagging his finger at the country for rejecting conservative values. Ted Cruz is perhaps the most conservative candidate at his poll number level. Also, Dr. Ben Carson is an almost pure conservative ideologue.

How do you know these things? Didn’t you say the following?

”Problem is, today there are more diverse philosophies that call themselves conservative that it's almost impossible to pin any one of them down.”

Donald Trump is ahead today because the masses don't want any more Rush Limbaugh lectures on conservatism. They want answers. They want change. They want things to be better. And it's quite obvious that if a candidate's ONLY talking point is he is "conservative" that's just not good enough.

OH! So you speak for the masses? How do you know the masses don’t want anymore conservatism since you’ve admitted you don’t even know what it is and you can’t define it?
I'd say Rand Paul was the closest with Ted Cruz a close second but with Paul out then I'd say Cruz is the only one that is close to meeting those qualifications in my opinion. Definitely not Donald Trump.

Cruz is a Religionist BIG government authoritarian. He claims to be a limited government constitutionalist, yet he promotes a BIG government violation of the 14th amendment and prohibition of agreeing adult homosexuals to make legal contracts with one another.

What's Cruz's position on the BIG government's unconstitutional Drug War? How about taking the nation to unconstitutional war without a congressional declaration of war?
Beats the tar out of the bag of silly meme being trotted out. You know the cut-n-paste ones requiring no thought.

You'd know about cut & paste, I post on original thinking. If you disagree please post the address of the alleged cut & paste.

Here's a start: seperated "republican" from conservative.
There are many conservatives but most are not teoublicans.

If you know that, then you will define "conservatism" for the class, right? I won't hold my breath!
Cruz is a Religionist BIG government authoritarian. He claims to be a limited government constitutionalist, yet he promotes a BIG government violation of the 14th amendment and prohibition of agreeing adult homosexuals to make legal contracts with one another.

What's Cruz's position on the BIG government's unconstitutional Drug War? How about taking the nation to unconstitutional war without a congressional declaration of war?

Can you please provide specific or detailed examples?
You'd know about cut & paste, I post on original thinking. If you disagree please post the address of the alleged cut & paste.

If you know that, then you will define "conservatism" for the class, right? I won't hold my breath!

You do not seek a definition, you seek a gotcha thread. Enjoy your echo chamber.
I did google whether or not someone named The Dude had an accounting degree and an MBA. Nothing came back. There's the proof I need that you don't. Unless you are man enough to provide something to the contrary, a lack of evidence is proof.

I googled cfm and got conjured fox manchild
You do not seek a definition, you seek a gotcha thread. Enjoy your echo chamber.

So, when your stumped for a definition you post an accusation you have nary a dime's worth of evidence for, huh? If we look up "clueless" in the dictionary, will we see a picture of ya there?
So, when your stumped for a definition you post an accusation you have nary a dime's worth of evidence for, huh? If we look up "clueless" in the dictionary, will we see a picture of ya there?

Stumped ? You so funny. If you're going to be a cut try not to be such a poor one.