Define "Conservative"

Which “conservatives” oppose a black person in the White House?

Which “conservatives” oppose a woman in the White House?

Isn’t it possible and likely probable that conservatives simply oppose the “person” in the White House without regard to skin color or oppose a “certain” woman that wants to be in the White House? Where’s your evidence that skin color or gender has anything to do with the people that conservatives oppose? Are you a race and gender hate baiter?

Please show me in the Constitution where the federal government has any authority to conduct a healthcare program of any kind.

Opposing federal healthcare programs is opposing unconstitutional changes in the authority and duty of the federal government. Every patriot should reject those kind of changes.

Opposing equal protection of the law, i.e. adult agreeable homosexuals right to make legal contracts with one another is not “conservatism” it’s authoritarianism.

Name them and we’ll determine if the opposition is conservation of the Constitution, or has nothing to do with conserving the Constitution and really authoritarianism.

Many, many leftist oppose the 2nd amendment. Is that “liberalism” or authoritarianism? Many, many leftist oppose freedom of the free exercise of religion, is that “liberalism” or authoritarianism?

Surely you must pulling our collective legs.
The racism and misogyny and homophobia in the GOP has been rampant and blatant. your cutesy act is fun to watch though.Wink, wink.
Don't give me that shit Bubba...
People voted for Junior because he had a belt buckle just like theirs and they said they wanted to have a beer with the goon, ...

As far as escaping socialism ...I hear Somalia is pleasant this time of year...

As far as you ever earning what you get, no one expects you to do that. You're too fucking stupid and too damn lazy.

It's easy to see why you vote Democrat. They offer "free" things to you and you believe they truly are free. What a dumbass you are.
Oh, that is what we always here, but I don't see much reasoning out of our stock of conservatives represented here and they are just as emotional as the liberals.

Generizations are stupid

That's because you are an emotional person incapable of seeing reasoning when it occurs.
Surely you must pulling our collective legs.
The racism and misogyny and homophobia in the GOP has been rampant and blatant. your cutesy act is fun to watch though.Wink, wink.

So you don't understand the questions? What else isn't new? The questions aren't about the GOP, they're about "conservatism." I'll offer you the questions again.

"Which “conservatives” oppose a black person in the White House?"

"Which “conservatives” oppose a woman in the White House?"

"which "conservatives" do you know who are homophobic?"
So you don't understand the questions? What else isn't new? The questions aren't about the GOP, they're about "conservatism." I'll offer you the questions again.

"Which “conservatives” oppose a black person in the White House?"

"Which “conservatives” oppose a woman in the White House?"

"which "conservatives" do you know who are homophobic?"

A lot of republicans identify as conservatives who are anything but conservative. I don't have a clear view of who to choose from.
A lot of republicans identify as conservatives who are anything but conservative. I don't have a clear view of who to choose from.

One JPP user (^^^^^^) uses many different profiles. It's clear it's the same person. The rest of us don't know which profile will be responding next.
Your joking Ila

YOU'RE an idiot. If you going to comment, at least use the correct word.

We do know which profile responded next. If was the self proclaimed accounting/MBA degree and mma fighter retard.

Who is next? Only you, whichever profile you use, will know.
Surely you must pulling our collective legs.
The racism and misogyny and homophobia in the GOP has been rampant and blatant. your cutesy act is fun to watch though.Wink, wink.

As usual, you can't answer any of the questions and you haven't a clue what a true conservative is. Here's a hint, a true conservative is a classical conservative identical to a true classical liberal.

Stop trying to imitate your daddy troll and try thinking for yourself and actually getting a clue and making rational responses instead kissing troll's ass and making stupid responses.
As usual, you can't answer any of the questions and you haven't a clue what a true conservative is. Here's a hint, a true conservative is a classical conservative identical to a true classical liberal.


Neither of which actually exist in modern America.
Poor Bobo
Neither of which actually exist in modern America.
Poor Bobo

I'm not the only one pussy. Andrew (the Judge) Napolitano and many other libertarians are true traditional classical conservative/liberals who preserve, protect and defend and promote the "conservation" of the "liberal" individual rights of the Bill Of Rights.

Don't worry pussy, I'll never expect you to understand any of that, it takes an intellect above tree bark.
Great reply argument pussy! Stayed up all night again to think that one up, huh?:rofl2::cof1:

It took Leon, Legion Troll, The Dude, and Buckley J. Ewer, all of which are the same person, to come up with it and that's the best they could do.
YOU'RE an idiot. If you going to comment, at least use the correct word.

We do know which profile responded next. If was the self proclaimed accounting/MBA degree and mma fighter retard.

Who is next? Only you, whichever profile you use, will know.

Feb16 join date you dirty troll