Define "Conservative"

So you can’t define “conservative,” so your contribution to the thread is insults. Typical.

If you don’t know what a conservative is, just say so, don’t make excuses.

So Ronald Reagan is the poster child for conservatism? So damn near tripling the national debt is a conservative principle? What part of government did Reagan “limit?” The debt damned near tripled and government grew by leaps and bounds. So conservatism isn’t “limited government” It’s growing government, right?

How do you know? You can’t define “conservatism.” Wanta take another stab at defining “conservative principles?”

How do you know these things? Didn’t you say the following?

OH! So you speak for the masses? How do you know the masses don’t want anymore conservatism since you’ve admitted you don’t even know what it is and you can’t define it?

From what I've seen, unless someone defines anything other than YOUR way, you view them as wrong. Rather arrogant.
Cruz is a Religionist BIG government authoritarian. He claims to be a limited government constitutionalist, yet he promotes a BIG government violation of the 14th amendment and prohibition of agreeing adult homosexuals to make legal contracts with one another.

What's Cruz's position on the BIG government's unconstitutional Drug War? How about taking the nation to unconstitutional war without a congressional declaration of war?

Are you another one of those anarchists that believes anything the government does is wrong?
So, when your stumped for a definition you post an accusation you have nary a dime's worth of evidence for, huh? If we look up "clueless" in the dictionary, will we see a picture of ya there?

It doesn't matter what someone says. If you don't agree, you claim it's wrong you arrogant piece of shit.
Obviously a conservative is someone who wants to conserve something, normally his notion of what his society is or was. This will differ from place to place and from generation to generation, and is therefore a meaningless description of real politics, in which 'conservatives' tend to be those easily manipulated by the powers-that-be, in America the big capitalists.
Are you another one of those anarchists that believes anything the government does is wrong?

Who cares what Robo thinks about any of the recent or past candidates; because he's already stated that he doesn't vote.
So it's kind of like listening to someone who doesn't cook, tell you what ingredients to use.
Who cares what Robo thinks about any of the recent or past candidates; because he's already stated that he doesn't vote.
So it's kind of like listening to someone who doesn't cook, tell you what ingredients to use.

He doesn't vote? The only thing people like that can do is STFU.
From what I've seen, unless someone defines anything other than YOUR way, you view them as wrong. Rather arrogant.

How would you know" You offered no definition. If you're the forum's conservative spokes-person, offer something other than insults and I'll take your post seriously. Until then, they're just more Truth Deflector crappy insults and mindlessness.
How would you know" You offered no definition. If you're the forum's conservative spokes-person, offer something other than insults and I'll take your post seriously. Until then, they're just more Truth Deflector crappy insults and mindlessness.

No need to repeat what others have correctly stated and you, like I said, refused to accept.

From what I understand, you don't vote. Until you take part, you're the last person to ask for something.
No need to repeat what others have correctly stated and you, like I said, refused to accept.

From what I understand, you don't vote. Until you take part, you're the last person to ask for something.

I don't have to, and won't except nonsense and nobody's offered a rational definition for "conservative." The reason is the only rational, logical and honest answer is a conservative is one who promotes and acts to conserve the "Bill Of Rights" and all other rules of law mandated by the Constitution.

No person in their right mind is stooge enough to vote in rigged duopoly dictatorship elections. I'll leave that to the damned fools!

I'll ask for whatever I like and you can continue to use the excuse that I'm unworthy to cover the fact that you can't answer the tough thinkers questions.
What "SANE" person votes in the duopoly's rigged totalitarian crooked elections?:dunno:

A simple no would have sufficed. No need for the excuses.

Like I said, only a fool chooses to not take part, makes excuses to try and cover his cowardly ass, then thinks his opinion means anything. All of those describe YOU. Just trying to figure out whether you're a bigger fool or a bigger coward.
A simple no would have sufficed. No need for the excuses.

Then why are you making one?

Like I said, only a fool chooses to not take part, makes excuses to try and cover his cowardly ass, then thinks his opinion means anything.

So it’s the cowards that stand up and refuse to participate in criminal affaires?

They, (the duopoly), own the main stream media, the national debate, the ballot access regulations and all of the Wall Street and special interest money. They use your taxpayers money to finance their party primary elections, they use taxpayer’s property, the taxpayer’s buildings, the taxpayer’s utilities the taxpayers, voting machinery and even have the taxpayer’s finance and provide their ”party” primary ballots, all at the tune of millions of taxpayer’s dollars for every inner “PARTY” nominating election.

And you have the mindless, moronic balls to call refusal to participate in that criminal action “cowardice?” IDIOT!

Just trying to figure out whether you're a bigger fool or a bigger coward.

You haven’t the intellect to figure out how to get your head out of your ass!:rofl2: