“DEI Hire” is the new racial slur.

Who says it is a racial slur? You? You are the arbiter of what is and what isn’t a racial slur?

When penetration a term is effective in defining a Marxist they immediately cream racism thinking they will shut down debate
Sober up before you post again
I hear this term being thrown around by Trumppers, to describe any dark skinned person with a good job. Sick!
The armchair sociologist in me has always observed how mindless MAGA morons can be trained like monkeys to use acronyms and phrases invented by Rightwing media personalities.

They've been trained to use DEI, but will forget about it in six months like they did with CRT and SJW.
The armchair sociologist in me has always observed how mindless MAGA morons can be trained like monkeys to use acronyms and phrases invented by Rightwing media personalities.

They've been trained to use DEI, but will forget about it in six months like they did with CRT and SJW.
CRT, wokeness, SJW, Benghazi, her emails, Jade Helm, the Birther movement, tan suit, affirmative action, welfare queens, it's all the same shit. Just a buzzword to rile up the rubes who are too stupid to think critically. And when each one inevitably peters out they rush to Tucker or Hannity or any number of shitty podcasts in the grift-o-sphere to get their new marching orders.
I hear this term being thrown around by Trumppers, to describe any dark skinned person with a good job. Sick!
DEI is just another extension of racist policies like Affirmative Action. Our goal should be to not care about things like skin color rather than constantly putting attention on it.
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CRT, wokeness, SJW, Benghazi, her emails, Jade Helm, the Birther movement, tan suit, affirmative action, welfare queens, it's all the same shit. Just a buzzword to rile up the rubes who are too stupid to think critically. And when each one inevitably peters out they rush to Tucker or Hannity or any number of shitty podcasts in the grift-o-sphere to get their new marching orders.
The average lifespan of these acronyms and buzzwords mindless MAGA morons are trained to use is only about six months.
Yes, if it’s not racist why is it an insult?

Because you're melting down over the fact that you're losing this election.

It's just one stupid lie after another with you - usually the second lie contradicts the first - but you don't mind - just as long as you're promoting the party.