Definition of Woke

Well, the argument can be made that blacks themselves are responsible for their over representation in the criminal justice system.

I know it's often blamed on poverty, but the system that is supposedly racist, has also bent over backwards to try to alleviate any inequalities by presenting blacks with opportunities available only to them by virtue of their ethnicity.

But given the way society works today, I cannot believe that mixed race couples have a significantly harder time than same race couples.

Unless they live in some really backwards redneck neighborhood.

Most people just aren't like that anymore.

I do agree that there are some who seem to hate blacks, but there are blacks who hate whites too. Neither one is right, but I think a lot of the hatred of blacks by whites is the result of frustration from seeing the never ending violence and crime that plagues black neighborhoods and which is perpetrated by black men mostly against other black men, but sometimes against other ethnicities too.

This is not racism you're reading from me.

It is a 100% objective description based on what I see and have seen for years in the local news, day in and day out.

What is the explanation for it?

You don’t have to take my word for it, there are any number of studies that validate my claims. I read a few this morning.

Systemic racism in banking. Lending practices. Access to capital for business. Even home evaluations.

Systemic racism in the justice system. Harsher penalties for the same crimes as whites.

Educational structures, health care, on and on.

Now, some limey fucktard living in some 3rd world country will tell you I don’t know what I’m talking about because I live inna very white state. That’s true where I live. But I didn’t need to be alive when FDR was president to know that he was president. I can research and read. You can, too.

Try it.
This is how I behave.

I go to work 40+ hours a week and give my best. Every day. Day in. Day out.
I go home and take care of things there. Cooking. Cleaning. Upkeep.
I do volunteer stuff in my community. My time and my money.
I still help my adult children, and their grandchildren, whenever I can. I set up college accounts for the little ones and pay into it every month.
I pay my bills. I pay my taxes.
I take care of myself, physically, mentally, spiritually.
I own my house and most of my cars. Still paying on the newest.

So, fucktard, that’s what this “leftist” does.

Go lick donkey balls you maoist muppet
You don’t have to take my word for it, there are any number of studies that validate my claims. I read a few this morning.

Systemic racism in banking. Lending practices. Access to capital for business. Even home evaluations.

Systemic racism in the justice system. Harsher penalties for the same crimes as whites.

Educational structures, health care, on and on.

Now, some limey fucktard living in some 3rd world country will tell you I don’t know what I’m talking about because I live inna very white state. That’s true where I live. But I didn’t need to be alive when FDR was president to know that he was president. I can research and read. You can, too.

Try it.

People can make studies say anything they want them to if they have a predetermined outcome in mind or come to inaccurate conclusions if the study's methods are faulty.

Did any of these studies take into account the increased risk of financial loss to banks for lending to black people and businesses? Could that and not racism be why banks are hesitant to lend money to them?

Could lower home valuations be because nobody wants to buy homes or live in black neighborhoods because of the excessive violence and high crime rates?

Could the fact that per capita, blacks are much more likely to commit crimes or otherwise come into contact with the justice system be the reason more blacks are incarcerated?

Did the studies factor into the harsher penalties for blacks, the prior arrest records of the individuals they compared?

How about blacks' drop out rates and poor academic performance? Is that due to so-called "systemic racism" in the educational system, or is there a cultural problem within the black community that creates a lack of respect or concern for education?

The main question to be asked here is... why is the subject of blacks' own share of responsibility for their situations never broached, even in the quietest whispered in the media?

Things are rarely one-sided in real life.

There are always two sides to every story.
Now, some limey fucktard living in some 3rd world country will tell you I don’t know what I’m talking about because I live inna very white state. That’s true where I live. But I didn’t need to be alive when FDR was president to know that he was president. I can research and read. You can, too.

Try it.

I will say this re: how where you live affects you views on race.... living in a state where there are almost no black people, you don't get to see the same things on your local news day in and day out, that involve blacks'behaviors.

If you live in a state or metro area with a high black population, you'd have a much more complete view of issues in the black community.

I can tell you with complete honesty that here in Florida, not a week goes by without story after story after story about shootings and other criminal activity in black neighborhoods

Reading studies in books doesn't give you anything close to a complete picture.
I will say this re: how where you live affects you views on race.... living in a state where there are almost no black people, you don't get to see the same things on your local news day in and day out, that involve blacks'behaviors.

If you live in a state or metro area with a high black population, you'd have a much more complete view of issues in the black community.

I can tell you with complete honesty that here in Florida, not a week goes by without story after story after story about shootings and other criminal activity in black neighborhoods

Reading studies in books doesn't give you anything close to a complete picture.

The subprime meltdown was largely driven by loans, by the likes of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to people who had no hope of paying back.
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Your response has absolutely ZERO to do with what I posted and which you groaned at.

Sorry I meant to thank you, I was at a funeral yesterday and the wife of the deceased offered me some home grown ganga, holy fuck was that stuff powerful. Oh and that response should have been directed at post 46! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
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People can make studies say anything they want them to if they have a predetermined outcome in mind or come to inaccurate conclusions if the study's methods are faulty.

Did any of these studies take into account the increased risk of financial loss to banks for lending to black people and businesses? Could that and not racism be why banks are hesitant to lend money to them?

Could lower home valuations be because nobody wants to buy homes or live in black neighborhoods because of the excessive violence and high crime rates?

Could the fact that per capita, blacks are much more likely to commit crimes or otherwise come into contact with the justice system be the reason more blacks are incarcerated?

Did the studies factor into the harsher penalties for blacks, the prior arrest records of the individuals they compared?

How about blacks' drop out rates and poor academic performance? Is that due to so-called "systemic racism" in the educational system, or is there a cultural problem within the black community that creates a lack of respect or concern for education?

The main question to be asked here is... why is the subject of blacks' own share of responsibility for their situations never broached, even in the quietest whispered in the media?

Things are rarely one-sided in real life.

There are always two sides to every story.

Dude, I didn’t do the studies, so you’re going to have to get off your lazy ass and read them yourself. If you have a problem with their intent, methodology, assumptions or anything else, write them with those questions.

But, you will find, if you can ditch your own preconceived ideas for just a moment, that the valid studies account for all of those.
Dude, I didn’t do the studies, so you’re going to have to get off your lazy ass and read them yourself. If you have a problem with their intent, methodology, assumptions or anything else, write them with those questions.

But, you will find, if you can ditch your own preconceived ideas for just a moment, that the valid studies account for all of those.

Why don't get off your lazy arse and go somewhere where there are many blacks? Seattle, Portland, or San Franshitsco would fit the bill. Or if you're feeling really adventurous then south Chicago would be even better. Go up to some gang bangers and tell them that you've read some studies and feel their pain. I'm sure they'll love you.
What civil rights are you fairies being denied?

Have they made it illegal to wear dresses and Victoria's Secret slut panties while you suck other guys' dicks and buttfuck each other?

Have they made it illegal to swish around with your wrists limp and talking with a lisp?

Or are you just feeling bitchy because queers can't force straight artisans to make their products include endorsements of their queer lifestyle?

Tough shit.

It is painfully obvious to the entire reading audience that you are a repressed, bitchy closet faggot. Take your written porn and go find a fat truck driver to blow at a rest stop, you miserable bitch.
This is how I behave.

I go to work 40+ hours a week and give my best. Every day. Day in. Day out.
I go home and take care of things there. Cooking. Cleaning. Upkeep.
I do volunteer stuff in my community. My time and my money.
I still help my adult children, and their grandchildren, whenever I can. I set up college accounts for the little ones and pay into it every month.
I pay my bills. I pay my taxes.
I take care of myself, physically, mentally, spiritually.
I own my house and most of my cars. Still paying on the newest.

So, fucktard, that’s what this “leftist” does.

Good for you, man. Yakuda doesn't have a styrofoam cup to piss in, so he's jealous of you and lashing out like a toddler, as usual.
Dude, I didn’t do the studies, so you’re going to have to get off your lazy ass and read them yourself. If you have a problem with their intent, methodology, assumptions or anything else, write them with those questions.

But, you will find, if you can ditch your own preconceived ideas for just a moment, that the valid studies account for all of those.

Here is a study by Roland Fry who was suspended without salary by the Wokerati at for his research on trumped up sexual harassment charges.

Roland G. Fryer is a tenured professor of economics at Harvard — an anointed member of the elite by most definitions. He is also black, widely published and the recipient of numerous awards, including a MacArthur “genius” grant for his work on the black “achievement gap” in grade school. Fryer was a student of Nobel laureate Gary Becker and a close associate of other economists who focus on rigorous analysis of empirical data.

That’s led him to observations that were a bit unsettling to higher-education orthodoxies. For example, Fryer found that the academic achievement gap accelerates between kindergarten and eighth grade. He also found that, controlling for a few variables, the initial disparity disappeared.

“Black kindergartners and white kindergartners with similar socioeconomic backgrounds” achieved at similar levels. “Adjusting the data for the effects of socioeconomic status reduces the estimated racial gaps in test scores by more than 40% in math and more than 66% in reading.”

The number of books in a child’s household also made an appreciable difference. “On average, black students in the sample had 39 children’s books in their home, compared with an average of 93 books among white students.” Adjusting for that “completely eliminates the gap in reading” as children progress through first grade. These findings contradicted the standard view that black children are already locked into academic last place before they even reach school.

This is good news, in that it means the problem is not as intractable as it seemed. Or rather, it would have been good news to anyone who wants the racial disparity to disappear through interventions that are known to work.

But it was terrible news to activists who are invested in the idea that “systemic racism” explains everything. Socioeconomic standing and household reading, after all, can be improved.

Harvard cancels a black academic who debunked woke orthodoxy

March 25, 2022 7:21pm Updated
But it was terrible news to activists who are invested in the idea that “systemic racism” explains everything. Socioeconomic standing and household reading, after all, can be improved.

I have borrowed from Fryer’s 2006 article “Falling Behind: New evidence on the black-white achievement gap” for my summary. Fryer, however, was just warming up to further provocations against racial orthodoxy. He also decided to take a look at the data about police stops and shootings. He confirmed that blacks were more than 50% more likely than whites “to experience some form of force in interactions with police,” something that Fryer said was “the most surprising result of [his] career.”

But when it came to shootings, he could find “no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.” This flat-out contradicts the Black Lives Matter assertion that has been uncritically embraced by the academy, the press and numerous politicians who hold that police readily resort to deadly violence in dealing with blacks.

Fryer’s paper on this, “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force,” was written in 2016 and published in final form in 2019 in the Journal of Political Economy, well before George Floyd’s death ignited riots and a frenzied affirmation in academe that police are the agents of brutal, racially motivated oppression

From this, one might conclude that Professor Fryer had learned how successfully to kick over the traces of the liberal academic establishment. He was by no definition a conservative, but a kind of independent contrarian who was willing to go wherever the evidence took him. And for a while it appeared to have taken him to the heights of academic achievement. His work received a lot of criticism in places like The New York Times, but he also won substantial funding for his Education Innovation Laboratory at Harvard.

Then the bottom fell out.

I have no shortage of bottom-falling-out stories for academics. They are sometimes caught doing atrocious things, sometimes punished for speaking up against academic policies they disagree with and sometimes disciplined because administrators seem entranced with bizarre ideas. We are in academia, after all, where egos are fragile and reputational destruction is the favorite sport. Reputational destruction, of course, comes in two popular flavors: race and sex. Since Professor Fryer is black, you might expect the line of attack will involve sex, and you’d be right.

According to The New York Times, Professor Fryer was accused in 2018 of engaging in “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature toward four women who worked in the Harvard-affiliated research lab he created.”

I have no access to the details of the allegations, but Harvard did its work and came back with a report that amounted to a finding that he had flirted with a graduate student years ago, and that a woman he had fired found some of his language annoying. Naturally, these claims were stretched to their outer boundaries, but the initial faculty committee saw nothing of great moment.

In the #MeToo era, rules of double jeopardy don’t apply. Harvard decided to put the case before another tribunal — a secret one, but one that happened to include two black faculty members whose work had received some shade from Fryer’s academic writings. Sure enough, the second tribunal decided that Fryer had crossed all sorts of invisible lines.
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Dude, I didn’t do the studies, so you’re going to have to get off your lazy ass and read them yourself. If you have a problem with their intent, methodology, assumptions or anything else, write them with those questions.

I was waiting for something like that. I knew it was only a matter of time before your thin veneer of civility crumbled and the real you was exposed.

If you cannot even maintain a level of civility, why should I or anyone take anything you say seriously?

But, you will find, if you can ditch your own preconceived ideas for just a moment, that the valid studies account for all of those.

You talk about these studies you supposedly read but supply no links to or any rational cause and effect explanation or analysis of whatever it is they conclude.

So maybe what you really did, was skim over a few paragraphs and maybe got the gist of them, then claimed you studied them in depth.

At any rate, there's no proof they reached valid conclusions or weren't done from a biased perspective.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's lived with their eyes open over the past 50+ years, that black people have a lot of internal issues within their own community that only they can solve.

You cannot go along forever just blaming all their culturally based problems on racism and slavery which happened 200 years ago. At some point, somebody is going to have to begin a dialogue about what they themselves need to improve on today.

I think most people would like to help them if they'd only begin to admit they share a large chunk of the responsibility for their own problems.

Now see if you can respond to this without all the attitude.
It is painfully obvious to the entire reading audience that you are a repressed, bitchy closet faggot. Take your written porn and go find a fat truck driver to blow at a rest stop, you miserable bitch.

So then you can't tell us which civil rights you queer faggots have been denied?

I figured as much. :fu:
The term Woke is a clearly defined and accepted term promoting neo-Marxism, transgenderism, open-borders, diversity-above-all, inclusivity at the cost of anything else, killing off carbon energy and destroying most aspects of Western civilisation."

The term anti-Woke is a clearly defined and accepted term promoting neo-Fascism, homoerotic behaviors, white only nations, exclusivity of all that does not correspond to the Nazi view of life, killing off all that is undesirable, preserving the purity of the Aryan bloodline.
I was waiting for something like that. I knew it was only a matter of time before your thin veneer of civility crumbled and the real you was exposed.

If you cannot even maintain a level of civility, why should I or anyone take anything you say seriously?

You talk about these studies you supposedly read but supply no links to or any rational cause and effect explanation or analysis of whatever it is they conclude.

So maybe what you really did, was skim over a few paragraphs and maybe got the gist of them, then claimed you studied them in depth.

At any rate, there's no proof they reached valid conclusions or weren't done from a biased perspective.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's lived with their eyes open over the past 50+ years, that black people have a lot of internal issues within their own community that only they can solve.

You cannot go along forever just blaming all their culturally based problems on racism and slavery which happened 200 years ago. At some point, somebody is going to have to begin a dialogue about what they themselves need to improve on today.

I think most people would like to help them if they'd only begin to admit they share a large chunk of the responsibility for their own problems.

Now see if you can respond to this without all the attitude.

No chance, his 'tude is baked in.