“DEI Hire” is the new racial slur.

Her name wasn't on the ballot. We no longer vote for a VP. The VP is selected by the presidential candidate and it's a package deal when voting. You don't separately vote for a VP anymore.
No Shit Sherlock.

But, if you do not want the package deal, you do not vote for the package!

But anyway, that is Trump's problem now, as not many Republicans likes the package of Donnie and J.D.!

It seems the Democrats liked the package Biden/Harris, because Kamala was a part of it.

She has raised 200 million dollars in Campaign donations in one week,

Actually, I would expect her to be worse than Obama.

Biden makes bad decisions and is an idiot, dementia aside. Obama on the other hand, is great as an 'ideas' and pitchman but completely incompetent in carrying any idea out. He leaves, and expects, others to pick up the slack and do the heavy lifting. So, he can come up with some idea, and sell it, but then he needs people who can carry it out and that's his weak spot. He can't pick people who are competent with any degree of certainty, and cannot force others to carry out his idea.

For example he pitched Obamacare. Lots of excitement in the Democrat party and on the Left for it. They had a supermajority in Congress to get it passed. Then came actually writing the bill and passing it. Obama did none of that. He couldn't get Republicans onboard for it, and got his ass handed to him trying because now he had to produce actual results.
Others in the Democrat party wrote a bill that wasn't what the original idea intended, and the passage was barely accomplished. The passed bill was a disaster on roll out and everybody hated it. It cost Obama Congress and any goodwill he'd banked to that point. Great pitchman, lousy leader and manager. Hey, the world needs pitchmen too, and Obama is great at that. But that's all he's good at.

Harris on the other hand has little experience in any of the workings of legislative and executive governance and politics. That's not the realm of prosecutors, and as a Senator she was a total mess and flop. So, she can't pitch some idea effectively and whatever she decides needs be done she has no experience as a leader / executive in making it happen.
So, what you'll get is some half assed idea that she was sold on executed in a sloppy and disastrous way. She comes out looking like shit and her popularity declines precipitously. Given her personality, the outcome of that is her administration is utterly toxic and she flails to place the blame on others. Her poll numbers tank and that's that.
Congress gets handed to the Republicans and they start pounding her politically.
I’m in no way saying she should be President or would be a good President. I’m talking about the DEI claims and setting a very low bar. From a political strategy perspective that comes with risk.
The President of one of my firm's competitors is of Japanesse decent and is active on social media (LinkedIn). I've met him at a couple of events but I don't know him well. He regularly posts about new hires his firm makes. And probably a half dozen times (five of the peoples black) when he uses hash tags after the intro he say #diversity #equity #inclusion.

He'll post the person's picture so we can see what they look like. And there has been a big movement in CRE to diversify the industry. But I always wondered why he would state #DEI because it almost seems to imply these people were hired for that reason.

I'm not justifying the use of the term towards Kamala, but when people talk about and promote DEI and all that it entails you can't be shocked either when it gets used in certain ways.
When you call a qualified person of color a DEI hire, and you mean it as a insult, it is racist.
It's not about race, it's about competence. Saying someone is a DEI hire--be they a minority, female, handicapped, veteran, or whatever--is saying they weren't hired for their competence and ability but rather to fill a company quota, check a box on a government form, or some other stupidity.
I’ll throw this out there as well (since we’re talking about identity). Harris is half Indian. You know what racial group (including whites) has the highest earnings in America and the highest academic achievement? People of Indian decent.

Again, that doesn’t mean Harris should be, or would make a good, President. But there’s risk with the DEI talk.
it's just the new reality.

you can't lie forever.

socially promoting people means poorer performance in society, and "DEI Hire" being a legitimate concern.

karma is more instant than people imagine.
So was Vance a DEI hire? He has no executive experience.