Democrat party anoints their leader...

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
DemocratIC, thank you very much.
A few years ago parties chose their candidates at conventions by delegates, and the delegates choose Harris
A few years ago? Try 1968, 56 years ago. Aside from that you are making an irrelevant appeal to history rather than what's going on now. I suppose next you'll tell us that the Democrats want to bring back slavery because it was done a "few years ago" too...
A few years ago? Try 1968, 56 years ago. Aside from that you are making an irrelevant appeal to history rather than what's going on now. I suppose next you'll tell us that the Democrats want to bring back slavery because it was done a "few years ago" too...
What's going on now bitter old geezer
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.

Still wailing and caterwauling that same stupid, out of tune, out of touch song I see....


Time to learn something new.
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
I don't know many members of my DEMOCRATIC Party who are complaining.
Apparently it's upsetting trumpanzees instead.