Definition of Woke


You have never listed one civil right queers have been denied.

If I'm wrong, then provide a link to a post where you've listed them.

I'll wait.

I recall in Texas what a big stir it was when they eliminated the law where it was illegal to have gay sex. The Supreme Court struck down those sodomy laws in 2003. decision, the,ban on the House calendar.

In my state, a gay woman had to fight in court to get the right to be buried next to her partner. She was not allowed because her partner was buried in a military cemetery. She finally won that suit when gay marriage was recognized.

We all know the Supreme Court ruling that finally allowed gay marriage nationwide under the 14 Amendment. You know, due process and equal protection. Until then, states like mine did not recognize those marriages and all the rights and privileges that go along with it.

Housing, employment, on and on.

I gave you citations for a couple, but you’re too fucking lazy to look up any others.
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I recall in Texas what a big stir it was when they eliminated the law where it was illegal to have gay sex. The Supreme Court struck down those sodomy laws in 2003. decision, the,ban on the House calendar.

In my state, a gay woman had to fight in court to get the right to be buried next to her partner. She was not allowed because her partner was buried in a military cemetery. She finally won that suit when gay marriage was recognized.

We all know the Supreme Court ruling that finally allowed gay marriage nationwide under the 14 Amendment. You know, due process and equal protection. Until then, states like mine did not recognize those marriages and all the rights and privileges that go along with it.

Housing, employment, on and on.

I gave you citations for a couple, but you’re too fucking lazy to look up any others.

The Texas sodomy law was enacted in 18 fucking 60 and was unenforceable anyway. All of which goes straight back to my point about woke crybabies having to dredge up ancient history in order to have something to snivel about.

As for the I-da'-ho' lesbo, again the denial was based on a law enacted over a century ago which, as you admit, is all moot now, after all same sex marriage bans were overturned by the SCOTUS eight years ago.

So again I ask... why are the precious little flower fairies still crying in their hankies and peeing in their drag queen panties about it?

Also, no gays are denied housing or employment based on their disgusting sex habits anymore.

Just more dredging up the past to have something to cry victim about in the present.

Same tiresome old victim card playing for the purpose of getting more and more concessions.

Too bad you're too fucking lazy minded to figure that out for yourself.

I'm actually glad now that there's a solid conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

The fruitcakes and criminals are not going to receive the special treatment they are pushing for.

And since they're going to be on the bench for decades to come, all you spoiled rotten little woke pussies are just going to have to learn how to live with not getting everything in life your little hearts desire.

Just like the rest of us normal people.

Boo fucking hoo for you. :rofl2:

The Texas sodomy law was enacted in 18 fucking 60 and was unenforceable anyway. All of which goes straight back to my point about woke crybabies having to dredge up ancient history in order to have something to snivel about.

As for the I-da'-ho' lesbo, again the denial was based on a law enacted over a century ago which, as you admit, is all moot now, after all same sex marriage bans were overturned by the SCOTUS eight years ago.

So again I ask... why are the precious little flower fairies still crying in their hankies and peeing in their drag queen panties about it?

Also, no gays are denied housing or employment based on their disgusting sex habits anymore.

Just more dredging up the past to have something to cry victim about in the present.

Same tiresome old victim card playing for the purpose of getting more and more concessions.

Too bad you're too fucking lazy minded to figure that out for yourself.

I'm actually glad now that there's a solid conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

The fruitcakes and criminals are not going to receive the special treatment they are pushing for.

And since they're going to be on the bench for decades to come, all you spoiled rotten little woke pussies are just going to have to learn how to live with not getting everything in life your little hearts desire.

Just like the rest of us normal people.

Boo fucking hoo for you. :rofl2:


You asked for civil rights that were denied gays, fucktard. I gave them to you. I can’t help you with your ignorant denial.

Concessions? Special treatment? What a fucking moron.
You asked for civil rights that were denied gays, fucktard. I gave them to you. I can’t help you with your ignorant denial.

Doesn't change the fact that dredging up the past is the only gimmick you and your crybaby friends have to keep your tired old agenda alive and gasping it's last breaths.

Concessions? Special treatment?

Yes. Exactly.

What a fucking moron.

You're over rating yourself.
The right these days seem to think they have a corner on so-called “American values”, whatever the fuck they are.

Merely doing the right thing is an American value, is a human value.

What is NOT an American value? The chest thumping ‘Murica bullshit we’re seeing from the right these days.

"What is NOT an American value?"

I think that if you are a biological, male adult, then consenting to take it (another male's peenie) up the ass is not an American value. In the same (blue) vein, I think that if you are a biological male, poking your erect peenie up another male's bung-hole is not really an American value.

Also I think that allowing stupid women to have the kind of unjustified legal and political power they have today is not consistent with American values-all of which were grounded in John Locke's Christian Natural Law. American men are not supposed to be a mob of sissy, spooky, Soy-Boys and pantie-wetting wimps ( LIKE YOU) who would let women call the shots", and boss them around, and rip them off in court. Men, especially, White American (Western-European) men are supposed to the LEADERS, they are supposed to be the DECISIVE/ DECISION-MAKERS, their role is always to TAKE THE INITIATIVE. This is true both in marriages and throughout society more generally.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!"

PS: If you allow women to control and run an Advanced Western society like America, you will ultimately turn the country into chaotic, stinking brothel.
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"What is NOT an American value?"

I think that if you are a biological, male adult, then consenting to take it (another male's peenie) up the ass is not an American value. In the same (blue) vein, I think that if you are a biological male, poking your erect peenie up another male's bung-hole is not really an American value.

Also I think that allowing stupid women to have the king of legal and political power they have today is not consistent with American values all of which were grounded in John Locke's Christian Natural Law. American men are not supposed to be a mob of sissy, spooky, Soy-Boys and pantie-wetting wimps ( LIKE YOU) who would let women call the shots", and boss them around, and rip them off in court. Men, especially, White American (Western-European) men are supposed to the LEADERS, they are supposed to be the DECISIVE/ DECISION-MAKERS, their role is always to TAKE THE INITIATIVE. This is true both in marriages and throughout society more generally.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!"

PS: If you allow women to control and run an Advanced Western society like America, you will ultimately turn the country into chaotic, stinking brothel.

The 1950s called. They want their male chauvinist pig back.