Definition of Woke

The term anti-Woke is a clearly defined and accepted term promoting neo-Fascism, homoerotic behaviors, white only nations, exclusivity of all that does not correspond to the Nazi view of life, killing off all that is undesirable, preserving the purity of the Aryan bloodline.

See post 56
Well, the argument can be made that blacks themselves are responsible for their over representation in the criminal justice system.
That arguement is only made by the racist.

I know it's often blamed on poverty, but the system that is supposedly racist, has also bent over backwards to try to alleviate any inequalities by presenting blacks with opportunities available only to them by virtue of their ethnicity.
alleviate inequalities in a minute fraction of them, the rest miss out by virtue of their ethnicity.

But given the way society works today, I cannot believe that mixed race couples have a significantly harder time than same race couples.

Unless they live in some really backwards redneck neighborhood.
You mean conservative backwards redneck neighborhood like the south.

Most people just aren't like that anymore.
Right, most people, except for conservatives.

I do agree that there are some who seem to hate blacks, but there are blacks who hate whites too. Neither one is right, but I think a lot of the hatred of blacks by whites is the result of frustration from seeing the never ending violence and crime that plagues black neighborhoods and which is perpetrated by black men mostly against other black men, but sometimes against other ethnicities too.

Racists will always bring up violence in black neighborhoods perpetrated by blacks. It's what they do to insinuate they are inferior to themselves.

This is not racism you're reading from me.
The hell it isn't.
Bigots are pretty much the same thing as a racist. Racists look down on other races as inferior while bigots do the same to groups of people for whatever they happen to practice.

What civil rights are you fairies being denied?

fairies? You are a bigot, no different than a racist.

Have they made it illegal to wear dresses and Victoria's Secret slut panties while you suck other guys' dicks and buttfuck each other?

I take it they disturb you? You are a bigot, no different than a racist.
People can make studies say anything they want them to if they have a predetermined outcome in mind or come to inaccurate conclusions if the study's methods are faulty.

Did any of these studies take into account the increased risk of financial loss to banks for lending to black people and businesses? Could that and not racism be why banks are hesitant to lend money to them?

Could lower home valuations be because nobody wants to buy homes or live in black neighborhoods because of the excessive violence and high crime rates?

Could the fact that per capita, blacks are much more likely to commit crimes or otherwise come into contact with the justice system be the reason more blacks are incarcerated?

Did the studies factor into the harsher penalties for blacks, the prior arrest records of the individuals they compared?

How about blacks' drop out rates and poor academic performance? Is that due to so-called "systemic racism" in the educational system, or is there a cultural problem within the black community that creates a lack of respect or concern for education?

The main question to be asked here is... why is the subject of blacks' own share of responsibility for their situations never broached, even in the quietest whispered in the media?

Things are rarely one-sided in real life.

There are always two sides to every story.

Yup and you just elaborated on the racist side.
I will say this re: how where you live affects you views on race.... living in a state where there are almost no black people, you don't get to see the same things on your local news day in and day out, that involve blacks'behaviors.

If you live in a state or metro area with a high black population, you'd have a much more complete view of issues in the black community.

I can tell you with complete honesty that here in Florida, not a week goes by without story after story after story about shootings and other criminal activity in black neighborhoods

Reading studies in books doesn't give you anything close to a complete picture.

You believe all those statements you made here are true because those blacks are inferior to you, you don't get any more racist than that. Do you think the black child born to weathy parents in an upscale neighborhood is more likely to not pay rent, commit crimes, have previous arrest records or engage in violence? No, of course not. Those are more related to poverty and not race, you find the same thing in poverty stricken white neighborhoods
People can make studies say anything they want them to if they have a predetermined outcome in mind or come to inaccurate conclusions if the study's methods are faulty.

Did any of these studies take into account the increased risk of financial loss to banks for lending to black people and businesses? Could that and not racism be why banks are hesitant to lend money to them?

Could lower home valuations be because nobody wants to buy homes or live in black neighborhoods because of the excessive violence and high crime rates?

Could the fact that per capita, blacks are much more likely to commit crimes or otherwise come into contact with the justice system be the reason more blacks are incarcerated?

Did the studies factor into the harsher penalties for blacks, the prior arrest records of the individuals they compared?

How about blacks' drop out rates and poor academic performance? Is that due to so-called "systemic racism" in the educational system, or is there a cultural problem within the black community that creates a lack of respect or concern for education?

The main question to be asked here is... why is the subject of blacks' own share of responsibility for their situations never broached, even in the quietest whispered in the media?

Things are rarely one-sided in real life.

There are always two sides to every story.

If you believe the above is true because of the color of their skin then you just defined a racist pretty well.

“having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities”

in short, "woke" means totally oblivious.....

empirical evidence.....

this person believes he is woke...
xenophobic agenda.

this person believes he is woke...
They take their lead from the orange turd.

this person believes he is woke...

this person considers himself woke...
You mean conservative backwards redneck neighborhood like the south.
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That arguement is only made by the racist.

alleviate inequalities in a minute fraction of them, the rest miss out by virtue of their ethnicity.

You mean conservative backwards redneck neighborhood like the south.

Right, most people, except for conservatives.

Racists will always bring up violence in black neighborhoods perpetrated by blacks. It's what they do to insinuate they are inferior to themselves.

The hell it isn't.

Snoopy, you are clearly one of those who always screech the word racist when cornered. I love you guy as you have shredded the word racist to now have no meaning.
That arguement is only made by the racist.

alleviate inequalities in a minute fraction of them, the rest miss out by virtue of their ethnicity.

You mean conservative backwards redneck neighborhood like the south.

Right, most people, except for conservatives.

Racists will always bring up violence in black neighborhoods perpetrated by blacks. It's what they do to insinuate they are inferior to themselves.

The hell it isn't.

See response to next quote (below)...

Bigots are pretty much the same thing as a racist. Racists look down on other races as inferior while bigots do the same to groups of people for whatever they happen to practice.

fairies? You are a bigot, no different than a racist.

I take it they disturb you? You are a bigot, no different than a racist.

So IOW, based on your statements in your first post quoted above, you are a bigot and a racist.

Got it. :thup:

Yup and you just elaborated on the racist side.

You believe all those statements you made here are true because those blacks are inferior to you, you don't get any more racist than that. Do you think the black child born to weathy parents in an upscale neighborhood is more likely to not pay rent, commit crimes, have previous arrest records or engage in violence? No, of course not. Those are more related to poverty and not race, you find the same thing in poverty stricken white neighborhoods

Don't tell me what I think, sonny boy. You don't even know what you think.

Has it ever occurred to you that much of the poverty blacks experience is of their own making? From things like fathers abandoning the mothers of the children they created? There are comparatively very few poverty stricken white neighborhoods. And your assertion about the per capita crime rates is completely false. Besides, the entire concept of what constitutes poverty in this day and age in America is a slap in the face to people in third world countries who suffer REAL poverty. What constitutes poverty in modern America would be considered comfortable in many countries. These "po' lil' ol' niggas" you sob and wring your hands over live like kings compared to actual poor people. Cell phones, Nikes, govt subsidized roofs over their heads, free food on the table, education opportunity there for the taking, etc, etc, etc.

There is no excuse for the kind of criminal gang activity so many young blacks engage in.

It all comes back to the culture they grow up in. The culture of black, ghetto mentality.

You're just another apologist.

If you believe the above is true because of the color of their skin then you just defined a racist pretty well.

Your aversion to the truth and refusal to accept reality on this subject, indicates to me that you must be black.

Or maybe you're white and queer and you "date" black "boyfriends".
Snoopy, you are clearly one of those who always screech the word racist when cornered. I love you guy as you have shredded the word racist to now have no meaning.

Give him/her/it a break.

Being black and queer in today's world is bound to have made "him" all sassy and uppity.

Give him/her/it a break.

Being black and queer in today's world is bound to have made "him" all sassy and uppity.


Interesting how we are so alike in some ways and total opposites on others. Never fear, I will continue my attacks and expect you to do the same.
I have. Repeatedly. Take your playground tactics back to elementary school, you bitter toddler.


You have never listed one civil right queers have been denied.

If I'm wrong, then provide a link to a post where you've listed them.

I'll wait.
Why don't get off your lazy arse and go somewhere where there are many blacks? Seattle, Portland, or San Franshitsco would fit the bill. Or if you're feeling really adventurous then south Chicago would be even better. Go up to some gang bangers and tell them that you've read some studies and feel their pain. I'm sure they'll love you.

The studies stand regardless of where I live or visit. Or where you live or visit.

Not a very difficult concept. You seem to have trouble grasping that.
Good for you, man. Yakuda doesn't have a styrofoam cup to piss in, so he's jealous of you and lashing out like a toddler, as usual.

The right these days seem to think they have a corner on so-called “American values”, whatever the fuck they are.

Merely doing the right thing is an American value, is a human value.

What is NOT an American value? The chest thumping ‘Murica bullshit we’re seeing from the right these days.
I was waiting for something like that. I knew it was only a matter of time before your thin veneer of civility crumbled and the real you was exposed.

If you cannot even maintain a level of civility, why should I or anyone take anything you say seriously?

You talk about these studies you supposedly read but supply no links to or any rational cause and effect explanation or analysis of whatever it is they conclude.

So maybe what you really did, was skim over a few paragraphs and maybe got the gist of them, then claimed you studied them in depth.

At any rate, there's no proof they reached valid conclusions or weren't done from a biased perspective.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's lived with their eyes open over the past 50+ years, that black people have a lot of internal issues within their own community that only they can solve.

You cannot go along forever just blaming all their culturally based problems on racism and slavery which happened 200 years ago. At some point, somebody is going to have to begin a dialogue about what they themselves need to improve on today.

I think most people would like to help them if they'd only begin to admit they share a large chunk of the responsibility for their own problems.

Now see if you can respond to this without all the attitude.

No need for links, dude. Google is your friend. A simple search will give you plenty of articles and studies within seconds.

So, back to your lazy ass problem……
No need for links, dude. Google is your friend. A simple search will give you plenty of articles and studies within seconds.

So, back to your lazy ass problem……

Ha ha.

So funny when someone cites scientific studies they claim to have read, then refuses to provide links to them.

Why should I go searching the internet to help you validate your position with studies I don't believe to be valid anyway?

Besides, I have a much better study from which to form my views.

It's called observation of the real world.

Watch the local news from any major metropolitan area every day for years and years. You'll soon see that every single day these broadcasts include multiple reports of violence perpetrated by mostly young, black males against other young black males.

But again, you living in the lily-white world you inhabit, you're likely not exposed to the tiniest fraction of the number of such reports as we who live in areas are, with relatively high black populations.

I suppose I should give you a little bit of a pass based on that, but your own "lazy ass problem" is partly to blame for your ignorance and naivete on the subject.

In this modern internet connected day and age, you can take a few minutes every day to live stream or even just go to the websites of local TV stations across the country, and browse the videos of already reported news for that day or previous days.

Guarantee you'll find report after report after report ad nauseum ad infinitum, of blacks who've committed some kind of violent crime, or of some unsolved violent crime in a black neighborhood.

Ha ha.

So funny when someone cites scientific studies they claim to have read, then refuses to provide links to them.

Why should I go searching the internet to help you validate your position with studies I don't believe to be valid anyway?

Besides, I have a much better study from which to form my views.

It's called observation of the real world.

Watch the local news from any major metropolitan area every day for years and years. You'll soon see that every single day these broadcasts include multiple reports of violence perpetrated by mostly young, black males against other young black males.

But again, you living in the lily-white world you inhabit, you're likely not exposed to the tiniest fraction of the number of such reports as we who live in areas are, with relatively high black populations.

I suppose I should give you a little bit of a pass based on that, but your own "lazy ass problem" is partly to blame for your ignorance and naivete on the subject.

In this modern internet connected day and age, you can take a few minutes every day to live stream or even just go to the websites of local TV stations across the country, and browse the videos of already reported news for that day or previous days.

Guarantee you'll find report after report after report ad nauseum ad infinitum, of blacks who've committed some kind of violent crime, or of some unsolved violent crime in a black neighborhood.

You should search to relieve yourself of your willful ignorance.

We can try this from a different angle.

Climate change.

You live in Florida, I live in Idaho. Two different climates. If my weather seems cooler and yours much hotter, we can argue from our own particular perspectives whether we are experiencing climate change on a larger scale.

What we actually need to discuss the issue is someone who is able to analyze the data from a national or global perspective. Only then can we get the big picture.

You’re just focusing on your narrow view of the world, while I’m citing experts who are looking at it from a national perspective.

You can agree with THEM or not. I don’t give a shit. But your argument “I live among blacks, so I know better” fails from the get go.