Define "Conservative"

That is assuming labels remain the same.

The original LIBERALS were also known as Classical Liberals, meaning free market capitalists. They were for limited government, low tax rates, freedom and liberty.

The modern day liberal was created during the Port Huron STatement, during the early Sixties, when idiots like the SDS decided to embrace socialism.

Modern day conservatism has its roots probably in William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan, who preached almost libertarian policies. Bottom line, conservatism means free markets, the rule of law, liberty, the Constitution and the family unit. That hasn't changed since Reagan.

Conservatives wish to conserve...
It's not fucking rocket science...
A conservative is anyone who wants things to remain as they are. Like racists voting against the Civil Rights Act in the 60s. They wanted to conserve Jim Crow laws.
During our revolution the conservative position was to be a loyalist to the King of England. The founding framers of the constitution were true progressives.

Many of the framers were slave owners that also thought women were property. Were they true progressives?

The Civil War South evolved into the Democrat Party after the war.

What part, if any of the Constitution does the so-called liberal left "progressive" movement promote and practice today?
That is assuming labels remain the same.

The original LIBERALS were also known as Classical Liberals, meaning free market capitalists. They were for limited government, low tax rates, freedom and liberty.

The modern day liberal was created during the Port Huron STatement, during the early Sixties, when idiots like the SDS decided to embrace socialism.

Modern day conservatism has its roots probably in William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan, who preached almost libertarian policies. Bottom line, conservatism means free markets, the rule of law, liberty, the Constitution and the family unit. That hasn't changed since Reagan.

Good post! Except you ignore the fact that Reagan along with his drinking partner Tippy O'Neal damned near tripled the national debt. What was "conservative" about that BIG government operation?
Conservatives wish to conserve...
It's not fucking rocket science...

A true "conservative" promotes "conservation" of the letter of the "Constitution," The Bill Of Rights in particular. Neo-cons only pay lip service to anything constitutional. The neo-communist leftist progressives hate the Constitution and call it a living document that says what they want it to say when they're not saying it's to old of a document to even be relevant.
Ya'll are making a mountain out of a mole hill. You're arguing that partisan political positions and platforms define a conservative when they may or may not.

A conservative is a person who believes in the status quo. That is, a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

Many who claim to be "conservative" are not. For example, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Neither are conservatives. Trump is a populist. That is, a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is a political reactionary. That is, a person who opposes progress or change.

The difference between a conservative and a reactionary is one of extremes. A conservative is averse to change for change sake without good reason or a proven need for change. A reactionary is militantly opposed to any change regardless of need or reason for change.
Ya'll are making a mountain out of a mole hill. You're arguing that partisan political positions and platforms define a conservative when they may or may not.

A conservative is a person who believes in the status quo. That is, a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

Many who claim to be "conservative" are not. For example, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Neither are conservatives. Trump is a populist. That is, a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is a political reactionary. That is, a person who opposes progress or change.

The difference between a conservative and a reactionary is one of extremes. A conservative is averse to change for change sake without good reason or a proven need for change. A reactionary is militantly opposed to any change regardless of need or reason for change.

As a Conservative, I don't have a problem with change. I have a problem when the change isn't good. Your problem is you think what you support is good and expect the rest of us to look at it the same way then refer to those who disagree as opposing progress or change. Unlike you, I don't change for the sake of changing so I can say I do it differently.

I have a good reason to oppose the change you support. It's worthless change. I am opposed to change simply for the sake of changing. Different isn't always better and that's something you Liberals don't seem to get. You view doing it differently as doing it better when the only thing that has changed is the way you do it not how well it's being done.
As a Conservative, I don't have a problem with change. I have a problem when the change isn't good. Your problem is you think what you support is good and expect the rest of us to look at it the same way then refer to those who disagree as opposing progress or change. Unlike you, I don't change for the sake of changing so I can say I do it differently.

I have a good reason to oppose the change you support. It's worthless change. I am opposed to change simply for the sake of changing. Different isn't always better and that's something you Liberals don't seem to get. You view doing it differently as doing it better when the only thing that has changed is the way you do it not how well it's being done.
How can you say that when you don't even know what I support or don't support? That's just an ad hom logical fallacy.

My point is correct and you've essentially agreed with it. A conservative is a person who advocates the status quo and is averse to change.
A conservative is averse to change for change sake without good reason or a proven need for change. A reactionary is militantly opposed to any change regardless of need or reason for change.

What "change" are you talking about? The only "change" a traditional/classical real conservative is opposed to is actions that violate the Constitution, especially acts that violate the Bill Of Rights.
How can you say that when you don't even know what I support or don't support? That's just an ad hom logical fallacy.

My point is correct and you've essentially agreed with it. A conservative is a person who advocates the status quo and is averse to change.

You still don't get the difference between changing for the better and change for the sake of doing it a different way despite it not necessarily being better. You seem to think that doing it differently automatically means it's better. Not necessarily the case.

You have no point. You run your mouth.
Ya'll are making a mountain out of a mole hill. You're arguing that partisan political positions and platforms define a conservative when they may or may not.

A conservative is a person who believes in the status quo. That is, a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

Many who claim to be "conservative" are not. For example, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Neither are conservatives. Trump is a populist. That is, a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is a political reactionary. That is, a person who opposes progress or change.

The difference between a conservative and a reactionary is one of extremes. A conservative is averse to change for change sake without good reason or a proven need for change. A reactionary is militantly opposed to any change regardless of need or reason for change.

Well said Mott
So you can supply the Mott proposal that conservatives oppose change? What change do conservatives oppose? Mott won't answer that question, maybe you will?

A black person in the white house, a women in the white house, universal healthcare, gay marriage, equal rights, etc
Conservatives opposed all social and political firsts that have occurred in recent memory. And there have been many.
A black person in the white house, a women in the white house, universal healthcare, gay marriage, equal rights, etc
Conservatives opposed all social and political firsts that have occurred in recent memory. And there have been many.

I don't have a problem with the President being black. I have a problem with people choosing one BECAUSE he is.

I don't have a problem withe female President. I have a problem with people who support a female being President BECAUSE they use gender to make their choice.

Have all the healthcare you want as long as YOU pay for it. I'll add to that have all the children you want as long as you can pay for them. When people demand someone else being forced to pay higher taxes that funds it on another person's behalf, I have a problem. If you want healthcare, buy it. If you can't afford it, not my problem. If you make a choice to have a dozen kids, go for it. If you demand I should be forced to pay higher taxes in order to support the results of a choice you made, fuck off.
I don't have a problem with the President being black. I have a problem with people choosing one BECAUSE he is.

I don't have a problem withe female President. I have a problem with people who support a female being President BECAUSE they use gender to make their choice.

Have all the healthcare you want as long as YOU pay for it. I'll add to that have all the children you want as long as you can pay for them. When people demand someone else being forced to pay higher taxes that funds it on another person's behalf, I have a problem. If you want healthcare, buy it. If you can't afford it, not my problem. If you make a choice to have a dozen kids, go for it. If you demand I should be forced to pay higher taxes in order to support the results of a choice you made, fuck off.
Don't give me that shit Bubba...
People voted for Junior because he had a belt buckle just like theirs and they said they wanted to have a beer with the goon, ...

As far as escaping socialism ...I hear Somalia is pleasant this time of year...
I don't have a problem with the President being black. I have a problem with people choosing one BECAUSE he is.

I don't have a problem withe female President. I have a problem with people who support a female being President BECAUSE they use gender to make their choice.

Have all the healthcare you want as long as YOU pay for it. I'll add to that have all the children you want as long as you can pay for them. When people demand someone else being forced to pay higher taxes that funds it on another person's behalf, I have a problem. If you want healthcare, buy it. If you can't afford it, not my problem. If you make a choice to have a dozen kids, go for it. If you demand I should be forced to pay higher taxes in order to support the results of a choice you made, fuck off.

I'm supporting Bernie but just a few days ago you claimed I was supporting Hillary because she has a vajayjay.
I'm supporting Bernie but just a few days ago you claimed I was supporting Hillary because she has a vajayjay.

Does it bother you that Hillary has already been picked by your party elites so your vote will mean nothing...??? It won't look like it because the voters are falling into line
and voting for her anyway.....

I know the republican party elites are trying to do the same thing, only their goal is to derail Trump....

Don't know if you're old enough to remember the Dem '68 convention or read about it, when Humphrey was nominated even though he never won even ONE state primary....
Hand picked by the party elites.....the results were riots, fires and looting.....
A black person in the white house, a women in the white house,

Which “conservatives” oppose a black person in the White House?

Which “conservatives” oppose a woman in the White House?

Isn’t it possible and likely probable that conservatives simply oppose the “person” in the White House without regard to skin color or oppose a “certain” woman that wants to be in the White House? Where’s your evidence that skin color or gender has anything to do with the people that conservatives oppose? Are you a race and gender hate baiter?

universal healthcare,

Please show me in the Constitution where the federal government has any authority to conduct a healthcare program of any kind.

Opposing federal healthcare programs is opposing unconstitutional changes in the authority and duty of the federal government. Every patriot should reject those kind of changes.

gay marriage, equal rights

Opposing equal protection of the law, i.e. adult agreeable homosexuals right to make legal contracts with one another is not “conservatism” it’s authoritarianism.

Conservatives opposed all social and political firsts that have occurred in recent memory. And there have been many.

Name them and we’ll determine if the opposition is conservation of the Constitution, or has nothing to do with conserving the Constitution and really authoritarianism.

Many, many leftist oppose the 2nd amendment. Is that “liberalism” or authoritarianism? Many, many leftist oppose freedom of the free exercise of religion, is that “liberalism” or authoritarianism?
Conservative for the purposes of this silly thread can be one ruled by reason as opposed to emotion.
Oh, that is what we always here, but I don't see much reasoning out of our stock of conservatives represented here and they are just as emotional as the liberals.

Generizations are stupid