Defining the Christian Life

I believe any thoughtful person has a lot to learn from an examination of the lives and values of Christians like Martin Luther King Jr., Augustine, Mother Teresa, as well as atheists like Frederick Nitzche, Buddhists like Sadartha Guatama, and Hindus like Mahatma Ghandi.

Well, maybe you could express those things you feel are 'worthy', rather than just lump a bunch of Christians together and PROMOTE these people as some types of Models for Modern People?

Is getting your head cut off because you don't think someone should get a Divorce part of this?
In other words, my arrow struck true.

Now run off to the Toxic thread and talk some more about what you imagine about my sex life. :laugh:

Ahhhh ... YES, YES, YES, ... I KNEW IT!!!


Pumpkin, you said everything that needed to be said.
'the guy will orgasm before I do, and then leave, ... with my vibrator, I'M IN CONTROL, it won't leave me'
Jack is one of the forum's most prolific producers of said scurrilous gossip, nincompoopery, bullshit, etc. The problem with posting a thoughtful discussion in the late hours of the day is the attraction of drunks, stoners, morons, creeps, shit-disturbers, and trolls.

(yeah, you fucked up this time, you shouldn't have reopened that can of worms)

Believing in something you can't see, touch, or feel. Believing in Magic. Believing in a Philosophy that was founded under Imperial Rome occupation, a Philosophy of Survival (submission to the Authorities).

'Science' would be the opposite of 'Religious Belief'. Science follow the facts, if the facts change, the science changes. Religious Belief NEVER changes. THAT'S the problem with 'Religion'.

Cypress, please go to Bethlehem, spread your Message THERE. Here in the US, we support SCIENCE.

You can believe in something greater than yourself and still support science.
Well, maybe you could express those things you feel are 'worthy', rather than just lump a bunch of Christians together and PROMOTE these people as some types of Models for Modern People?

Is getting your head cut off because you don't think someone should get a Divorce part of this?

Apparently your forte is gossip about the personal lives of posters you do not know and have never met?

If you are hostile to religion, there is no need for you to patrol the board's religion forum.

I probably post more about science than I do about religion. That does not mean I am promoting anything. If you feel you have nothing to learn from Martin Luther King Jr., Pope Francis, Mother Teresa, or Mahatma Ghandi no one is forcing you to examine their lives and values.

I am interested religion, science, existentialism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, moral philosophy, intellectual history, post modernism, paganism, et al.

I am not on anyone's team, I post what is interesting to me - and I think on balance my thread contributions are generally of a higher quality than the gossip, racism, petty grudges that which JPP is most infamous for.

I consider my role to improve the quality of discourse on the interwebs!
Apparently your forte is gossip about the personal lives of posters you do not know and have never met?

If you are hostile to religion, there is no need for you to patrol the board's religion forum.

I probably post more about science than I do about religion. That does not mean I am promoting anything. If you feel you have nothing to learn from Martin Luther King Jr., Pope Francis, Mother Teresa, or Mahatma Ghandi no one is forcing you to examine their lives and values.

I am interested religion, science, existentialism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, moral philosophy, intellectual history, post modernism, paganism, et al.

I am not on anyone's team, I post what is interesting to me - and I think on balance my thread contributions are generally of a higher quality than the gossip, racism, petty grudges that which JPP is most infamous for.

I consider my role to improve the quality of discourse on the interwebs!

Cypress: "If you are hostile to religion, there is no need for you to patrol the board's religion forum."
Jack: I support 'science', the opposite of 'religion'. When you, as a smart person, promote Religion, I can only attribute that to 'childhood brainwashing'. I question your reasoning.

Cypress: "I am interested religion, science, existentialism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, moral philosophy, intellectual history, post modernism, paganism, et al."
Jack: Awesome. Rather than cloak yourself in names of Famous People from the Past, why not articulate what you feel is noteworthy. Like, how many Angels can dance on the head of a Pin?
Cypress: "If you are hostile to religion, there is no need for you to patrol the board's religion forum."
Jack: I support 'science', the opposite of 'religion'. When you, as a smart person, promote Religion, I can only attribute that to 'childhood brainwashing'. I question your reasoning.

Cypress: "I am interested religion, science, existentialism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, moral philosophy, intellectual history, post modernism, paganism, et al."
Jack: Awesome. Rather than cloak yourself in names of Famous People from the Past, why not articulate what you feel is noteworthy. Like, how many Angels can dance on the head of a Pin?

Why do you not get angry and belligerent when I post a thread examining the Hindu tradition, the Daoist tradition, the indigenous American animist tradition?
You can believe in something greater than yourself and still support science.

About half of all scientists believe in God or a higher power. Pew poll.

It is precisely because I was trained in science and have had a life long interest in physics and cosmology that I came to realize science does not provide us truth. Science is humankind's most effective procedure for gaining provisional knowlege of how natural phenomena behave.

I have always had the utmost respect for good science and the scientific method. I made it a career. But at a deeper level, science cannot provide truth about the nature of reality. Science, reason, and inference have limitations - as does the cognitive abilities of the human brain. I think it is just honest to admit that.
Why do you not get angry and belligerent when I post a thread examining the Hindu tradition, the Daoist tradition, the indigenous American animist tradition?

I haven't seen you do that.
If you have an interest in talking about Egyptian, Greek, or Gods of the Past, in a Mythological context, I have No Problem with that. That's an interesting pastime.
YOU seem to be PROMOTING 'Religion'. Religion is a DANGER to current Society, to Modern People. I'm completely flabbergasted at why you do this.

Please, tell us all what is praiseworthy of Religions. Belief in a 'Man-God'? Paradise with 72 Virgins? Stoning the Queers? God telling people to 'smash the heads of the children against the rocks'? Miracles? Virgin Births? Dying ... then coming back alive after 3 days? Killing somebody for 'working' on the Sabbath?

Rather than you previous replies of: uh, uh, uh, Martin Luther King, Jr., please explain your PROMOTION of Religion.
People who believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy at least don't try to insert those beliefs into the laws of the land.

Believe whatever makes you feel good, but remember, America was never meant to be a theocracy.

We don't need or want anybody's god or that god's rules in our laws.
I haven't seen you do that.
If you have an interest in talking about Egyptian, Greek, or Gods of the Past, in a Mythological context, I have No Problem with that. That's an interesting pastime.
YOU seem to be PROMOTING 'Religion'. Religion is a DANGER to current Society, to Modern People. I'm completely flabbergasted at why you do this.

Please, tell us all what is praiseworthy of Religions. Belief in a 'Man-God'? Paradise with 72 Virgins? Stoning the Queers? God telling people to 'smash the heads of the children against the rocks'? Miracles? Virgin Births? Dying ... then coming back alive after 3 days? Killing somebody for 'working' on the Sabbath?

Rather than you previous replies of: uh, uh, uh, Martin Luther King, Jr., please explain your PROMOTION of Religion.

I write about other religious traditions all the bloody time. You are never found complaining on those threads.

Which leads me to believe you are not actually a consistent, dispassionate atheist. You are an anti-Christian zealot harboring some deep-seated resentment towards Christianity - and Christianity in particular out of all the world religions.
I write about other religious traditions all the bloody time. You are never found complaining on those threads.

Which leads me to believe you are not actually a consistent, dispassionate atheist. You are an anti-Christian zealot harboring some deep-seated resentment towards Christianity

:) Well, I am an Agnostic. I prefer to believe in what's REAL, rather than what is IMAGINARY. I support Philosophy, and those people that have a different philosophical point of view than I may have.
'Religion' is part 'philosophy' and part mysticism.

My rejection of the Christian Religion is that it is a Slave Religion. It's COMPLETELY understandable why the Kings of Europe adopted it.

A thousand years of Christian domination ... called the Dark Ages for a reason.