Definition of Woke


“having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities”

Yep, this is it. This is what it meant before the right got ahold of it (and still means to many).

That is what it was originally supposed to mean, but it was based on a false premise that minorities are oppressed by systemic racism.

Minorities are no longer oppressed in Western societies and systemic racism is past history.
That is what it was originally supposed to mean, but it was based on a false premise that minorities are oppressed by systemic racism.

Minorities are no longer oppressed in Western societies and systemic racism is past history.

Sure. As long as you say so.
That is what it was originally supposed to mean, but it was based on a false premise that minorities are oppressed by systemic racism.

Minorities are no longer oppressed in Western societies and systemic racism is past history.

I can’t agree with the last part.

Are you calling woke people the KKK?
I don't see examples of it anywhere.

I guess it also depends on one's definition of oppression.

I was referring mainly to systemic racism.

The criminal justice system comes to mind first. But economic opportunities, education systems, on and on, exist with inequities.

Remember, wealth begets wealth. Poverty begets poverty.

I’m getting up there in years now, but in my lifetime, there were still separate drinking fountains, entrances to buildings, bus seating and no blacks in many universities. It takes more than just a generation or two to make up, or catch up if you prefer, from those injustices.

Even today, mixed marriages, while more acceptable, are no doubt made more difficult because of race.

It takes but just a cursory look at this forum alone to see that racism in all forms is alive and well in this country. A good percentage, probably a plurality, maybe a majority of the righties here are dyed-in-the-wool, KKK level racists.

See the thread on slavery? Look how many of the righties come forward to rationalize, defend, minimize and otherwise deflect on the nature of it.
I was referring mainly to systemic racism.

The criminal justice system comes to mind first. But economic opportunities, education systems, on and on, exist with inequities.

Remember, wealth begets wealth. Poverty begets poverty.

I’m getting up there in years now, but in my lifetime, there were still separate drinking fountains, entrances to buildings, bus seating and no blacks in many universities. It takes more than just a generation or two to make up, or catch up if you prefer, from those injustices.

Even today, mixed marriages, while more acceptable, are no doubt made more difficult because of race.

It takes but just a cursory look at this forum alone to see that racism in all forms is alive and well in this country. A good percentage, probably a plurality, maybe a majority of the righties here are dyed-in-the-wool, KKK level racists.

See the thread on slavery? Look how many of the righties come forward to rationalize, defend, minimize and otherwise deflect on the nature of it.

Well, the argument can be made that blacks themselves are responsible for their over representation in the criminal justice system.

I know it's often blamed on poverty, but the system that is supposedly racist, has also bent over backwards to try to alleviate any inequalities by presenting blacks with opportunities available only to them by virtue of their ethnicity.

But given the way society works today, I cannot believe that mixed race couples have a significantly harder time than same race couples.

Unless they live in some really backwards redneck neighborhood.

Most people just aren't like that anymore.

I do agree that there are some who seem to hate blacks, but there are blacks who hate whites too. Neither one is right, but I think a lot of the hatred of blacks by whites is the result of frustration from seeing the never ending violence and crime that plagues black neighborhoods and which is perpetrated by black men mostly against other black men, but sometimes against other ethnicities too.

This is not racism you're reading from me.

It is a 100% objective description based on what I see and have seen for years in the local news, day in and day out.

What is the explanation for it?
Well, the argument can be made that blacks themselves are responsible for their over representation in the criminal justice system.

I know it's often blamed on poverty, but the system that is supposedly racist, has also bent over backwards to try to alleviate any inequalities by presenting blacks with opportunities available only to them by virtue of their ethnicity.

But given the way society works today, I cannot believe that mixed race couples have a significantly harder time than same race couples.

Unless they live in some really backwards redneck neighborhood.

Most people just aren't like that anymore.

I do agree that there are some who seem to hate blacks, but there are blacks who hate whites too. Neither one is right, but I think a lot of the hatred of blacks by whites is the result of frustration from seeing the never ending violence and crime that plagues black neighborhoods and which is perpetrated by black men mostly against other black men, but sometimes against other ethnicities too.

This is not racism you're reading from me.

It is a 100% objective description based on what I see and have seen for years in the local news, day in and day out.

What is the explanation for it?

Wait until reparations kick in, you are going to see America disintegrate into riots.
Not going to happen outside of California and maybe not even there.

I imagine that if California does pass it that there will be demands for it all over the nation.

I'm sure the Supreme Court will reject it though as they've already semi-ruled on this issue.
Nobody can help you, dumbfuck, when you continue to buy into all the distortions of the crazy right these days.

All decent normal people have to do is watch how you maggots behave and they can clearly see how screwed up in the head leftists are.
The true meaning of "woke" is now as irrelevant as the original true meaning of "gay."

It's been made to mean "politically correct," only it's just one syllable and easier to say, like "gay" instead of "homosexual."

"Woke" has redefined me, as well.

I am still a progressive democratic socialist, but that applies to mostly economic and political issues.

To be considered LIBERAL, one must be WOKE to social issues,
and I'm not considered sufficiently delicate and pandering to the hypersensitive
to be included with LIBERALS anymore,
even though I'm probably to the left of them on many issues.

I'd be curious to know if many JPP liberals still consider me liberal.
I sincerely doubt it.
It's only the righties who refer to me as liberal.

Since you asked, no, I do not consider you a liberal. I suppose a true assessment requires more interaction/investigation, but your opinions are decidedly ancient for the most part. People who complain about men wearing t-shirts on stage instead of suits and LGBTQ people insisting on their civil rights instead of shutting their mouths and getting back in the closet are not liberal.
Since you asked, no, I do not consider you a liberal. I suppose a true assessment requires more interaction/investigation, but your opinions are decidedly ancient for the most part. People who complain about men wearing t-shirts on stage instead of suits and LGBTQ people insisting on their civil rights instead of shutting their mouths and getting back in the closet are not liberal.

What civil rights are you fairies being denied?

Have they made it illegal to wear dresses and Victoria's Secret slut panties while you suck other guys' dicks and buttfuck each other?

Have they made it illegal to swish around with your wrists limp and talking with a lisp?

Or are you just feeling bitchy because queers can't force straight artisans to make their products include endorsements of their queer lifestyle?

Tough shit.
All decent normal people have to do is watch how you maggots behave and they can clearly see how screwed up in the head leftists are.

This is how I behave.

I go to work 40+ hours a week and give my best. Every day. Day in. Day out.
I go home and take care of things there. Cooking. Cleaning. Upkeep.
I do volunteer stuff in my community. My time and my money.
I still help my adult children, and their grandchildren, whenever I can. I set up college accounts for the little ones and pay into it every month.
I pay my bills. I pay my taxes.
I take care of myself, physically, mentally, spiritually.
I own my house and most of my cars. Still paying on the newest.

So, fucktard, that’s what this “leftist” does.