Defying U.S., EU nears deal ending Cuban sanctions

Good to know we're both having fun.

Without the embargos Cuba would be booming .. but even with the sanctions in place all these years, Cuba has made tremendous gains in medicine, education, and the overall health and well-being of its citizens. Cubans are far better off than under Batista.

Donkey shows didn't come from my mind, I've never seen one .. the trem comes from Cuban history and there are a great many people sensitive to any thought of the explotation of Cuban women .. but you're not getting that and I don't expect you to.

Sex tourism is a nasty and filthy practice in my opinion because not only do women get abused, so do children.

Cuba, freed of sanctions will be good to and for its people.

People can take joy in a culture and see beauty in people without exploitation or force. People can also have sex with people without seeking or forcing some sort of exploitation, they may even fall in love with people, or a person, from there and fall in love with their family and more open culture. They may look back fondly on that person, and wish that whatever came between them, that forced a distance between them, hadn't been.... but now I digress.

You quite easily sought the worst possible interpretation of my remarks because that is what you expect from me, you then pushed them onto me and began from that assumption to assume more about me. It wasn't "insult" that got me to where I am, it was surprise. I had thought you had some respect for my thoughts, as I had for yours, and you clearly showed you have none at all and are willing to dismiss any sort of past we have and assume the absolute worst of me. So be it. I know where you come from then. I still respect your thoughts, but now I know you have no respect for mine. You can let your mind go where you want, and I'll continue to explain my remarks so that people will know what I actually said and dismiss the assumptions.

I'm mostly surprised at myself for allowing some sort of expectation... Buddha told me to avoid those. *sigh* Boy am I not perfect!

As for Cuba, freed of sanctions, it would be much like Cuba today so long as the heavy grip of socialism would not allow them to maintain their own earnings. This is because it is clearly very easy to get around the sanctions. Shoot people can flaunt it, they come here to tell us about their trips.

It is simply unrealistic to assume that magic would transform them into something where the government doesn't control the means of production so poorly. While they would have some improvement, it would be limited by the government's role in production and profit would go to the government rather than those who worked to produce.

I do look forward to the time when we can seek some of their medical knowledge legally, but until then we can get it done by going around the sanctions, just as we do for vacations.
People can take joy in a culture and see beauty in people without exploitation or force. People can also have sex with people without seeking or forcing some sort of exploitation, they may even fall in love with people, or a person, from there and fall in love with their family and more open culture. They may look back fondly on that person, and wish that whatever came between them, that forced a distance between them, hadn't been.... but now I digress.

You quite easily sought the worst possible interpretation of my remarks because that is what you expect from me, you then pushed them onto me and began from that assumption to assume more about me. It wasn't "insult" that got me to where I am, it was surprise. I had thought you had some respect for my thoughts, as I had for yours, and you clearly showed you have none at all and are willing to dismiss any sort of past we have and assume the absolute worst of me. So be it. I know where you come from then. I still respect your thoughts, but now I know you have no respect for mine. You can let your mind go where you want, and I'll continue to explain my remarks so that people will know what I actually said and dismiss the assumptions.

I'm mostly surprised at myself for allowing some sort of expectation... Buddha told me to avoid those. *sigh* Boy am I not perfect!

As for Cuba, freed of sanctions, it would be much like Cuba today so long as the heavy grip of socialism would not allow them to maintain their own earnings. This is because it is clearly very easy to get around the sanctions. Shoot people can flaunt it, they come here to tell us about their trips.

It is simply unrealistic to assume that magic would transform them into something where the government doesn't control the means of production so poorly. While they would have some improvement, it would be limited by the government's role in production and profit would go to the government rather than those who worked to produce.

I do look forward to the time when we can seek some of their medical knowledge legally, but until then we can get it done by going around the sanctions, just as we do for vacations.

Your interpretation of my comment is all wrong and it wasn't said because I think the worst of you. I said it because I think sex tourism is vulgar and I'm sensitive to the sexual explotation of women and children that come from it.

Given the history in Cuba I would think you might be a bit sensitive to it as well, but maybe not.

Talking about "culture" as you say, would have been better stated by suggesting the Cuban people are more open to "experimentation", not just "good looking women."

I think no differently about you than I did before this latest flareup. I maintain the same level of respect I've always have and have stated many times. It doesn't matter what you think about me.

However, I think the idea of sexually repressed men flocking to Cuba or anywhere else to fulfill their fantasies is sick and vulgar.

Just my opinion.

Without the embargos Cuba would be booming .. but even with the sanctions in place all these years, Cuba has made tremendous gains in medicine, education, and the overall health and well-being of its citizens. Cubans are far better off than under Batista.


Sex tourism is a nasty and filthy practice in my opinion because not only do women get abused, so do children.

Cuba, freed of sanctions will be good to and for its people.

While there’s no doubt that political oppression exists in Cuba, there’s also no doubt that the Cuban people, on balance, are better off than they were under the authoritarian rightwing Batista regime. In terms of healthcare, education, and social safety net, they are light years ahead of many other Latin American countries. While their net living standards are appalling by the standards of developing countries, we need to own up to our responsibility: the American embargo has played a role in that. At any rate, political repression and totalitarianism are a hallmark of most Latin American countries, historically. And often, that oppression was not only tolerated by our government, but fostered and engineered by our government. I’ve never understood why Americans want to single out Cuba as this atypically horrid example of authoritarianism in Latin America…..

Well, actually I do. It’s because Cuba was a left wing authoritarian government; not a rightwing one. And Cuba is socialist, not proto-fascist. American multinational corporations could do business with Pinochet, in a way they couldn’t with Castro.

On the other tangent, I seriously doubt European and American men travel to developing countries on sex tourism vacations, simply because Latin American women are so sexually liberated and free. There’s a reason that sexual tourism is targeted at third world countries. If one simply wants to meet sexually liberated people, go to Iceland or Finland. Or Montreal, Canada. Or Manhattan, or San Francisco, for that matter. Maybe sexual repression is a problem in Alabama, but that’s a regional problem.

However, in Iceland or Finland a dude is going to be juxtaposed with women who are on relatively equal footing with you in terms of social status, income, power, and stature. There’s not going to be any weird power stratification. There’s not going to be any weird vibes or perceptions of inferiority or superiority. You’re not going to be able to leverage your money, your American citizenship, or your perceived superior social status to woo those women. Finnish women are not going to view you as the rich and powerful Norte Americano from the land of bounty and wealth. Those Finnish women will be your equals; they are not coming from a culture which historically has been viewed as a colonial possession. If a Finnish woman deems you worthy to sleep with, it’s because of your characteristics as a person. Not because of your citizenship, or because of any weird perceptions of your power, status or wealth. Honestly, it’s not really a well guarded secret why the internet is full of ads for mail order Filipino and Russian wives. You don’t see many offers for Swedish or Swiss mail order wives.

I can’t say anything about Cuba, never been there. But, I’ve traveled all over South America and women weren’t throwing themselves at me. And it’s not because I have body odor, or put out gay vibes like stuperfreak. Granted, I really wasn’t proactively trying to hook up or flirt with anyone; I had a gal back in the States. But, I think it can be problematic when rich Americans go to developing countries to hook up with poor women. Now, maybe if an American dude was partying in Bogata, with the rich Colombian women of the elite class that might be a whole other context. Those women would be more or less the equal (or superior) of any Rush Limbaugh tourist, and there wouldn’t be that weird colonial master/peasant girl vibe going on. Seriously, was the Viagra-addled Rush Limbaugh getting laid in the Dominican Republic, by the rich and powerful women from the elite class of Dominica? Or, was he was having sex with Dominican women from modest or poor backgrounds? We’re kidding ourselves if we dismiss the fact that European and American men go on sex trips to developing countries simply because the women are sexually liberated. There can be all kinds of economic, class, power, and cultural contexts going on whether we admit it or not.
They didn't stamp your Passport right? Just for a paper I am writing I need to know.

I don't know about anyone else but I got papers with my visa. I had to produce the papers at the airport. They took one of the papers and told me to keep the other one in my passport. No stamp. When I left they took the papers I'd kept. No stamp. Didn't fuss me either way because I'm not prohibited from travelling anywhere but I suppose the stamp would have caused me grief next time I visit the US.