Define "Conservative"

Should Muslims be allowed to build a mosque anywhere a church would be allowed?

I think that's a question more of the right to private property than anything else. There is a mosque about ten miles from my house. So far, those rags have been behaving themselves.
I think that's a question more of the right to private property than anything else. There is a mosque about ten miles from my house. So far, those rags have been behaving themselves.

So, the Mosque in NYC that the Republicans went insane about a few years ago, you were okay with it because they owned the property.
So, the Mosque in NYC that the Republicans went insane about a few years ago, you were okay with it because they owned the property.

Truthfully, Republicans did NOT go insane about any Mosque in NYC. Had they done so as a party, perhaps things would be different now. Had the establishment actually had some convictions along the lines of what's good for the country instead of just what's good for themselves, we'd all be better off.

Trump didn't just shoot to the top of the polls in a vacuum.
Can you even read
Gpd averages a full percentage more under democrats

No it doesn't. Not at all.
(Except the Jack Kennedy expansion.)

The Reagan years were the best years in history.

The Clinton years were a disaster until the Republicans took control of Congress and balanced the budget.

The first Bush years had the Democrats in charge of the Senate and having to deal with the Clinton recession. And still Bush's tax cuts created the longest running high paying job creation push in history. It was the Democrats who took over the Congress in 2006 who fucked the whole thing up.

The Democrats are bad for a national economy (at least on this side of the world.)
I can't argue with that.


And I doubt SERIOUSLY if there are too many Republican politicians with those points of view.

Eric Cantor certainly wasn't so we replaced him with one who was. DC woke the sleeping dog and they are not liking the result.
The only Constitutional right the left seeks to limit is the right to bear arms, Ill give you that one. The other rights the Conservatives are much more likely to trample. Especially the right to Equal Protection of the law. There are no restrictions on the food we can eat, there are some restrictions on the "food" large corporations can try to peddle as food. Ronald Reagan's drug war was a failure and its the Liberals leading the fight to legalize marijuana. Regarding freedom of religion, its the Republicans who support banning the building of Mosques and allowing immigration of Muslims. Where has the Democrat tried to ban free speech??

Don't forget Bush's Iraq war! 1960's v. 2000's? Even in the 1960's it was the anti-war hippies that were liberals!

No, HRC is in bed with Wall Street but not as badly as the Republicans policy arguments are!

Define equal protection.
No it doesn't. Not at all.
(Except the Jack Kennedy expansion.)

The Reagan years were the best years in history.

The Clinton years were a disaster until the Republicans took control of Congress and balanced the budget.

The first Bush years had the Democrats in charge of the Senate and having to deal with the Clinton recession. And still Bush's tax cuts created the longest running high paying job creation push in history. It was the Democrats who took over the Congress in 2006 who fucked the whole thing up.

The Democrats are bad for a national economy (at least on this side of the world.)

You can't read
It's in my avatar moron
The economy clearly does better under dems
You can't read
It's in my avatar moron
The economy clearly does better under dems

Why should anyone believe what you post? You said you made millions, had an accounting degree, and an MBA. You've proven none of it. So much for what you say.
Why should anyone believe what you post? You said you made millions, had an accounting degree, and an MBA. You've proven none of it. So much for what you say.

If you were even juco educated in business you'd know stock market returns