Defying U.S., EU nears deal ending Cuban sanctions


The Force is With Me
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union states are nearing agreement on ending sanctions on Cuba in defiance of U.S. calls for continued pressure for democratic reform on the communist island, diplomats said on Tuesday.

Closed-door talks on the move are continuing as EU leaders host President George W. Bush for a farewell summit in Slovenia. EU foreign ministers could endorse the step at a meeting in Luxembourg next Monday, the envoys said.

The measures were imposed after a crackdown on dissent in 2003 and include a freeze on visits by high-level officials. They were formally suspended in 2005 but an outright abolition would be the EU's way of encouraging Cuba's new leadership after the February 24 retirement of Fidel Castro.

"The time could be right because of changes undertaken by Cuba's new leadership," said one EU diplomat. Signs of an opening include new rules allowing Cubans to buy cell phones, rent rooms in hotels once reserved for foreigners, and an increase in public debate.

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The US has already missed its chance to lead the world on Cuba and open dialouge .. now, we'll just be following the leaders.

Good, we should do the same, I want to vacation in Havana, plus it will end the suffering of those people.

The best way to promote change in a place like Cuba is to open it up to tourism and tourist money. THe closed regime of Castro would never survive the influx of western culture, being 90 miles from our shore.
Good, we should do the same, I want to vacation in Havana, plus it will end the suffering of those people.

The best way to promote change in a place like Cuba is to open it up to tourism and tourist money. THe closed regime of Castro would never survive the influx of western culture, being 90 miles from our shore.

the Cuban people aren't suffering, they are much better off than us... just ask Michael Moore.
There is nothing more idiotic than continuing failed "sanctions" that have clearly been an abysmal failure. Why does President after President continue this inanity?
We have flights to cuba now.
A well kept secret under a Republican admministration, but you can go there. Just more paperwork.
We have flights to cuba now.
A well kept secret under a Republican admministration, but you can go there. Just more paperwork.
Link us up.

I believe you are mistaking the fact that people take flights to Mexico and then over to Cuba for actual commercial flights to Cuba from the US.
It was on a show the other night about customs agents. Miama Has flights to Cuba.

simple google is your friend.
See I was right about this being a well kept secret :clink:
There is nothing more idiotic than continuing failed "sanctions" that have clearly been an abysmal failure. Why does President after President continue this inanity?

Because the single issue south florida cuban vote is an important block in a swing state such as ours.
Because the single issue south florida cuban vote is an important block in a swing state such as ours.
I'd lame-duck it out, even if I found it necessary to get the vote I'd drop the sanctions in the second term.
There is nothing more idiotic than continuing failed "sanctions" that have clearly been an abysmal failure. Why does President after President continue this inanity?

Because they don't want to be the "weak" one that "lost" to the Castros.

Kind of like the idiotic drug war.
American politicians have been held hostage by the percieved need for cuban votes. The cubans in Florida need to understand their side lost the revolution. It was the same side that lost the revolution in Russia and China. Losers don't get to dictate to the winners and the US has no business dictating terms on the losers behalf.
Yep but I am not going to past a link. If you are to lazy to google, or so sure I am wrong. you can keep on being wrong if you are determined to do that.