Definition of Woke

You should search to relieve yourself of your willful ignorance.

We can try this from a different angle.

Climate change.

You live in Florida, I live in Idaho. Two different climates. If my weather seems cooler and yours much hotter, we can argue from our own particular perspectives whether we are experiencing climate change on a larger scale.

What we actually need to discuss the issue is someone who is able to analyze the data from a national or global perspective. Only then can we get the big picture.

You’re just focusing on your narrow view of the world, while I’m citing experts who are looking at it from a national perspective.

You can agree with THEM or not. I don’t give a shit. But your argument “I live among blacks, so I know better” fails from the get go.

Do you even know the definition of the word "cite"?

Cite: quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.

You have yet to "cite" ANYONE, genius. :palm:

I've read detailed, scientific reports by experts on black on black crime.

I will not cite them or provide links to them or provide any kind of rational analysis of them because I feel you should Google them yourself.

I did however post TWO legitimate news reports of detailed studies on the subject of black crime, which back up everything I've said. Included in those two news clips, were the informed opinions of black community leaders who see the situation first hand and have lived it themselves every day of their lives.

And you have not even attempted to refute them.


Is it because you know you can't? That you'd look even sillier than you do if you tried?

What makes you think you know more about black people than black people?

Your argument “I read studies about blacks, so I know better” fails from the get go.
Do you even know the definition of the word "cite"?

Cite: quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.

You have yet to "cite" ANYONE, genius. :palm:

I've read detailed, scientific reports by experts on black on black crime.

I will not cite them or provide links to them or provide any kind of rational analysis of them because I feel you should Google them yourself.

I did however post TWO legitimate news reports of detailed studies on the subject of black crime, which back up everything I've said. Included in those two news clips, were the informed opinions of black community leaders who see the situation first hand and have lived it themselves every day of their lives.

And you have not even attempted to refute them.


Is it because you know you can't? That you'd look even sillier than you do if you tried?

What makes you think you know more about black people than black people?

Your argument “I read studies about blacks, so I know better” fails from the get go.

I gave it my best shot for you to do a little homework yourself and learn something. You failed big time.

Too bad. In many ways, you’re probably a reasonable guy. You’re just too fucking lazy on this one.
I gave it my best shot for you to do a little homework yourself and learn something. You failed big time.

Too bad. In many ways, you’re probably a reasonable guy. You’re just too fucking lazy on this one.

------------- :lolup: = :igive:


Just address the two videos I posted.

Or this one....

------------- :lolup: = :igive:


Just address the two videos I posted.

Or this one....

You are missing the point so badly that you aren’t even in the fucking ballpark.

Hey, though. I just returned from the gym. Getting my stuff out of the locker and, out of the blue, a guy next to me says:

“I talked to my sister and she asked if I wanted to move back to Baltimore. I told her ‘hell no’ and face all that shooting abnd crime and stuff from those niggers in Madison Park?” (I think he said it was Madison Park)

I almost asked him if his name was Nomad. LOL
Woke: From urban vernacular - pidgin English for "awakened," with the term I be Woke, or I is Woke. Initially used in the mid-Obama era to reference those who are no longer "fooled" by societal norms and reject American culture becoming aware that society is not as presented.

This quickly devolved into a statement of fealty to Marxist social warfare. Particularly in regard to BLM and Transsexualism. A major part of the Woke Anti-Culture movement is anti-white racism. The 1619 project and various anti-white initiatives fit into the Woke paradigm. Much of the Woke ideology follows traditional Leninism in focusing on grooming children to break familial bonds to create stronger loyalty directly to the party. In the end, "Woke" is rebranding of socialist revolutionary philosophy, particularly Maoism.
You are missing the point so badly that you aren’t even in the fucking ballpark.

Hey, though. I just returned from the gym. Getting my stuff out of the locker and, out of the blue, a guy next to me says:

“I talked to my sister and she asked if I wanted to move back to Baltimore. I told her ‘hell no’ and face all that shooting abnd crime and stuff from those niggers in Madison Park?” (I think he said it was Madison Park)

I almost asked him if his name was Nomad. LOL

Anything to avoid addressing the issue. :lolup:

Anything to avoid admitting you have no argument.

See response to next quote (below)...

So IOW, based on your statements in your first post quoted above, you are a bigot and a racist.

Got it. :thup:

Don't tell me what I think, sonny boy. You don't even know what you think.

Has it ever occurred to you that much of the poverty blacks experience is of their own making? From things like fathers abandoning the mothers of the children they created? There are comparatively very few poverty stricken white neighborhoods. And your assertion about the per capita crime rates is completely false. Besides, the entire concept of what constitutes poverty in this day and age in America is a slap in the face to people in third world countries who suffer REAL poverty. What constitutes poverty in modern America would be considered comfortable in many countries. These "po' lil' ol' niggas" you sob and wring your hands over live like kings compared to actual poor people. Cell phones, Nikes, govt subsidized roofs over their heads, free food on the table, education opportunity there for the taking, etc, etc, etc.

There is no excuse for the kind of criminal gang activity so many young blacks engage in.

It all comes back to the culture they grow up in. The culture of black, ghetto mentality.

You're just another apologist.

Your aversion to the truth and refusal to accept reality on this subject, indicates to me that you must be black.

Or maybe you're white and queer and you "date" black "boyfriends".

You don't get any more racist than that!

You have never listed one civil right queers have been denied.

If I'm wrong, then provide a link to a post where you've listed them.

I'll wait.

You spectacularly stupid bitch and compulsive liar.

Remember when gay couples couldn't marry? You should. You're about 200 years old and act like it every time you open your toothless mouth.

Your kind doesn't think that public accommodation rights apply to LGBTQ people.

Et cetera. You become more MAGA every day. What a pitiful pussy.
You don't get any more racist than that!

You spectacularly stupid bitch and compulsive liar.

Remember when gay couples couldn't marry? You should. You're about 200 years old and act like it every time you open your toothless mouth..

I do remember.


I'm just wondering why you're STILL PISSING YOUR SISSY BITCH PANTIES ABOUT IT!!!! :fu:

Your kind doesn't think that public accommodation rights apply to LGBTQ people.

Et cetera. You become more MAGA every day. What a pitiful pussy.

Of course they do.

Just like everyone else.

Those who were born with male genitalia use the public accomodations labeled "MEN".

(Even though, in your case the word "man" doesn't even apply.)

Those who were born with female genitalia use the public accomodations labeled "WOMEN".

Simple as that.

Don't like it?


Shit and piss on yourself. :fu:
The right these days seem to think they have a corner on so-called “American values”, whatever the fuck they are.

Merely doing the right thing is an American value, is a human value.

What is NOT an American value? The chest thumping ‘Murica bullshit we’re seeing from the right these days.

Family values too. They think that stripping women of their bodily and civil rights covers for their divorces, adultery, participation in prostitution, underage orgies on planes and islands, etc. The right wouldn't know what to do with the moral high ground if we gave it to them for free.
I do remember.


I'm just wondering why you're STILL PISSING YOUR SISSY BITCH PANTIES ABOUT IT!!!! :fu:

Of course they do.

Just like everyone else.

Those who were born with male genitalia use the public accomodations labeled "MEN".

(Even though, in your case the word "man" doesn't even apply.)

Those who were born with female genitalia use the public accomodations labeled "WOMEN".

Simple as that.

Don't like it?


Shit and piss on yourself. :fu:

You can keep spitting, "Take it or leave it," from your unearned white hetero perch, but we feel the same way. Who do you think is going to win?
You can keep spitting, "Take it or leave it," from your unearned white hetero perch, but we feel the same way. Who do you think is going to win?

Hopefully not you faggot weirdos.

You're pushing centrist Democrats and independents to the right.

I've voted Democrat my entire adult life, but because you perverted freaks have hijacked my party with your nitwit, ding-a-ling, fruitcake agenda, I'm on the verge of leaving the party, going independent, and if the Republicans could field a decent, non-Trumper candidate, possibly even vote for that Republican candidate.

Thanks to the fruity-fag agenda of the extremist progressive left, I've actually come to feel some relief that conservatives control the SCOTUS.

I think they might be all that's standing between sanity and some upside down, bass-ackwards Bizarro World where the law demands preferred pronoun use must be adhered to, over 100 different genders are legally recognized ( ), children are taught about being gay in public schools, drag queens can be teachers and come to work in any kind of lingerie they please, every white property owning taxpayer will have an extra assessment added on to their property taxes to pay black people, white people will be forced to issue statements of apology for being white..... I could go on and on with the potential lunacy of life under a left-wing SCOTUS, but suffice it to say, it's fucking scary to all sane people.

The only thing that's working in the Democrats' favor right now is the Republicans' idiotic stance on abortion.
The term Woke is a clearly defined and accepted term promoting neo-Marxism, transgenderism, open-borders, diversity-above-all, inclusivity at the cost of anything else, killing off carbon energy and destroying most aspects of Western civilisation."

BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Clearly defined by you and nobody else. I bet you feel all proud and smart, don't you, serendipshit.

BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Clearly defined by you and nobody else. I bet you feel all proud and smart, don't you, serendipshit.


Joe Crapitalist has Guano, his very own clingon to play with.
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