defining the atheist life....

Right, because all husbands are control freaks, except yours of course. /sarcasm

Most are not. Think for a minute about your desire to believe that this woman is miserable because she chooses to be atheist. What is stopping her from embracing a religious faith? Unless she has a controlling spouse, there is NO REASON why she can't, is there?

In reality if she truly is that miserable, it has nothing to do with being an atheist no matter how much YOU want to think so.
If you are saying that you use the word "atheist" to identify yourself...but you do not believe there are no gods...and/or you do not believe it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one...

...why the hell are you using "atheist" as a descriptor?

I'm just responding in the context of the thread. As I said, my lack of belief is entirely passive.
I've noticed that alt-RW "Christians" enjoy feeling persecuted. The "you hate God/Jesus" and "you hate all Christians" is part of that cherished belief.

Most of them come with nails and a cross as standard equipment. They are the real 'snowflakes'. They are victimized by everything that happens.
All the hateful posts.

From what I've seen here (and other places where religion is discussed), "hateful" is almost always defined as "disagrees with." I've been told that I "hate Christians" because I disagree with some of the more flamboyant and in-your-face types, particularly those who prey upon others to their own benefit like Joel Osteen.
From what I've seen here (and other places where religion is discussed), "hateful" is almost always defined as "disagrees with." I've been told that I "hate Christians" because I disagree with some of the more flamboyant and in-your-face types, particularly those who prey upon others to their own benefit like Joel Osteen.

I don't pay attention to Joel. If he wasn't helping people they wouldn't be following him. He's not hurting anyone- if they weren't contributing to his church they'd find something else to spend their money on.
Most are not. Think for a minute about your desire to believe that this woman is miserable because she chooses to be atheist. What is stopping her from embracing a religious faith? Unless she has a controlling spouse, there is NO REASON why she can't, is there?

In reality if she truly is that miserable, it has nothing to do with being an atheist no matter how much YOU want to think so.

Why are you so determined to imagine your assessment right and mine wrong? She said what she said.
There are as many athiest lives as there are religious lives, to define "the" athist life is stupid as sht.
Atheists are heterogeneous. We go through life questioning our connection to the multiverse.
I'm just responding in the context of the thread. As I said, my lack of belief is entirely passive.

You commented to me on my comment.

You seem to be saying that... do not "believe" there are no gods...and... do not "believe" it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

I am just wondering why you have chosen "atheist" as a descriptor...when other descriptors are available. If you would rather not clarify...I accept that.
You commented to me on my comment.

You seem to be saying that... do not "believe" there are no gods...and... do not "believe" it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

I am just wondering why you have chosen "atheist" as a descriptor...when other descriptors are available. If you would rather not clarify...I accept that.

Theism/Atheism denotes belief. Gnosticism/Agnosticism denotes knowledge.
You commented to me on my comment.

You seem to be saying that... do not "believe" there are no gods...and... do not "believe" it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

I am just wondering why you have chosen "atheist" as a descriptor...when other descriptors are available. If you would rather not clarify...I accept that.

I'm not sure what else you'd call it but I'm game. That whole 'more likely than not' is red herring for me. I know only a tiny fraction of all there is to know in heaven and earth. So saying something with absolute certainty is, IMHO, is the height of human arrogance. But I have not seen one occasion in which a culture invoked 'God' as the cause of some natural phenomenon, and it turns out they were right. Not once. Nope, God did not cause the thunder. A giant dragon eating the sun did not cause an eclipse. Human sacrifice to the Gods didn't stop volcanoes from erupting. My sliding scale is close enough to certain that atheist seems like the most appropriate description. I do not actively live my life based on my lack of belief. It makes no difference to one way or another. What I am even MORE certain of is that the God of the Bible doesn't exist. That petty, small anthropomorphized schmuck isn't a 'Supreme Being'.
since the board atheists felt the need to start a thread defining Christian life, I felt it only fair we have a thread to give balance.....

what do we know about atheists......
1) they are forced to struggle through life with no guidance other than their own feeble imaginations........

Most are guided by their morals.
I'm not sure what else you'd call it but I'm game. That whole 'more likely than not' is red herring for me. I know only a tiny fraction of all there is to know in heaven and earth. So saying something with absolute certainty is, IMHO, is the height of human arrogance. But I have not seen one occasion in which a culture invoked 'God' as the cause of some natural phenomenon, and it turns out they were right. Not once. Nope, God did not cause the thunder. A giant dragon eating the sun did not cause an eclipse. Human sacrifice to the Gods didn't stop volcanoes from erupting. My sliding scale is close enough to certain that atheist seems like the most appropriate description. I do not actively live my life based on my lack of belief. It makes no difference to one way or another. What I am even MORE certain of is that the God of the Bible doesn't exist. That petty, small anthropomorphized schmuck isn't a 'Supreme Being'.

You did a good job of summing up how most atheists are about god/gods/religion -- no effect on their personal life one way or the other, basically "meh." It's just a handful who get militant about it, just like it's just a handful of extremists in Islam or Xtianity or___ who go around killing in the name of their deity.