Democrat party anoints their leader...

In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
And this is a concern of yours because..........................?

In the Democratic Party, we pay a lot of respect to our incumbent leaders. We always give them the first shot.

Biden is still definitely the leader of our party as president, and when he made the decision not to seek re-election, he announced it and immediately endorsed his Vice President.

We also have a tradition, that during the Roll Call of pledged delegates during our National Convention, the two home states of our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates will pass, then goes near the end to pass the deciding vote to formally clinch the nomination.

The delegates of every state had the option to choose whomever they wanted, but this time were unanimous in their decision to select Kamala Harris as endorsed by Joe Biden. The Democratic Party also has 700 Super Delegates that could have voted for whomever they wanted, should they have had a problem with the 3800 pledged delegates selection.

The Super Delegates had no opposition to Kamala Harris and also unanimously chose Kamala Harris.

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This is old, Trump tried selling that bullshit weeks ago and it fell flat

Bad timing on his part. Now it's true.
Harris was voted the candidate by the elected delegates, by withdrawing, Biden freed his delegates to vote as they wanted, and they voted for Harris, unanimously, nothing “anti democratic” about that

Who elected the "Superdelegates?" Are you saying that the delegates elected in national Democrat primaries don't have to follow the wishes of the public and voters that selected them? Seems totally undemocratic to me.
It gets Democrat's panties in a twist when they have to defend what a bunch of authoritarian, dictatorial, bastards they really are.
After all, you're the authority on a party that shares none of your values, right TAG?
We don't have to defend jack shit.
We're happy.
Try to not let it kill you.
Harris is a near perfect Democratic Party Presidential Candidate for an America currently in a focused on BLM mode politics.

In 2020, she was an ideal Dem Candidate.

But in 2024, America has moved on from a BLM focus, to the primary issues being Conflict in Ukraine/Gaza, Border Control, Deficit Spending Control, Inflation, and recreating American Heavy Industry for the jobs and wealth creation. Mostly, in 2024, we need to cut costs (Illegals) and increase wealth generation and therefore tax revenue.

Trump is far, far from perfect, but in the areas that matter in 2024, he is clearly a better choice for the key issues facing the nation. Pragmatically, we only get two choices.

Harris would be a far better choice for more free stuff and special rights for Blacks.

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It gets Democrat's panties in a twist when they have to defend what a bunch of authoritarian, dictatorial, bastards they really are.
Actually NO!

We DEMOCRATS just know what we want, and know who best represents us, and who has the best chance at winning!

Perhaps you TRUMPTARDS should use that mentality before you select your candidate!

Right now, many Republicans have joined the Democrats in voting for Kamala- BECAUSE THEY REJECT TRUMP AND HIS TRUMPTARDS HI-JACKING OF THEIR PARTY and THE DIRECTION THEY WERE GOING IN!

No, it wasn't, any more than with the Hildabeast's nomination. As for liking it or not, that part is irrelevant. It's YOUR party that is putting up what amounts to royalty for President.

I do not have a party, TA. I am a registered Independent.

The Democrats had the right to select anyone they wanted to be their candidate. Joe Biden withdrew his name from contention and the Democrats selected Kamala Harris.

If saying they had no right to do so meets some need of yours...insist on it.

I don't mind laughing at you fools.
Actually NO!

We DEMOCRATS just know what we want, and know who best represents us, and who has the best chance at winning!

Perhaps you TRUMPTARDS should use that mentality before you select your candidate!

Right now, many Republicans have joined the Democrats in voting for Kamala- BECAUSE THEY REJECT TRUMP AND HIS TRUMPTARDS HI-JACKING OF THEIR PARTY and THE DIRECTION THEY WERE GOING IN!

These poor bastards really are suffering, aren't they.

Kinda fun to watch it.

They do it so publicly.
After all, you're the authority on a party that shares none of your values, right TAG?

We don't have to defend jack shit.

That's because your party doesn't stand for jack shit. Its only interest is in absolute power.
We're happy.

I doubt that given how you bitch and complain about everything and continually protest and riot. I'd say Democrats are the ultimate in unhappy people.
Try to not let it kill you.
I'll also try not to let the likes of the Left kill me either. They have quite the track record on doing that...
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
Wow, Michelle Obama must really be a man because she kicked Trump's fat ass up and down the stage like a black Hulk Hogan. LOL